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Empower Underprivileged Indian Youth

Tender Heart Foundation is a nonprofit humanitarian & educational organization providing educational opportunities for women & children in rural northern India.


Empower Underprivileged Indian Youth

Empower Underprivileged Indian Youth

Empower Underprivileged Indian Youth

Empower Underprivileged Indian Youth

Empower Underprivileged Indian Youth

Tender Heart Foundation is a nonprofit humanitarian & educational organization providing educational opportunities for women & children in rural northern India.

Tender Heart Foundation is a nonprofit humanitarian & educational organization providing educational opportunities for women & children in rural northern India.

Tender Heart Foundation is a nonprofit humanitarian & educational organization providing educational opportunities for women & children in rural northern India.

Tender Heart Foundation is a nonprofit humanitarian & educational organization providing educational opportunities for women & children in rural northern India.

Elena Colón
Elena Colón
Elena Colón
Elena Colón
4 Campaigns |
Austin, United States
$60 USD 2 backers
1% of $5,432 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

Who we are:

The Tender Heart Foundation is an Austin, Texas, based nonprofit which provides educational opportunities for women and children in rural Northern India. We are a charitable, humanitarian and educational organization dedicated to uplifting and empowering the underprivileged.

What we do:

We support impoverished communities by providing education, outreach, awareness, and a fair trade marketplace in an effort to truly empower underserved artisans. We cultivate human rights activism in Austin, send volunteers abroad to work directly for the cause, and foster humanitarian values in American youth.

Why we're raising funds:

We're raising money to expand the market for our artisans, support new initiatives, and improve our outreach efforts. Some of our upcoming programs include:

  • co-hosting a second annual volunteer recruitment/spiritual retreat with Be Radiant Bliss in northern India in early winter with a group of international volunteers
  • operating a camp for youth ages 4-10 later this summer in Austin where compassion for other cultures, yoga and peace and kindness will be taught (Camp Tender Heart)
  • creating a new, accessible website for the organization which will also function as an online fair trade store supporting our women’s empowerment group!

Why we do it:

We are on a mission to serve the underserved. Tender Heart’s future vision is to create an international nonprofit which functions as a volunteer connection and support network for educational projects around the world- connecting those in need with those who can offer a helping hand.

Our mission:

Our mission is to serve the underprivileged through education, providing a quality livelihood, and cultivating compassion and humanitarian values in all people so that they may view each other in a spirit of unity.
Tender Heart Foundation’s mission revolves around six issues: promoting social responsibility, cultivating compassion, supporting fair trade, supporting women's empowerment, providing an education and connecting cultures.

Let me tell you a little more about the Tender Heart Foundation...

Tender Heart Foundation of Austin provides support for Tender Heart, a nonprofit in India. Both organizations work towards the educational and socio-economic development of the underprivileged rural communities on the outskirts of Faridabad, the capital of the Haryana state in Northern India.
Tender Heart provides primary education, special needs education, after-school enrichment education for children from the neighboring slums and an empowerment program for rural women. The organization is fueled by human compassion and the motivation to serve others for the good of all humanity. We’re working to create a global community of activists who are sustainably working for the greater good. Tender Heart Foundation provides these opportunities because we are working towards alleviating the poverty the rural villages of Northern India as they adjust to encroaching urbanization.

Other ways you can help!

If you are not in a financial position to donate, we welcome support in many other ways. Please spread the word to friends and family members you think may be interested in supporting this cause. Please share this campaign with others!

With loving gratitude,
The Tender Heart Foundation

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Video Thank You!

$10 USD
Receive a video "Thank You" from the Executive Director for believing that this campaign and Tender Heart foundation will help create a better world!
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 999 of claimed

Youth's "Thank You" Card

$20 USD
The children in India that you are helping will make you a personalized "thank you" card, on elephant dung paper...
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 25 of claimed

Screen-Printed T-Shirt

$50 USD
A recycled screen-printed Tender Heart Foundation tee shirt
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
1 out of 10 of claimed

Skype with THF kids in India

$75 USD
Skype conversation with the children in India that you're helping with your generous donation
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed
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