Recruitable pilot survey is ready now. We provide the first 30 Visor Pilot Avatars for your choice. All backer who has backed the perk from 50 USD and upper will received the email today(29th JUN).
Don't forget to naming your pilot and write his biography. We set the final date of the survey in this 31 August 2019. However, We provide the survey form base by google. The system allows our backer to adjust the writing until the expiration date.
Let see some example of choose-able pilot avatars. You can check more of them in your backer survey!
Now we still only have one Avatar for the lady visor pilot but we will add more lady artworks into the survey very soon.
During the time before the final date. We will expand the details about the "Bridge Menu System" and some part of Story, "The Factions". This is the warming up before your pilot creation. The new update will set in this July. We will do the best to make it great!
Hi pilot, we keeping to dispatch the new update shorter. Still the rollout of new assets and also some animated scene for the first mission. Let see the progress we want to tell you, all pilots!
A set of melee weapon, knuckle (KN). Many types of their front part are the main point of this weapon Chainsaw, Hydraulic Clamp, And heat rotor blade. They will bring the different damage casting on the enemy unit. Some of them will place into your mech shop on the Beta version. Yes, also drop from some enemy.
Not only three preview above, but Pile bunker also right here. We call it's Pile Knuckle and his friend's Knife and Stun type. Some motion screenshot of their action is coming. Keep following our update on our FB and twitter!
Turn Based Strategy X Action
Pilot your mech and keep a tactical play by turn based system. The system is the combination between 2 types of gameplay.
Giving the player experience of the pilot themselves and at the same time, the player needed to think about the tactic and strategy. Making the reaction, management of resource and awareness of the mission extremely important.
Tactical humanoid Vehicle (THV) "DUAL GEAR"
First Gigantic Mech Boss TRINITY GEAR!
*TRINITY GEAR is a robotic vehicle with double DUAL DRIVE devices! Produced with very large size compare to other DUAL GEAR! Equipped with massive and heavy weapon!
About DUAL GEAR Mech!
DUAL GEAR is the 6 meters humanoid vehicle for military tactical developed side by side with astronaut robotic technology from the biggest worldwide cooperation of space development organization to built the orbital energy station "Gaia Belt"(also known as the Gaia Belt project). Trinity Element(TEC), the company associated with the most powerful government produced the first dual gears squad for space orbital defend (Call Orbital Gear at the first) until Gaia Belt was attacked by unidentified terrorist. TEC make the decision to deploy the Orbital Gear squad to intercept the terrorist. Despite their impressive effort, the Gaia Belt is heavily damaged. After the incident, the Orbital Gear evolved into Dual Gear, a surface tactical unit. TEC begin mass producing DG and sold them to the client worldwide, including the PMC.
Movement SystemDual Gear used original movement inspired from Japanese mecha Anime. Several movement will remind you of several classic Japanese Mecha Anime.
The game uses GP gauge as the energy for the mech to move. movement such as the regular move to location, dash and boost will consume the GP gauge. When depleted, the unit won't be able to move anymore that turn.
Combat System
The attack system of DUAL GEAR is a mixed of real-time shooting and quick performance(skill, etc) cut scene.
The game uses a system called Action Skill, which is a combined of two elements. First is the action point(AP), the other is the Generator Output(GP). Every skill will have their own requirement to activate.
for example, the weapon that has huge damage output or ability to hit multiple targets will need 1 or 2 action point and a lot of GP to activate.
Like basic classic TBS game, the combat system included the range and percentage accuracy. Both are related with pilot status and any weapon equipped. Skill may have an effect on them too, increasing or decreasing the accuracy, making more damage or have more chance to get a critical hit.
Turn by turn and unit by unit
From the third-person perspective gameplay, the important of the system is how to order multiple units in the squad. The game limited the of the movement and attack by GP gauge and action point. While the unit is moving, the enemy within range will attack the player unit. The attacking will stop when player mech stops moving, this opens the player to plan out a strategy. Should we attack another enemy or move to the new position again before changing the unit or ending turn. This system made squad and resource management extremely important.
All skill come from the weapon. The player will get the skill from any weapon equipped, which can easily be assign into the skill wheel. As the pilot become more experience, they will unlock new skills. All DG unit have a capacity to attach 4+1 weapon included L arm ,R arm, L shoulder, R shoulder and plus with some backpack have a weapon built in. Try out the Pre-Apha demo if you want to know how any weapon work!
See how to equip skills !
Example ingame weapons.
Damage System
DUAL GEAR has a durability system set by AP&CP gauge. AP gauge is Armor Power. This is the durability of outer armor. CP gauge is Core Power. it's mean the durability gauge of the inner frame. AP is the first protection before CP when AP is 0, Outer armor will be destroyed. After that the part will have only CP to received damage. The parts will be destroyed when the CP are depleted.
All part and armor are destroyable. When they do, they will have several effect to the unit to the unit. For Example, when the mech lost a right arm, you will also lose the ability to use the weapon on that arm. If the leg has taken a lot of damage, the movement will be slow and consume more GP than normal.
Hangar System
Hangar mode is the command center of your mech squad. Upgrade & Build your squad, custom your unit, mission briefing, and find the secret story from here. The hangar will evolve (DG part in store, mission quest or etc) depend on your location of the mother base (there are several scatter around the world). Let see the detail below about this game mode.
Mech Customization
DUAL GEAR let the player custom their own mech and team. Every DG is composed of five main parts, The Main Camera(Head), Cockpit, Arms, Legs and Back Pack. Each part have unique initial status and role in the game. As an example, the high weight Legs have a higher durability and resistant value. However, it will slow the DG movement down and use a lot of GP when that mech move.
See the how to coloring your DG!
The player can custom the color, add pattern and camouflage of the DG part by part. Don't forget to choose your emblem and become the ace right now!
Carrier System
The carrier system is very necessary for all mission, as it is the way the squad enters the battlefield. Some mission will need a land carrier like a big trailer, air carrier to enter the ocean battlefield or The orbital carrier for the space battlefield. There will be at lease 10 type of the carrier player can choose from. Every carrier will have different stat and ability, DualGear capacity they can carry and even support fire abilities.
Mission System
The game encouraged the player to discover and unlock mission around the world.
Every mission will be replayable, in order to discover new part, secret intel, and hidden story line. The player can also set a handicap for the mission for higher rewards and EXP.
Pilot Recruit System
As a commander of one of the PMC, it is crucial on recruiting pilot. Through the command center around the world, you can recruit experienced and skillful pilot. Every pilot can gain EXP and LV up, gaining skills and abilities as well. The better your pilot is, the stronger your squad become.
Tactical Negotiation System
This is one of the ideas we are planning to add in the future. When the enemy unit surrendered and is in the white flag condition. The play will be able to attempt to recruit them into your pilot. There will also be chances of getting new parts from negotiation too. The negotiation is counted as Action Skill.
Dual Drive (Deva Drive or CSD)
The system helped the pilot to control the DG. The DD, a device base on quantum computing, worked directly with pilot conscious. The process 90% mapped the human brain, allowing the pilot to be more efficient with the DualGear. This system is related to the chain combination attack that we will release more detail soon.
The key features of the game for initial goal.
- Story campaign & 30 hours to play.
- 30 Missions for story campaign with replayability. Several other submissions.
- Unit & Squad customization.
- 30 original mech ! and over 100 parts!
- 60 type of weapons.
- Super Weapons!
- Carrier System
- Armor & Part Break System
- Character development system.
- Action skills & Passive skills.
- Chain combination attack.
- Huge Mech Boss.
- Space Combat system.
- Initial language EN, JP, TH
DUAL GEAR is set in 2064, The new beginning of space innovation. The new energy source was discovered in space. Most powerful nations of the world and various astronautic organization integration to build the largest structure on the earth orbit call Gaia Belt, the photonµwave energy receiver station from the moon power plant.
Gaia Belt project affect the astronautic robotic technology greatly, hasten the development of the astronautic development. 2101, the first phase of Gaia Belt is completed and the testing of the microwave receiver begun. Then an unidentified terrorist attack the station. Despite a heroic attempt of the Orbital Gear squad to intercept the attack, the station was heavily damaged. The attack destroys part of the station, causing it an explosion. The explosion causes a chain reaction, destroying several other orbital structures and falling into Earth. The incident leaves behind ruin atmosphere and severe destructive outcome on Earth. The world would need 100 years to recover from this incident.
TEC blame the other organization as being too weak and force them out of the space program. They leave the astronautic development behind and turn to focus on more militaristic development instead.
DUAL GEAR is the result of the Gaia Belt incident. TEC began selling the war machines to military around the world.
The character system of the game will show the player with 2D artworks. First let see your operators girls!
In Dual Gear, their will be at least three mother base! On each motherbase, their will be one operator assigned each! The mission outcome will have effect on how the operator react to you. Good result and following her advice would unlock weapon and several item for you! They will also play an important role in the game story too! They might even join you on the battlefield!Also let see the common pilot artwork here!
Who's want to become our soldier! Alright, We start update about Artworks first. The Visor Pilot !
These are some the exclusive Artworks for the backer who chooses the "Digital Visor Pilot" Perk. We will have at least 30 exclusive artworks for you. More will be updated shortly. We hope you like them.
This perk will let you become the recruitable pilot in DUAL GEAR, with an exclusive self-biography. You will also get to set the pilot stat too. If we reach the first initial goal, We will make your pilot artwork, camouflage and emblem into personal Avatar for the multiplayer mode.
Please follow DUAL GEAR! We will release a main characters after campaign end!
We have an initial goal for 30 type of mech player can use. we'll keep updating the new mech as soon as possible here!
First look of the gigantic mech boss!
See the world of DUAL GEAR by concept arts.
We need your help to make the game better!
This is a reason for us about this crowdfunding campaign.We choose the flexible funding because we are the small size company but run a full-time development with little budget and lack of resource to finish this game. Your support will allow us to improve the game, as well as developed for all platform at the same time. We hope to make this game as best we can for you all. As well as your support we appreciated any feedback you give us as well.
- If we made the initial goal, all feature presented will be available to any platform.
- Improve the graphic quality better and more solid gameplay.
- improve and polish game script narrative because we focus on developing better game play. We need more for a better game narrative.
- Great BGM and Voice Over.
- Worldwide Localization
$15: Entry to the cockpit! (From Release price $19.99)
Early Bird Edition Digital Copies + 400 dpi Digital Posters + Digital OST
After we got a Greenlit we added steam key to all perks! Please see whats you get below!
1.Steam Key and Steam Early Access! Yes, you'll get the key whe early access ready and get all update ultil full game release!
2.DRM-Free copy! This one is initial game edition we set before greenlit. You also get this one!
3.Console platform on your choice! Choose one between PS4 and Xbox One. You will get the code when game release!
4.Digital Posters & Digital OST
Yes! all higher perks you will get 3 editions of the game too!
$20: Recruited Soldier!
Digital Copies + 400 dpi Digital Posters+ Digital OST+ Digital Artbook+ Digital Strategy Guide Book
Everything above and get digital Artbook and digital strategy guide book exclusive for backers. the book include a data of DG, pilots, skill and mission data!
$30: First Enemy Contact!
+Exclusive Emblems + Exclusive Camouflage Patterns+ In game creditsGet everything above, plus the exclusive emblems&camouflages we designed for the backers only!You will be in the game credit as well.
$40: The Veteran!
Exclusive backer build+ Alpha & Beta AccessGet everything above,
plus with updated build after the campaign end and also Alpha & beta access (Even earlier than the early access, you get to try our game from the current state to the finished product!)
$50: Digital Visor Pilot
Become the recruitable pilot!Get everything above and become one of the pilots that can be recruited in the game. Adjust your personal pilot stat and write a self-biography. The backer gets to choose an exclusive artwork we set for use as your in-game dog tag.
You also get to choose whether this character would be permanent death or not.
For full detail again. Please see the detail below.
1.Get All reward above! ($15, $20, $30, $40)
2.Become a pilot you can recruit in the game. We have an exclusive Avatars for your choice! Only backer will have its! We have more 30 Avatars for you!
3.You can set the naming of your pilot whatever you want!
4.You can put an initial status points of your pilot! We set more status points more than normal in-game pilots. This very exclusive! Your pilot'll stronger and nearly the ACE!
5.Write your biography what you want to show in the game. Your friends and others player can see your pilot! Yes! Let write your awesome background to show the world!
6.You can choose your exclusive pilot can playable for all other players or keep for you only!
7.Choose your Death factor. Replayable or Perma Death! Yes this very exclusive for you and your friends. All player can recruit you and you are very special! Hope you let them can play you again!
8.Your pilot'll available for all platforms! Yes! whatever PC,Mac, PS4 or Xbox One. You will appeared all!
$60: Physical Visor Pilot
+Physical & Digital Copy of the game!The Physical Copy of Console Confirm! Choose one from PS4 or Xbox One! You'll Get both PC and Console physical copies! Also get all 3 editions of digital copies above!
$80: Full Armor! Exclusive Dual Gear parts unlocked!
All of the item above and an exclusive only for backer DualGear parts will be unlocked in your hangar. Customize your Dual Gear with this unique part!
$100: Rooky Pilot Box Set
Exclusive box for the collector+ Physical OST+ Printed Manual booklet
Get everything above. Exclusive collection box we designed for backer, Physical OST and printed manual of the game.
$120: Commander Box Set
Printed version ArtBook , Strategy Guide Book, Printed Artworks
Get everything above and the printed version of Art Book&Strategy Guide(soft cover) and Printed Artworks!
$150: Value Box Set
Original T-Shirt & Hi tech pilot ID card we create very special for you!
Get everything above.
Get an acrylic pilot id card(Dog-Tag) with the AR technology. We will create an exclusive app for your iPhone and android. The card will store a data of your mech and squad. You can use our app and shoot your ID card to show your awsome mechs to your family and friend.
DL the app when game release and show your friend the DUAL GEAR!
$200: Become The Ace!
Get the original art work of your character, an original emblem and original DG skin!
Get everything above.
Along with special Art Work, you'll get the original pilot. Work with our team for your original artwork and design your emblem and camouglage for you. They will be recruitable in the game. You get to choose whether this character would be permanent death or not. We'll print your artwork into biography card insert into your game box! You will also get exclusive Dual Gear personal camo skin.
Questions about Become The Ace and Beginning of ACE perks.
We got a lot of question about the perks to let you become an original pilot in the game. Let check about its below!
Q: When and Where my pilot image will appear in the game.
A: Pilot image will show on Battle Situation Also, face expression module depend on any situation and have dynamic dialog(Text)
Q: My pilot will have a voice over?
A: We have a basic Voice Over for all recruitable pilot or enemies pilot (Example Arrgg!, Nooo!, Taisho! and more.) Also, you can choose for male or female voice.
Q: Have an epic cut scene like SRW game ?.
A: Oh! That is also my dream, but we don't have this module. We were focusing on mech cutscene like Armored Core and overlay with a 2D pilot UI box when they were talking, but only for a story character. So maybe add something special for a backer pilot! (You can share your idea!)
Q: Where is a biography of my pilot appears in the game?
A: There are in a recruit pilot module(Hangar Manager), We deciding about how it was working on this module. So we can talk a little about it, that like you use your device to contact people!
Q: How Different about Beginning of ACE and Become The ACE?
A: There are different by Digital and Physical reward type. The Beginning of ACE is only for digital rewards with "draw your pilot image to the game." So Become The Ace is preferred for physical reward. Backer also, receive a printed version of your pilot including in your game box!
Q: This game have any pre-made protagonist and main characters in pilots?
A: Yes, But we need a bit of time before deploying an info about that. So all backer who's backed for ACE perks will get our document about the story, character, and fact of DUAL GEAR world before start talking for backer-pilot create.
Q: If I want my pilot to be a humanoid or android It's possible to do?
A: Yes! Sure this is freely for your idea. But we do not prefer about if you want to use a licensed character from anywhere( Also you're Emblem Idea does not bring direct from any licensing graphic)
*All perks below are also to get your Original Artwork too!
$250: Data Collector Box!
Exclusive hardcover art book & Hard Cover Mechanic Design Book
Get everything above.
With Exclusive hardcover Artbook and also the exclusive hardcover mechanic design book. This book will have all pre-render DUAL GEAR, Parts, Weapons and their data.
$500: The Modeler Box
1/35 EGE-01 SIDEWINDER full paint resin model.
Get everything above.
This perk comes with 1/35 Resin Full paint bust EGE-01 SIDEWINDER. The model has some electronic part to open the light as a high-quality toy. This reward will come with exclusive large beautiful box send to you. We create this perks for the model and toy collector and we need to send the modeller spirit into your hand.
All Reward and Perk Chart! ![]()
*5$, 13$, 1000$, 5000$ perks are only for 1st Campaign!
Stretch Goal (Updated!)
From the latest campaign on Jan-March. We only manage to reach half way of our Initial Goal (30K of 60K). The flexible campaign ensured that we still receive enough to give us a chance to continue on!
We set a simple initial goal for 2nd campaign with 5000 $. And if we reach to 10000$ we'll unlock MOD support! This stretch goal is same as first campaign we set on 40000$
New Stretch Goal 25,000$ Unlock an exclusive part, Quad Legs and Reverse Leg on your hangar!
20K stretch goal passed! Thanks for all new pilots! Next goal for exclusive DG legs part on your hangar! Only for all backers will get that exclusive design, Quad and Reverse leg types! They will be unlock to your hangar with full release game!
New Stretch Goal 20,000$ Unlock the transformation Weapons! (Unlocked!)
Thanks for raised 15k stretch goal! We are ready to build your Transformation DGs and put them to your hangar!
Let's see the new stretch goal "Transformation Weapons". We though about a possibility for player can use multi-skill with only one weapon! If the DUAL GEAR will have a Sub Machine Gun can transform to Katana Blade? Yes we need you to help us make it happen!
New Stretch Goal 15,000$ Unlock the transformation mech! (Unlocked!)
Are you interest for a new production line of DUAL GEAR mech? We have a lot of idea about new DG types for the game. One of that idea is a Transformable mech. If it happens, transform-able DG will give a different ability for any situation and mission. Example, speed change when to transform to vehicle mode or be able to use unique skills attack the enemies. We plan for three different type of "TDG" Track Type, Hover Type, and Heli Type. If we can reach this stretch goal, we have more reward for all backer on the 1st and 2nd campaign. You can choose one of three "TDG" put to your hangar!
This just a rough sketch for example transform-able DG (Base on EGE model code). A polished and developed version will come after we can finish this stretch goal!
September 2015, Our Studio with Japan Asean Centre bring DUAL GEAR first time to show the world! We got a lot of interest and good feedback from players and developers. The Mecha spirit never died!![]()
The Team
We are a 5 man team developer from Bangkok with the veteran developers and the enthusiastic newbie to be this studio. Dual Gear is our first original game. We hope to bring this game to be the good one of the genre.Thank you for your support and please follow us!
Pongpat Pongsakorntorn/ Art Director, Project Leader
Past project: Deadly Premonition the diretor's cut ( PS3,PC ), Aeternoblade (3DS,PSVITA,PS4), Crazy Strike Bowling (PS3),Enmorph Online( MMORPG PC
Pornyot Pongsakorntorn/ Programmer
Past project: Wicked Monster Blast(Wii,PS3), Crazy Strike Bowling (PS3)
Sukrit Deephanphong/ 3D Artist
Past project: Aeternoblade (3DS,PSVITA,PS4)
Panuwit Satpleng / 3D Artist
Peeraphong Wasaranurak /2D Artist, Concept Artis