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Equality FTW 2013

The Harry Potter Alliance is creating a real-world Dumbledore's Army. Your donation helps us fund a year of equality campaigns.

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Equality FTW 2013

Equality FTW 2013

Equality FTW 2013

Equality FTW 2013

Equality FTW 2013

The Harry Potter Alliance is creating a real-world Dumbledore's Army. Your donation helps us fund a year of equality campaigns.

The Harry Potter Alliance is creating a real-world Dumbledore's Army. Your donation helps us fund a year of equality campaigns.

The Harry Potter Alliance is creating a real-world Dumbledore's Army. Your donation helps us fund a year of equality campaigns.

The Harry Potter Alliance is creating a real-world Dumbledore's Army. Your donation helps us fund a year of equality campaigns.

Fandom Forward
Fandom Forward
Fandom Forward
Fandom Forward
11 Campaigns |
Hogwarts, United States
$184,838 USD 4,693 backers
184% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 11 Projects Mountain Filled 11 Projects

Update: October 24, 2013

We've made a handy-dandy guide to our perk fulfillment process and timeline! If you've got questions about when you'll be receiving your awesome perks, please check this out:

Update: October 14, 2013

Thank you so much for your donations this year. We are blow away by your generosity and support. 

"Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think there was a little more love in the world." - Professor McGonagall

This year, equality will win. Equality FTW is the Harry Potter Alliance’s annual fundraiser. Your contribution helps us fund another year of campaigns fighting for economic, educational, and LGBTQ equality.

The HPA is an organization created by fans, serving fans and supported by fans. We are a place where Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters, and other fandoms can come together and find practical ways to decrease world suck.

Because of your support and your enthusiasm for our work, we've done some amazing things for equality in the past year:

  • Did you know that HPA members made over 3,000 calls for marriage equality in Maine last November? And get this, IT PASSED!

  • Our members collected and donated over 30,000 books this year during our Accio Books campaign. We also debuted our Apparating Library at LeakyCon London.

  • We helped pass the Maryland DREAM Act and this summer we launched our Superman Is An Immigrant campaign to collect and share immigration stories from our community.

  • We’ve helped over 200,000 Harry Potter fans ask Warner Bros. about the sourcing of cocoa used in their chocolate frogs.

But here's the thing: we’ve had a lot of success, but this fight for equality is not over and we need your help to continue our work.

The Harry Potter Alliance is a non-profit, and we don't rely on the Malfoys to give us big donations. Instead we rely on people like you: Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters, Whovians, Browncoats and supporters from all 12 Districts. It is your support that makes our work possible: over 90% of our funding comes from members like you. Sometimes that's in the form of LeakyCon, Project for Awesome, wizard rock concerts or even our Books Turn Muggles Into Wizards t-shirt sales, but a lot of it comes from this very fundraiser. We take a lot of pride in being an organization that exists to bring fans together and to make fandom a little more magical. Our world needs a Dumbledore's Army and, with your help, we are making that a reality.

But we don't like simply asking for money. That's kind of boring. We are all about decreasing world suck AND increasing awesome and that's why we've put together such awesome perks to reward your donation.

Want a Sneak Peak at Some of Our Awesome Perks?



You know you want all of these. Buy them together and save $25!

Here's a look our our exclusive Pizza Wizard shirt. We'll be printing these on American Apparel t-shirts.

Chris Colfer has donated a complete set of his signed books and you have a chance to win them!

That's our pal Evanna Lynch working a shift in our Apparating Library at LeakyCon London. Evanna will be signing books and offering a few other amazing perks during the campaign.

Here's a mockup of our Hank Green/No Edge kickball. 

EqualityFTW is the ONLY place you can get an EXCLUSIVE live recording of StarKid's performance at LeakyCon 2011!

Here's a look at what you can do with our Apparating Library kit. Learn more about the Apparating Library with this video

The Dursley Gift Pack

Hear the sound of the Potter Puppet Pals

Are you ready to join S.P.E.W. aka the Society for the Promotion of Equality Winning?

Get a digital download of Hank Green's first Harry Potter fanfiction, as narrated by Hank Green and Evanna Lynch

Get an exclusive collection of essays from fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss!


Where Will My Money Go?

We’re certainly not short on ideas for how to make the world better (and more magical). Here’s what we plan to do over the next year:

Help Economic Inequality Catch Fire

  • We’re going to expand on last year’s equality-based work with a Hunger Games campaign to combat economic inequality.

  • We’re upping the ante on our Superman is an Immigrant campaign to humanize and reshape the narrative on immigration.

Train Tomorrow’s Leaders

  • We're working with librarians to bring our chapters model to public libraries across the US.

  • This year, we’re establishing the Granger Grant for Excellence in Community Organizing that will award $5,000 annually to HPA chapters.

  • We’re also developing a leadership training conference for over 130 chapter organizers.

Revolutionize Education

  • We’re continuing to work with the Pearson Foundation and Smithsonian EdLab to bring the HPA model for civic engagement to classrooms and after-school programs all over the US.

Continue the Fight for Marriage Equality

  • While we’ve made incredible strides for marriage equality in the last year, 35 US states still ban same-sex marriage. We’ll be at the forefront of the effort to overturn these bans.

Books Rule, Voldemort Drools

  • We’re going to continue expanding access to books through our 5th Annual Accio Books! campaign.

  • We’re bringing the Apparating Library to all IRL HPA appearances including LeakyCon, VidCon, and the Quidditch World Cup.


Q: Is my donation tax deductible?

A: Yes! I know, it’s hard to believe that you can get a tax deduction AND a Pizza Wizard shirt at the same time, but guess what: we’re wizards! After donating, you should receive an email from FirstGiving confirming the tax-deductible status of your contribution. We will contact you after the campaign to let you know the tax-deductible portion of your donation.

Q: Does international shipping cost extra?

A: IndieGoGo doesn’t allow us to add any extra shipping to the perks, so it is included in the suggested donation price. However, international shipping does cost our organization considerably more, so we encourage donors outside the U.S. to add $5-10 to their perk to help us defray these additional costs.

Q: I donated for one of the shirt perks. When do I give you my shirt size?

A: You should get an email from an HPA staff member within one week of making your donation. At that time, you’ll be asked to provide sizing details for you shirt.

Q: I’m outside of the US and having trouble getting IndieGoGo to accept my donation. Help?

A: IndieGoGo only accepts international credit cards, not bank or debit cards. Unfortunately we can’t accept paypal, so the way to donate internationally is with a credit card. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Q: What's the deal with this contest to win a signed Harry Potter book?

A: For details on our JK Rowling contest, please go to

Q: What's the deal with this contest to win some signed Chris Colfer books?

A: For details on our Chris Colfer contest, please go to

Q: I have a question.

A: That’s a statement. Questions should be directed to

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


JK Rowling Signed Book Contest

$25 USD
JK Rowling has donated 7 signed Harry Potter books to Equality FTW and we’re adding them to our Apparating Library! A $25 donation makes you a member of our Apparating Library. You’ll get a fancy, letterpressed library card in the mail. We’re also going to send a signed Harry Potter book to one of our newest library members. After donating, you’ll be sent a short entry form and we’ll choose our favorite as the winner of this awesome book!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
485 claimed

Wizard Rock Compilation

$10 USD
Wizards and Muggles Rock For Social Justice is a compilation series that has raised thousands of dollars for the HPA since its first volume was released in 2007. Featuring songs by Hank Green, Harry and the Potters, The Whomping Willows, Tonks and the Aurors, and more, this compilation provides a sampling of the best songs released through the Wizards and Muggles series. Rock out with your wand out, y'all!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
273 claimed

Potter Puppet Pals Digital EP

$15 USD
A digital EP of music from the Potter Puppet Pals! JAM OUT to the sound of puppets. Featuring songs from the classic videos, nice studio recordings of songs that were previously only heard on stage, and some surprises! A dance remix of Mysterious Ticking Noise? Snape doing harpsichord solos in a dungeon? Who knows! Master puppeteer/songwriter Neil Cicierega is hard at work making sure this EP will be amazing and... kind of catchy.
220 claimed

Maureen Johnson's fanfic

$15 USD
Somehow we’ve convinced Maureen Johnson to write some John Green fanfiction. What does that even mean? Will it be a thrift shopping adventure with Radar’s parents as they search for more black Santas? Will she introduce us to a third person named Will Grayson? Will it explore John Green’s difficult relationship with unicorns? Only our donors will find out when a PDF of this story arrives in their inbox.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
472 claimed


$20 USD
John Green will be providing us with an exclusive excerpt from THE PRICE OF DAWN: the book Augustus gives to Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars. THE PRICE OF DAWN is the novelization of a video game starring Staff Sergeant Max Mayhem. That’s right, it’s a fictional novel based on a fictional video game, all of which exists inside John Green’s bestselling work of fiction, The Fault in Our Stars. But now it’s REAL and it will be sent to you as a downloadable PDF.
670 claimed

Patrick Rothfuss Collection

$20 USD
Master fantasy writer Patrick Rothfuss (the Name of the Wind, the Wise Man’s Fear) has contributed a collection of essays on subjects ranging from writing and publishing to parenting, love and even snowman gender identity. These essays, collected from Pat’s personal blog, will be presented to donors as a 20-page digital booklet, accompanied by new illustrations from longtime collaborator, Brett Hiorns, and include an exclusive afterword from Patrick Rothfuss.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
349 claimed

Anthony Rapp calls you Dec 24

$20 USD
December 24 at precisely 9 pm Eastern Standard Time. You’ll hear the opening lines of RENT, a thank you for supporting Equality FTW, and a reminder to live like there’s No Day But Today. It’s the perfect holiday gift for all RENTheads. Limited to phone numbers in the US and Canada.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
71 claimed

Chris Colfer Book Contest

$20 USD
Chris Colfer - actor, author, singer, producer, possible Hogwarts alumni - has donated a super-rare complete set of his signed books to Equality FTW! For a $20 donation, we’ll send you a library card in the mail and make you a member of our Apparating Library. We’re also going to send this set of signed books to one of our newest library members. After donating, you’ll be sent a short entry form and we’ll choose our favorite as the winner!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
80 claimed

Hank Green's HP Fanfic

$30 USD
Whoa! We are very pleased to present our donors with another incredible and exclusive perk: Hank Green’s first Harry Potter fanfiction, THE WOMB OF REQUIREMENT. This short story takes place about 100 years before Harry Potter’s time at school and is about a teen mom who gives birth in Hogwarts’ Room of Requirement. But that’s not all! We’re presenting this in audiobook format, so donors will receive a MP3 download of this story, as read by Hank Green and EVANNA LYNCH!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
566 claimed

StarKid Live at LeakyCon 2011

$30 USD
Hang on, cause we're Goin' Back to Hogwarts! A $30 donation gets you a digital audio download of Team StarKid’s performance at LeakyCon 2011. This is a professional live recording of StarKid’s first ever concert-style performance and is unavailable ANYWHERE ELSE! This huge moment in StarKid history features almost every song from AVPM and AVPS along with all the LeakyCon feels. Starring: Jaime Lyn Beatty, Darren Criss, Brian Holden, Lauren Lopez, Joe Moses, Joey Richter, Joe Walker, and more!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
293 claimed

S.P.E.W. Shirt

$40 USD
All donors to this campaign should consider themselves a part of the Society for the Promotion of Equality Winning (S.P.E.W.). But if you want to be an active rep, we encourage you to consider this shirt, exclusive to the HPA’s 2013 Equality FTW campaign. We’ll be printing these on American Apparel t-shirts in a range of sizes from House Elf to Half-Giant.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
290 claimed

Pizza Wizard Shirt

$40 USD
FINAL HOUR DISCOUNT! Equality FTW is the only place you’ll ever be able to obtain this limited-edition version of the ubiquitous Pizza John shirt. Redesigned by the original artist (valerie2776), this shirt combines two things everyone loves with one thing that makes people uneasy: Pizza, Wizards and John Green’s creepy mustache. We’ll be printing these on American Apparel shirts.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 claimed

Alex Day Signs Twilight

$40 USD
YouTuber, musician and all-around genius Alex Day has been an amazing partner to the HPA. He’s helping us out once again by offering to sign and number pages ripped straight from Stephanie Meyer’s “Twilight.” Anyone who’s watched the “Alex Reads Twilight” series will understand the catharsis that Alex will feel as he destroys a copy of this popular vampire novel in fulfillment of this perk. For each donation at this level, Alex makes a tear of joy.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 100 of claimed

Evanna Lynch Signed Poster

$75 USD
FINAL HOUR DEAL! Evanna Lynch knows better than anyone that Books Turn Muggles Into Wizards. We’re sure you already know that Evanna was an enormous Harry Potter fan before she was cast in the role of Luna Lovegood for the Harry Potter films. She’s lived the dream and that’s why we’re psyched that she’ll be signing our awesome Books Turn Muggles Into Wizards posters.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 52 of claimed

Evanna Lynch Voicemails

$100 USD
Do you want Luna Lovegood’s ethereal voice as your outgoing voicemail message? Evanna Lynch has agreed to record personalized greetings to let your friends know that you can’t answer their calls because you’re either out hunting snorkacks or you’ve been detained by nargles. SUPER LIMITED!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
Only 3 left

LeakyCon Autograph Witchband

$100 USD
Another Equality FTW EXCLUSIVE: Get a set of wristbands that get you into EVERY autograph signing at LeakyCon 2014. Wristbands are usually dispensed at 8am each day, so you’ll get a few extra hours of sleep in addition to a guaranteed spot in line at the autograph booth. If you’ve been to LeakyCon before, you know that sleep is a premium. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing you already have a spot in line.
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
Only 3 left

Nerdfighter Bundle

$110 USD
FINAL HOUR DISCOUNT! This perk level collects all the best perks for our donors residing in Nerdfighteria. You’ll get THE PRICE OF DAWN, Maureen Johnson’s insane Vlogbrothers/Sherlock crossover fanfic, the Pizza Wizard Shirt and the Hank Green/No Edge Kickball: a huge savings! This perk offers physical and digital proof that you have not forgotten to be awesome.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed

Evanna Lynch signed book

$150 USD
Harry Potter Actor Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) has always been an amazing friend to the HPA. She’s helping our campaign this year by autographing hardcover copies of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Donate now because this one is super-limited!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
11 out of 20 of claimed
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