The Numbers
The first offering of Earthbound gained 450 backers, which funded a 2000 copy print run, 500 or which are hardcover.
The books are are ordered! Cut the check last weak. Digital Tier is fulfilled. Lots of positive buzz from reviews. Meanwhile I'm opening the campaign for a second offering featuring a limited portion of the remaining copies.
The Story
In the Universe of Earthbound there are 13 Sponsors across the galaxy. They recruit the greatest contenders on each planet and submit two every four years to the GGPT, Galactic Grande Prix Tournament. They hold a draft every year for an exclusivity contract, so other Sponsors won't compete for the same contenders. But once you draft a contender, you still have to go out and recruit them. A subclass of warriors emerged to make a living specifically on the task of recruitment, known as headhunters. Even headhunters are often compelled to do their job by blackmail and threats of punishment. Freedom is not guaranteed, even Free Will is not guaranteed.
Narwhal Books
Hey! My name is Narwhal. I'm heavily influenced by European comics, and manga. I've spent the past 15 years working on my storytelling craft. I'm obsessed with structure and efficiency, as well as abstract angles like scale and focus of the story, what to show, how to disseminate information to the reader, and how to layer points of view to thicken the subtext. I believe the art should compliment the story, and my goal is in service of pacing: extending the reader's retention for a single sitting. My goal is to suck the reader in. That will always be the goal.
I have lots of backed up material and will be unveiling it soon. Earthbound is starting it all off. Get in on the ground level!
Thanks for reading!