Update: October 24, 2013
We've made a handy-dandy guide to our perk fulfillment process and timeline! If you've got questions about when you'll be receiving your awesome perks, please check this out: http://thehpalliance.org/eftw-faq/
Update: October 14, 2013
Thank you so much for your donations this year. We are blow away by your generosity and support.
"Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think there was a little more love in the world." - Professor McGonagall
This year, equality will win. Equality FTW is the Harry Potter Alliance’s annual fundraiser. Your contribution helps us fund another year of campaigns fighting for economic, educational, and LGBTQ equality.
The HPA is an organization created by fans, serving fans and supported by fans. We are a place where Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters, and other fandoms can come together and find practical ways to decrease world suck.
Because of your support and your enthusiasm for our work, we've done some amazing things for equality in the past year:
Did you know that HPA members made over 3,000 calls for marriage equality in Maine last November? And get this, IT PASSED!
Our members collected and donated over 30,000 books this year during our Accio Books campaign. We also debuted our Apparating Library at LeakyCon London.
We helped pass the Maryland DREAM Act and this summer we launched our Superman Is An Immigrant campaign to collect and share immigration stories from our community.
We’ve helped over 200,000 Harry Potter fans ask Warner Bros. about the sourcing of cocoa used in their chocolate frogs.
But here's the thing: we’ve had a lot of success, but this fight for equality is not over and we need your help to continue our work.
The Harry Potter Alliance is a non-profit, and we don't rely on the Malfoys to give us big donations. Instead we rely on people like you: Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters, Whovians, Browncoats and supporters from all 12 Districts. It is your support that makes our work possible: over 90% of our funding comes from members like you. Sometimes that's in the form of LeakyCon, Project for Awesome, wizard rock concerts or even our Books Turn Muggles Into Wizards t-shirt sales, but a lot of it comes from this very fundraiser. We take a lot of pride in being an organization that exists to bring fans together and to make fandom a little more magical. Our world needs a Dumbledore's Army and, with your help, we are making that a reality.
But we don't like simply asking for money. That's kind of boring. We are all about decreasing world suck AND increasing awesome and that's why we've put together such awesome perks to reward your donation.
Want a Sneak Peak at Some of Our Awesome Perks?
You know you want all of these. Buy them together and save $25!
Here's a look our our exclusive Pizza Wizard shirt. We'll be printing these on American Apparel t-shirts.
Chris Colfer has donated a complete set of his signed books and you have a chance to win them!
That's our pal Evanna Lynch working a shift in our Apparating Library at LeakyCon London. Evanna will be signing books and offering a few other amazing perks during the campaign.
Here's a mockup of our Hank Green/No Edge kickball.
EqualityFTW is the ONLY place you can get an EXCLUSIVE live recording of StarKid's performance at LeakyCon 2011!