In 1968, the government were just about to make racial discrimination illegal. Enoch Powell made a speech about immigration.
He predicted riots between people of different races. He said racist landlords, racist neighbours, racist employers, should be protected.
He was wrong about the stories: he lied. He was wrong about the future: large-scale rioting never happened. He was wrong, most importantly, about immigration. It doesn't drive us apart. It makes us stronger.
Enoch Powell was wrong.
I'm making 25mm hard enamel badges saying "Enoch Powell was wrong": a reply to the far right badges that say "Enoch Powell was right".
Was he actually wrong? Very wrong indeed. Not just on the numbers, but on the humanity.
How big is 25mm? About the size of a 10p piece.
How much does it all cost? According to a badge site calculator, 200 badges will cost £278.40. UK large letter postage is £1.01. Indiegogo takes 5%. So:
(£278.40 + 200*£1.01) * 1.05 = £504.42
So I'm running an indiegogo for £500 because I don't have the spare cash for the minimum order on enamel badges.
Okay, how much does one badge cost? That means each badge costs £2.40. If we exceed our goal, it will make the badges cheaper.
If we don't meet the goal, or if there's money left over, I'm donating it to Refugee Action (charity number 283660), though I haven't mentioned it to them yet.
If you want to buy badges to sell on, good for you. Go for it.
If you don't like the design, I welcome constructive suggestions.
Don't forget to tell your friends. Share this around on Twitter and Facebook, and use the hashtag #EnochWasWrong.