Album production through crowd-funding
In order to enable the production of our debut album, we are offering several options to fans, friends and family. We are very proud of the music we are writing and the band we have assembled and we hope that something in what we offer intrigues and interests you, and as such, you can help us achieve our funding goal. We need at least £1500 for recording costs and would be very happy to exceed this goal! Please have a look at the various options we have for orders, signed CDs, lessons, donations and more!
Unfortunately, it is only possible to provide one currency option through this platform and we chose pounds sterling. If you live in a Eurozone country, you have 2 options.
1. Choose one of the options from the list of perks labelled as "Euros only/ NUR EURO". The prices have been calculated at a cheaper price than pounds, to reflect the cost of living in Eurozone countries.
2. Use PAYPAL:
You can use your PayPal account with the email address stated below to order the following options. You need only write in the 'details' section which option you have chosen, your email address, name and whether you require postage and packaging.
1. Album Download - €8
2. Album physical CD (collect your CD if you live in Berlin, so no P&P) - €12
3. Album physical CD incl. P&P - €14
4. Make a donation of any amount
PayPal Address:
earshot.fundingcampaign@gmail. com
Thank you and contact us if you have any questions!