Q: What is EVE?
A: EVE is an evolution of UNL, basically it is UNL 2.0. Legacy UNL is 1.0.
Q: What happens to UNL?
A: UNL 1.0 development discontinued and all the power thrown to develop and improve EVE-NG / UNL 2.0.
Q: I have latest UNL v12 now, what should I do to have EVE?
A: Once EVE alpha and other versions released we'll provide a way to upgrade your current setup to EVE or you can install a fresh ova with EVE, both ways are good.
Q: I have tons of labs on UNL, what will happen after upgrading to EVE?
A: All UNL labs will be fully compatible with EVE. You can upgrade your UNL and continue using your labs or export labs from UNL, install fresh EVE and import labs to it.
Q: What are the sites and other community contacts for EVE?
A: EVE is going to use same sites as UNL before
site - http://www.unetlab.com
forum - http://forum.802101.com/forum39.html (eventually will be transferred to unetlab.com)
twitter - https://twitter.com/unetlab
youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/UnifiedNetworkingLab
Q: Are there going to be hosted solution for EVE?
A: Yes, we are planning to have a hosted solution. EVE will help users build labs of any size and run full replicas of their production networks, which is ideal for pre-deployment testing of network changes. There still will be a free VM-based appliance, similar to the current distribution model of UnetLab, however the cloud offering will have some form of subscription-based fees.
Q: Why EVE-NG, why not continue under UNL/UnetLab name?
A: We are continuing with unetlab name/brand, but as EVE-NG / Unified Networking LAB 2.0.
EVE structure will be completely different from current UNL 1.0 in case of code and logic, but it uses UNL 1.0 as base for everything
Key Features:
The objectives are:
- No network size limit (multi clustering on different hosts)
- Sharing of design (option to share labs, configs online with friend or others)
- UNetLab Labs backwards compatibility
- Ability to quick transpose real network to virtalization
- Ability to provide a UI for teacher/student with chat box and console supervision/interaction (premium addon)
- General UI reword and improvements (to be able to make 99% of things from UI, CLI will remain of course for advanced users)
- Clientless - telnet,rdp,vnc,wireshark over html5
- Import/export configs from/to local PC
- Multi Configuration per Lab
- Import gns3 and virl Labs
- Simultaneous connection of multiple users to the same Lab
- And much, much more
We are going to release an alpha and beta versions to the public for free (doesn't matter what perk you got), so anyone who'd like to participate in testing is always welcome.
There will be a site with all the road map and features we are going to work on, howto's, forum, blog posts and more cool stuff for collaboration and labs sharing
Our Goals:
We want to build a product and features based on your requests and complaints gather during working with UnetLab/UNL.
We are going to develop emulation platform which will be ready for any academic/learning and POC scenarios. All power will be thrown in making a one of a kind platform for everyone that will (hopefully) combine packet-tracer, gns3, virl in terms of from beginner to advanced and pro user that want to learn networking, network automation, SDN and other techs.
Choosen Technologies (might change during the work):
- Linux Ubuntu Server LTS
- Openstack - Libvirt - KVM - ( + ability to link to multiple hypervisor)
- Guacamole
- Apache
- Php
- Mysql
- AdminLTE (for the UI)
Use of Funds:
All the funding we'll rise will go into development of the new platform. In case we'll have an extra money, they will be spent for hiring more developers in order to speedup development and work on more features
The main platform will remain open source and FREE
We are going to develop premium addons, that will be added on top of the free version
Info about premium addons:
One might be afraid that EVE will be not be for free for personal use anymore with an addition of the premium addons - that is not correct.
A person who'd like to learn/evolve his skills will continue using EVE completely FREE.
Premium addons will be designed mainly for Learning centers/companies and bigger enterprises with specific business needs.
Some premium addons will be designed and added in advance by EVE team and some will be designed and added per request.
pre-Alpha - End of November 2016
Alpha - January 2017
Beta - March/April 2017
Future plans:
We will offer a ready to use on demand solution ( size , individual / multi-user platform )
Starting from User with 16 VCPU and 80G Ram for a day to specific need with price available from online calculator ( concurrent users / network size / time length )
Other ways you can help us:
If you don't want or can't contribute, that is absolutely fine and we respect your choice, instead you can help us spread the word and share this via social sites (facebook, linkedin etc) individually or by means of Indiegogo share tools.