Short Summary
"Dream & Smile" is a short indie film based on a real story. It shows a day of a young woman Anna from morning until late afternoon. The viewer follows her on the way to work, home and dream of having a better life. It is a story about one person, but at the same time about millions of people having a similar experience – difficulties immigrants face, self-realization issues, loneliness, happiness, and hope.
Why this project is important to ME
I’m the best person to tell this story because I’ve wrote it. I’ve had a similar
experience, so I can feel the protagonist and understand what she has and another girls/women like she been going through.
Why this project is important to YOU
The film’s script is based on a real story, which makes it more vivid, and it covers a few
actual topics:
● Immigration. There are millions of people all over the world moving from the Motherland to other states searching for a better, more interesting life. The experience all of the immigrants have is different but there are many similar difficulties. Being isolated from the common environment and in a need of money, trying to accumulate and being demanded as a professional are among them.
● experience is familiar to lots of people all over the world, it says “You are not
alone”. That is the first thing that makes it valuable.
● Sex work. I’d like to pay attention that this profession still exists, women’s bodies are still being viewed primarily as an object of male sexual desire.
● Self-realization to my opinion should be fulfilled as well as any other need. Sometimes there is no chance to do what people want when there is no one to share an idea with when there is no possibility to connect the internal world with an external one.
● ethnicity diversity/cultural exchange. It's not only about the screenplay but also about the team: the scenarists are women from Belarus and Russia and all the other team members are of different nationalities, ages, and gender. DREAM & SMILE's action does take place in a specific region, a specific city - New York the place that might be considered as the world center of various cultures and their representatives.
During the film, you would see many characters which will differ from each other. The
main protagonist is a young girl from Belarus, there will be another young character
but from Kazakhstan, as well as a Jewish man, Americans and a man from East Europe.
All these people were raised in different societies and even countries, they are men
and women, young and old, now living in one city and making it the way it is – bright,
big, and unique.
● Women/Youth Voice's. Even though we live in the 21st century and feminism seems to be one of the most popular are regularly used words in developed countries, women still need more rights
and the opportunity to say and cover the topics not mentioned enough before. We haven’t had much opportunity to tell our stories and I want to make my contribution.
● Social Justice. About this one I would like to talk after you will see my movie! I have to have some secret, isn't it?
Here is original budget pie chart. I really hope we can make at least half!
1,9% (500) - NEW! Green set (recycling service)
2% ($550) - Transportation (parking, taxis, van)
2,5% ($700) - Script (story, rights)
3,9% ($1200) - Craft Services
4,3% ($1300) - Insurance
5,8% ($1785) - Cast (9 actors)
5,8% ($1785) - Extras
6,3% ($1925) - Producer (budget (pre-production), production)
6,9% ($2100) - Locations
7,2% ($2200) - Post - production (editing, music, coloring)
25,5% ($7800) - Miscellaneous (props, wardrobe supplies, camera & light rentals, hard drive (DIT), contingency)
28,3% ($8640) - Crew (AD, PA's, Art Director, Costume Designer, HMUA, DP, AC, Grip, Gaffer, Sound)
Our Partners
ZEN Wear - most popular street wear fashion brand in Belarus. I am glad that you're going to wear their t-shirt with logo of my film because ZEN Wear is:
- Designer clothes
- Minimalism
- Natural materials
- Very high quality tailoring
- Lifetime clothing warranty
- Philosophy
therapy. - natural bath products made with love for your body and soul. I am preparing for you limited time perks. Be ready for limited winter offer!
Belarusians USA society - incredible informational support!
PAGONYA - Belarusian-american association. Informational support.
QUIZ PLEASE NY - informational support from intellectual intertaining battle.
The 100-168 West 121 st Street
Resident Block Association, Inc. - my block support
Belarusian Enlightenment League Of America (BELA) - informational and donors support
Special Thanks
Aleksandr Sangrod