We are pleased to announce ETF2L's first community crowdfunding system for Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS. The purpose of this fundraiser is to allow members of the ETF2L community to contribute directly to the Season 20 prize pool and help make Season 20 the biggest yet!
Not convinced? Tune in to our showmatch at twitch.tv/teamfortresstv, featuring two of the best teams in Europe:
- Reason Gaming vs Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers: Tuesday, January 27 at 20:00 CET)
There will also be a Tt eSPORTS giveaway during this showmatch, make sure you do not miss this one!
Goal Breakdown
We're looking to raise at least €3,000 to be used as cash prizes in the top 3 tiers of European 6v6 - Premiership, High and Mid.
There are some great Bundles on offer for you to choose from, but here are a list of exactly what each Perk will give you in detail.
Entry for a raffle for an ETF2L T-shirt signed by all the players from the 5 best teams at i52
(Froyotech, Epsilon, Classic Mixup, Immunity and Awsomniac), also
includes some famous TF2 names like Admirable, tagg, CUBE, Byte,
BoneS, Lange and more, a Tt eSPORTS Ventus Gaming Mouse, a Tt eSPORTS SHOCK Gaming Headset and 10x serveme.tf Premium for 3 months each, which grants you access to even more servers. Thirteen seperate winners will be picked at random to win one prize each.
The prizes can only be shipped inside Europe, additional shipping costs outside of Europe will have to be covered by the donator.
Donator Title
Receive a "ETF2L Donator" title on the website, to show your generosity and helping ETF2L Season 20. This title will be in the same style as the current Staff titles.
Signed Weapon
Get your weapon signed by (nearly) any player from the top 3 European teams of Season 19, Ubersexuals, Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers and La Berrichonne de Châteauroux and a variety of Europes best players! The full list of players available to choose from is as follows:
Mirelin, WARHURYEAH, Rising, SVMZI, Kiler4fun, Knutsson, ryb, AMS, Zebbosai, Herr_P, Bulle, Exon, Tek, T-Mac, fl1p, Flippy, Kaidus, Mike, Knoxxx
You must provide the gift wrap and the weapon.
Mentoring Session
Receive a group mentoring session from the player of your choice which includes some of Europe's best players at their respective classes. Each player is limited to 10 slots. Choose from the following players:
Kaidus, SVMZI, Mirelin, Exon, WARHURYEAH, Knoxxx
Forum Emotes
Receive access to using emotes on the ETF2L forum. The plan is to have Twitch style emoticons with Team Fortress 2 characters.
Custom Title
Receive a Custom Title on the ETF2L forums, you may choose the exact wording however we reserve the right to deny anything we deem unsuitable or offensive. Limited to 21 characters.
The Custom Title will look similar as the current Staff titles, however there will be a clear difference in colour once the new theme hits.
Admirable Cast
Get Admirable to cast your ETF2L Season 20 Official live on Teamfortress.tv This has to be arranged with Teamfortress.tv on a suitable date and time to cast the official. Limited to 5 people.
How else can I help?
Share the fundraiser on social media, ingame and everywhere you can! Let's get as many people talking about ETF2L Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS as possible!
Can't support the fundraiser monetarily? We will be accepting in-game item donations to put towards the Open prize pool and also some Item Raffles in the future!
Send us a trade offer here and we'll review your generous donation, bear in mind we have a limited number of backpack slots so we have to be picky about what we accept!