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Dreamkeepers Volume 5: Assassin's Flaw

Unlock the 500+ page OMNIBUS hardcover, containing Vols 1-4, as you thrill to brand-new Volume 5.

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Dreamkeepers Volume 5: Assassin's Flaw

Dreamkeepers Volume 5: Assassin's Flaw

Dreamkeepers Volume 5: Assassin's Flaw

Dreamkeepers Volume 5: Assassin's Flaw

Dreamkeepers Volume 5: Assassin's Flaw

Unlock the 500+ page OMNIBUS hardcover, containing Vols 1-4, as you thrill to brand-new Volume 5.

Unlock the 500+ page OMNIBUS hardcover, containing Vols 1-4, as you thrill to brand-new Volume 5.

Unlock the 500+ page OMNIBUS hardcover, containing Vols 1-4, as you thrill to brand-new Volume 5.

Unlock the 500+ page OMNIBUS hardcover, containing Vols 1-4, as you thrill to brand-new Volume 5.

David Lillie
David Lillie
David Lillie
David Lillie
1 Campaign |
Monroe, United States
$106,980 USD by 778 backers
$94,665 USD by 653 backers on Nov 7, 2020

Shipping will be charged in CrowdOx, when you are filling out your survey for delivery.  We're rolling with a fulfillment service to score the lowest possible cost for you on each order, based on the unique collection of items being delivered.  Scroll way down, and we have weight estimates & shipping tables so you know what to expect. 

We've had our share of obstacles, from being hit by a truck, to hard drive crashes to a fire torching our inventory (and an entire 3-story apartment building.)

But none of that stopped us from delivering thousands upon thousands of books, as Dreamkeepers branched into tabletop games, plush, a spinoff novel, and more.  All due to the support of spectacular readers.  A massive thanks to all of you!

Newcomers, you can catch up free on our website. 

Now we're ready to share the next exciting installment of the story- scroll to choose your favorite rewards, and contemplate which faction will win your allegiance.

Whew- that's some fantastic stuff.  But together, we can make it even better!


The Impact

Will you find gorgeous limited edition items in your mailbox due to in this campaign?  Yes- but you'll be doing more than that.  

Dave & Liz have been creating Dreamkeepers independently through their company, Vivid Publishing, for over a decade.  No trust fund, no angel investors- we started with literally nothing but paper and pencil.   

Relentless creative drive has led us here, to full-time production on our own creator-owned series.  

But two sets of hands can only do so much.  We have enough to get  by- but with the revenue to pay more artists and contributors, the Dreamkeepers video game can enter viable development, as book production accelerates.  And what's more, Vivid can shake to life, and give more authors the same chance it gave us.

The chance to connect readers with unique original content- no matter how hard established industry gatekeepers try to prevent it.

Vivid's credo is Read what you want.  Think what you want.  Cut free, and Be Vivid.

We want to create a market for everyone- where authors can be authentic, create from the heart, and readers are not vilified, but celebrated.  We can create the content- but only you can decide how much that matters.


Risks & Challenges

There's still some work to do:  115 of 132 Volume 5 pages are complete.  That leaves about 17 to go- but making comics is what we do, and I'm confident there will be no problem in popping the champagne cork on production.  After all, smack in the middle of Volume 4 production is when a fire devastated our entire life, and we didn't stop for that.  

Potentially we could have suppliers go out of business, but we have several printers we've worked with in the past, which provides options in the event of 3rd party logistical problems.

Whatever happens, you'll be fully updated and in the loop every step of the way.

Other Ways You Can Help

Please share this campaign.  Social media algorithms cater to the big guys, and bury folks like us.  Our only shot at growth is if people who enjoy our work are willing to show it to others- so please take the time to call someone up.  If you think there's value in what we do, share it with someone who can genuinely find enjoyment in a unique new creator-owned fantasy world.  You can notch the achievement of being the one who introduced them to their new favorite series.




Shipping is charged later, in early spring when your survey is completed in CrowdOx and the weight of your shipment (including add-ons) is finalized.   To get an idea of what to expect, here are the current fulfillment center postage rates, as of September 2020.  Packing materials and handling will likely add a couple dollars to the total.

Estimated weight for key reward items:

Volume 5 'Assassin's Flaw' Hardcover book:  1lb 14oz

Vols 1-4 Omnibus Hardcover Collection: 5lb 9oz

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Choose your Perk

(1) Digital Adventure

(1) Digital Adventure

$15 USD
Download Dreamkeepers Volume 5 in 132 full-color hand-drawn glittering high resolution pages that you own forever. New to the saga? Read the first four volumes free at Plus bring your reading experience to life like never before with a full musical score orchestrating an unforgettable immersive experience.
Included Items
  • Volume 5 PDF Download
  • Volume 5 Soundtrack Download
  • Desktop Wallpaper
Estimated Shipping
January 2021
95 claimed
(2) Volume 5 Hardcover

(2) Volume 5 Hardcover

$40 USD
Make the leap into the physical world with the full color Hardback edition of Dreamkeepers Volume 5. When your guests discover this otherworldy tome on your coffee table, watch as they too become enthralled with all 132 full-color high resolution 8.5 x 11 pages full of unparalleled hand-crafted fantasy imagery and unforgettable characters.
Included Items
  • Volume 5 PDF Download
  • Volume 5 Soundtrack Download
  • Desktop Wallpaper
  • Volume 5 hardcover 1st edition
  • Vi bookmark
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
197 claimed
Ships worldwide.
(3) Faction Insider

(3) Faction Insider

$80 USD
Decide the fate of Anduruna. Tip the balance of the Dream World by throwing your support behind the faction you want to see emerge victorious. Fly their colors and symbols proudly at Dreamkeepers meetups and conventions. Includes every item from Perk 2, PLUS:
Included Items
  • Character Color Sticker pack
  • Faction jumbo membership card
  • Faction bookmark
  • Faction enamel pin
  • Faction sew-on clothing patch
  • Faction Hardcover Journal
  • Faction Fridge Magnet
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
53 claimed
Ships worldwide.
(4) Bookworm special

(4) Bookworm special

$125 USD
Tomes filled to the brim with mystic tales that would easily enthrall any viscount's studious daughter. This perk brings you the most book for your buck, focusing exclusively on story content- and one Lilith bookmark.
Included Items
  • Volume 5 PDF Download
  • Volume 5 hardcover 1st edition
  • Lilith bookmark
  • Volumes 1-4 Omnibus hardcover
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
168 out of 2500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
(5) Omnibus Treasure Seeker

(5) Omnibus Treasure Seeker

$175 USD
Complete your collection with the SUPERMASSIVE 500+page Dreamkeepers Omnibus beside your new V5 hardback, hot off the press. Own a 1st edition of the adventure from the beginning, signed by the creative minds behind it all, Dave & Liz. Wear your faction pins and hang out with us wherever Dreamkeepers fans are gathered! (Includes all Perk 3 items.)
Included Items
  • Volumes 1-4 Omnibus hardcover
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
107 out of 800 of claimed
(6)Omnibus Silver Sketchmaster

(6)Omnibus Silver Sketchmaster

$205 USD
Personalize your volumes with a surprise silver sharpie sketch of a dreamkeepers character done right inside the cover drawn and signed by none other than the man himself, David Lillie. Let fate take shape when you open your story for the first time and discover what's lying just beneath the surface. (Includes the downloads & items from Perk 3)
Included Items
  • Volumes 1-4 Omnibus + sketch
  • Volume 5 hardcover with sketch
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
110 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
(8) Everlasting Art

(8) Everlasting Art

$1,100 USD
Have your OC immortalized in the Volume 1-4 Omnibus. A pencil commission of your character will be featured in the book intro, PLUS delivered to you on a flowing custom 60x90 cm wallscroll. This perk also features the 3-D printed hand-cast magnificent Indigo resin figurines, an exclusive limited production run. (Includes all Perk 7 items)
Included Items
  • 3D-printed Indigo figurines
  • Pencil art of OC in Omnibus
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
Only 1 left
(7) Golden Memento Master
sold out

(7) Golden Memento Master

$540 USD
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
30 out of 30 of claimed

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