Help Us Build Each-One-Teach-One
The goal of Each-One-Teach-One is to make an impact on education in the best way possible, which is to teach reading and English. We hope to encourage people like you to become tutors/instructors. As tutors, you can teach your family members. As instructors, you can train tutors who will help out their communities. The tutors can start by teaching basic reading and English skills. We are not talking about rocket science. This is early reading skills for four, five, and six year old students. All tutors have to do is teach the alphabet and phonetic alphabet. That is all it takes to get started. After that, give the students an assignment; they will start sounding out words and learning vocabulary on their own using the workbook. The basic reading foundation takes only a few hours to learn and teach.
Illiteracy Rate in the United States
About 20% of the adult population is functionally illiterate, which is about 40 million people. Another 20% reads well enough to get by. This mirrors the statistic that 40% of fourth grade students read at below grade level. Most of the adults are working minimum wage jobs or they are unemployed. Those unemployed people have time to learn to read and then teach reading.
Many children fall behind and never catch up. Teachers can't take the time to help them get caught up using tutoring, but you can!
Help Your Family and Community
It makes no difference if you are a nurse in Mississippi, bookkeeper in New York, or a high school student in Africa. If you can read English, you can help others learn to read. You can start your own reading program! You only need three or four students to begin and a few family members volunteering as tutors. Start helping the children of family members, then help friends. The only curriculum you will need is "Phonetic English."
When you teach adults the basic skills, get a pledge from them. Make them promise to teach at least one other person to read.
Phonetic English is the most advanced language skills program in the world. Native English speakers can learn to teach basic reading skills in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. English language learners can learn to read and speak English in a few weeks.
Help Us Reach Our Goal $1 at a Time
Our standard PDF ebook perk is $10. The other ebooks are $20. However, if you make a smaller contribution of between $1 and $5, you will get a PDF ebook after we distribute the other perks. Those who request the $5 perk will get their PDF ebook before those who chose the $1 perk. The $1 perks will be distributed according to the dates we receive the requests. Also, your kind donations will allow us to continue to distribute workbooks to anyone who can afford to pay $1.
If teaching is not for you, get workbooks for an adult literacy center. Do you know people who are confined in an institution? If so, send them a workbook so they can help others and learn a tutoring skill for themselves. Do you know a child who is at risk for reading failure? If so, tell the parents about Each-One-Teach-One.
Please support us today!
We want to raise about $12,500 to make a first run of 500 quality paperback workbooks and distribute them to the supporters who request them. We should still have enough money left over to license and start our organization. This will get the ball rolling toward building a distribution center. As a larger organization, we will distribute ebooks and paperback books to individuals, communities, and institutions around the world. If we do not reach our fundraising goal, we will still produce the books and distribute all the perks. Also, everyone who orders a paperback book will get a free PDF ebook.
Project Manager’s Note
We all know that reading is the key to a quality education and a better way of life. An education is everything. It leads to better jobs, promotions, and the ability to communicate well with others. Unfortunately, a quality education is not available to most people. However, if this program is funded, more people can learn the basic reading foundation and start teaching themselves and others. That makes Each-One-Teach-One a powerful concept! My pledge is to make this early reading foundation available to everyone. - Dennis Brooks, writer, researcher, reading specialist, and project manager.
If You Can Read, You Can Teach!
Whether you are a native English speaker or speak English as a second language, when you get your hands on “Phonetic English,” you can start teaching reading and English. Phonetic English is the only workbook you will need to teach yourself and your students. It takes only a few hours of studying to learn how to tutor. Wherever you go, your Phonetic English workbook will go with you in your electronic devices.
Start your own tutoring service using only your laptop, tablet, or smart phone. All you have to do is hand out notes with your name and number:
“I can teach you to read, write, and speak English. Contact Jane at 123-456-7890.”
When you can read English, you can teach both reading and English. According to some estimations, nearly one-half of the world's population will eventually learn English. Lots of people need your help. English and reading tutors are in demand because of the need for English teachers.
Work Part Time or Full Time as a Tutor
Reading and English skills are easy to learn and teach. As a tutor, you can decide when to work, how much to charge, and keep the money. When working for yourself, the pay will be good, the benefits will be wonderful, and you will be your own boss.
To get started tutoring, offer the first three or four tutoring sessions for free!
The workbooks are for all ages and grade levels. They start with the basic reading foundation and teach the standard vocabulary for both British and American English. Also, they teach reading with the 44+ sounds without using diacritical marks. They use standard formatting instead.
Sponsor a Learning Center Near You
For just $500 you can sponsor a learning center in your area. At the end of the campaign, we will publish the 160 page, 8 1/2 x 11 inch paperback workbook. Your center will get 20 workbooks, which will be shipped anywhere at no extra cost. Many people in the United states and other countries still need to develop basic language skills and you can help. Simply coordinate with your institution, school, or learning center and let them know that you want to sponsor them. You must provide their name, address, and telephone number.
Why Teach Reading and English?
The spread of English by the British Empire and the influence of American businesses have made English the number one choice as a global second language. After World War II, American businesses took English around the world as the language of international trade. English is now the most widely used language in the world. All of the world’s top business schools and universities teach courses in English.
English is Everywhere
Science and technology
Health and medicine
Internet and computers
Journalism and literature
Education and academics
Transportation and entertainment
It is also the language used in international politics.
World Economy
English now plays a great part in the world’s economy and popular culture. It is exported in music, in movies, through television, and over the internet. It also has a solid position in tourism, advertising, and social science. Also, it is the only language used in international air traffic control.
As an international language, English is helping people in different countries, communities, and villages communicate with each other.
Teach Yourself to Read, Write, and Speak Better English
If you can read some English now, you can improve on your own. All it takes is a few hours a day. Use your new skills to get a better education and a better job. The opportunities are endless for English speakers. You can become a doctor, lawyer, dentist, scientist, teacher, or anything you want.
If this project is successful, we will start eliminating one of the greatest obstacles to a better education. That is why we hope you will become a supporter and ask others to join us in making education a priority especially for those who are just learning to read.
Risks and Challenges
There should be no risks and challenges with this project. We are right on schedule for the book’s publication and expect everything to go as planned. The writing has been completed and the book is now in editing. The editors will start the copyediting after we start raising funds. After completing the copyediting, the book will go to the publisher. They will produce the PDF version first.
After producing and testing the PDF, the publisher will start work on the iBook, the Kindle book, and the Nook book. We will start distributing all of those eBooks at the end of the fundraising campaign or as soon as possible.
Before the eBooks are completed, the publisher will start on the 160 page print version of the physical workbook. If everything goes as planned, we will start shipping out the paperback workbooks about 60 days after the campaign's end date. During that time, we will also distribute the (late) PDF ebooks.