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Drive All Day book

Help me raise money for my third book, a collection of essays and stories from the road.

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Drive All Day book

Drive All Day book

Drive All Day book

Drive All Day book

Drive All Day book

Help me raise money for my third book, a collection of essays and stories from the road.

Help me raise money for my third book, a collection of essays and stories from the road.

Help me raise money for my third book, a collection of essays and stories from the road.

Help me raise money for my third book, a collection of essays and stories from the road.

Jamie Anderson
Jamie Anderson
Jamie Anderson
Jamie Anderson
4 Campaigns |
Ottawa, Canada
$1,994 USD $1,994 USD 25 backers
59% of $3,370 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

I'm a musician, teacher, and writer. I've toured for over 30 years, produced 12 albums, published 2 books, and written  200 plus magazine articles and blog posts.

Please help me publish my third book, Drive All Day. It's a continuation of my first memoir, Drive All Night. This collection of true-life stories shows what it’s really like for a working musician. Only Taylor Swift gets her own jet.

I rant about Spotify who paid me ten cents one quarter. I tell you about a gig at a hospice where they didn’t want soothing instrumentals and candlelight but upbeat Beatles music. There's the show where a woman climbed on stage with me and threw pennies at me. I include reviews of women's music festivals, and a chapter about the Head Lesbian, Alix Dobkin. 

I'm a guitar teacher, too, even though any image search engine will tell you that guitar instructors are all young guys leaning over a smiling woman who can’t possibly know how to form a G chord without his manly instruction. On my popular YouTube channel where I teach, viewers ask about lesson details; they also want to know if I'm married and tell me I'm pretty. There are thousands of men who teach online and not one of them is told that the blue in his shirt matches his eyes.

It’s not all about music, like the chapter about a ride from a New York City airport. It wasn't until we were doing seventy down the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway that I realized he wasn't really an Uber driver. Fortunately, he didn't murder me and throw me alongside the highway; in fact, he turned out to be a nice guy.  I also include a story about my walk through a Canadian winter to get to a twice-weekly yoga class. Even when it's below zero, there is much beauty. 

I give you behind-the-scenes stories about my last book, An Army of Lovers; it took 8 years to write and research. I was honored to interview women like Holly Near and Mary Watkins. 

With so many self-publishing platforms, I decided to publish Drive All Day myself. I figure if I can produce twelve albums, I can certainly do this. 

What I Need and What You Get

My budget:

$4027.54              Book Baby -- formatting, printing, distribution, ISBN, and general hand-holding

     250.00             editing

     500.00             promotion and misc.


I'll get 250 paperbacks and unlimited eBooks. They'll be available in stores, online, and at my concerts. I've included miscellaneous expenses because as I learned with producing albums, there are always unanticipated things that come up. I've never self-published so as far as I know, I may have to pay my own airfare when I get booked on The Tonight Show. 

If you fund me, you'll get cool perks: copies of Drive All Day before anyone else (paperback or eBook), CDs or downloads of my original music, and music lessons. 

If I don't raise all the funding I'll print fewer copies or use free promotion. If I raise more than my budget, I'll get additional copies printed, spend more on promotion, and book first class airfare when I do The Tonight Show. (I'm kidding about that last one but hey, it's a sad dog that doesn't wag her own tail.)

The Impact

How often do we hear from lesbian singer-songwriters who've toured for over thirty years?

I'll wait.

Our voices are important. And you know how singer-songwriters are. We can't help but talk about ourselves. Fortunately, it's done in a poignant and sometimes funny way. If you know my previous books and music, I'm not above writing a marriage proposal to Rachel Maddow or engaging MAGA supporters on a New York City street even though the straight folks beside me fearfully said they couldn't do it.  I am lesbian, hear me roar. 

My fans have always been supportive. Since the eighties I've raised thousands of dollars for my albums and I've sold over 20,000 of them. I sold several hundred copies of my earlier books and I'm sure I'll do at least that with Drive All Day.

Here's what writer Dorothy Allison (Bastard Out of Carolina) said about my last book: 

“I stood in those crowds, sang along with Meg Christian and Casse Culver and women who played rock & roll and bluegrass and all the music that echoed in my bloodstream. Jamie Anderson has caught the lightning and put it on the page.”

I aim to catch some more lightning. 

Other Ways You Can Help

If you don't have the dough to help I get it, believe me. Letting people know about my new book can help, too -- post on social media, tell your friends, and drop flyers from airplanes. 

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Currency Conversion $4 USD $5 USD (28% off)
$5 CAD
You'll get a personal thank you from me.
Included Items
  • Thank you.
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $11 USD $14 USD (25% off)
$15 CAD
You'll get an eBook before it is available to the general public.
Included Items
  • eBook
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
3 claimed


Currency Conversion $18 USD $21 USD (16% off)
$25 CAD
Get a paperback before it's available to the general public.
Included Items
  • Paperback
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
7 claimed
Ships to European Union, Canada, United States of America
eBook & paperback

eBook & paperback

Currency Conversion $21 USD $25 USD (14% off)
$30 CAD
Get an eBook and a paperback.
Included Items
  • eBook
  • Paperback
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
1 claimed
Ships to European Union, Canada, United States of America
Book & recordings

Book & recordings

Currency Conversion $42 USD $71 USD (40% off)
$60 CAD
Get an eBook or paperback -- your choice -- plus every Jamie Anderson CD still in print: Songs From Home, The Truth Appears, Dare, and Listen. Want downloads instead? That can be arranged too.
Included Items
  • eBook
  • Paperback
  • Original recordings
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
2 claimed
Ships to European Union, Canada, United States of America
Online music lesson and book

Online music lesson and book

Currency Conversion $49 USD $71 USD (30% off)
$70 CAD
Get an ebook or paperback of Drive All Day before the general public. Also, get an hour-long online music lesson on guitar, ukulele or mandolin.
Included Items
  • eBook
  • Paperback
  • lesson
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Books and recordings

Books and recordings

Currency Conversion $141 USD $176 USD (20% off)
$200 CAD
Get an eBook and a paperback of Drive All Day before they are available to the general public. You'll also get paperbacks of my first two books, Drive All Night and An Army of Lovers AND all of my original recordings still in print. Want them signed? I can do that!
Included Items
  • eBook
  • Paperback
  • Original recordings
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
2 out of 5 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Canada, United States of America
Books, music, lesson

Books, music, lesson

Currency Conversion $705 USD $1,058 USD (33% off)
$1,000 CAD
This is the grandmama of all perks! You'll get an eBook and paperback of Drive All Day before it's available to the general public. Also included are all of my recordings in print (CDs or downloads), my personal thanks, and an hour-long music lesson via Skype (guitar, ukulele, mandolin or songwriting). Let me know if you want anything signed!
Included Items
  • Thank you.
  • eBook
  • Paperback
  • Original recordings
  • lesson
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
1 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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