The Educative Cardboard Collection is an aesthetic constitution of cards that is specially designed to impart people with information on various themes/subjects. Everything from the pattern to the message within is thoughtfully crafted from concept to actualization with the aim of producing high-quality collections. Whether you are looking for a perfect gift for your little ones, desire to surprise friends and colleagues, or are a collector, these colorful, stylish, and shiny designs are just the inspired additions you need while gaining knowledge in the process. Each set is truly distinctive and unique.
How my journey began
Ever since I was little, I was always passionate about collecting different cards and envisioned making my own collection; wondering what I could print when the time came but without getting any proper idea. It wasn’t until when the Covid-19 pandemic began and everyone was talking about disasters that I thought it would be interesting if I would make a top 50 global cataclysms collection. I immediately went on the internet and made short research which captivated me instantly. I started to write, to select, to think about a design, to divide them into categories… A lot of information flew through my head in a short span. After 5-6 hours of documentation and noting useful information, I was started to realize that it was morning already so I saved everything and went to sleep. When I woke up, I already had another idea- this time another top 50 great quotes, top 50 of healthy vegetables/plants/fruits, a top 50 International Companies / Brands, and a top 50 personalities. I was amazed to realize the fact that my little collection will not be so small. After talking to close friends, relatives, and even acquaintances, many of them were of the opinion that these cards would be welcomed and loved by most people. However, it is a friend of mine who told me about this platform and that I should take a look since such products were being sought after.
And now…
I think this concept is great and I thought I could launch my collections in this way -progressively- since the costs are very high for me personally. I have already printed the first QUOTES collections by myself, and I am very satisfied with the final product that you can see in the pictures and videos attached within the page.
100 Euro perk
With your kind help, I hope to make several collections both in number and in diverse themes, trying to provide as much information as possible about the major events that happened or important personalities in history. I will then offer them for sale with the hope that more people will want to have these collections. Additionally, it would mean something enormous to be able to give up the job I have and earn my money doing what I am passionate about while at the same time to take care of my own NON PROFIT.
I intend to set up a NON-PROFIT for humanitarian and ecological purposes by using these collections as a source of income and advertisement. Maybe over time, things will start to move in a good direction.
Together, we can bring this idea to fruition and then the people from the whole world will be able to enjoy these collections. If you already have a collection or more of cardboards, then take a look and you may get some new collections. Even more is the fact that you contributed to the creation of these collections which will give each set a sentimental personal value.
What the funds will be used for.
Most of the funds will be used to purchase the equipment for printing, cutting and laminating these cards. Since it is a task that I can do myself, and I already have a place where I can install the machinery, I think this is a wise investment especially for the long term since I plan to keep printing more types of collections and trust that this will keep me occupied and self-employed. I am driven not by the desire for personal financial gain, but by the goal of transforming dreams into reality. Perhaps in the future, I will be able to bring more happiness in people’s lives having mastered my craft and by leveraging it as a platform to do good to others.
People have always created something great when they come together. I ask you to support me in creating my vision now. Many thanks in advance for all your help.