Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
This campaign is closed
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
Do you really want to live the Dreamlife?
We’re a team of passionate filmmakers who truly love film and bringing stories to the screen. We believe Dreamlife has got the potential to be successful and translate into something new and original.
"Dream - life"
We all share the same desire of living a better life. We’re never truly satisfied with what we have. We always seek something bigger or the missing piece to the jigsaw. Imagine someone offers you a way to experience the full aptitude of life, A chance to experience an immersive world of the perfect life. Would you apply?
This film touches on controversial topics that split opinions which is seen in the character of Russell and the starting point to the origination behind the idea of Dreamlife’s storyline.
Our influences have come from surrealist painter Magritte and Freud, Edward Hopper and various philosophical literature, we want to mimic an entire world on screen, to fully commit to Russell's journey of living a lucid dream.
We are all film students from the University for the Creative Arts in Surrey. This is our final year at university and one of our last projects, we can't wait to put all our passion and individual talents together to bring this story to life
All team members have invested a substantial amount of money towards the project, We need your help to really make this film the best it can be.
This film requires extensive planning and development to flourish and to make it truly believable we need funding. Vital aspects of the production cannot be carried out without our full budget that is where your contributions will help make the film happen.
With the money we will invest it straight into the film, sharing the profits into various departments, these are the main areas in which the money will go into
- Production design
- Camera department
- Catering
- Transportation
- Festival submissions
The futuristic aspect of the film is a big factor, we want to make it as believable as possible, Your generous contributions would go towards helping us recreate and bring this world to life.To make this we need a further £1000 to finance the film alongside our own contributions.
We appreciate all the support we generate through indiegogo so as a way to show this we will offer incentives in the form of perks for our contributors, from thank you cards to actual props from set!
Time costs money and we have a small window in which to raise our funds before the production commences, we are currently on target with the film but now we’re reaching out to the public to take us further towards our goal.
It’s our last chance to be ambitious and challenge ourselves with our degree; we’ve all made a commitment to the project and look forward to seeing it through to success.
Every donation helps us get closer to achieve our goal!
After you donate please don’t forget the best way of helping us is simply sharing on your social media platforms, one share could mean an extra contribution and one more step forward ahead!
On behalf of the Dreamlife crew we thank you very much for taking the time to read our campaign
From a contribution to a share we are very grateful, its all a massive help and we can't wait to put all raised to good use and make this film a success
Update will be happening as the project develops so please do come back and check up on us.
Thank you
Dream-life crew X