~song preview~ Check "updates" for more info on this track!
About this project...
A lot has happened in this country since I released The Lumberjack a year ago. The Global Change Climate Program released its 4th annual Climate Assessment, Toledo Ohio granted human rights to Lake Eerie, the Senate designated 1.3 million acres of wilderness, and the state of Illinois rolled out an agenda to achieve zero carbon by 2050.
Last summer's tour took us around the country and up through Canada. We passed through the smoke of America's most punishing wildfire season in history, stood 30 yards from where lightning struck land during an extreme precipitation event Texas, and narrowly avoided the devastating floods of Hurricane Florence in North Carolina.
The climate is changing and that's what this album is about.
My name is Eleanor Elektra and I am a singer songwriter and interdisciplinary artist. I have been expressing my connection with nature through music since I started writing songs as a teen. This will be my third release to date and my most ambitious project yet! But more on that later; the inspiration for this album first came to me when I was 16 years old, in the form of a Norse genesis story wherein the earth is born from the corpse of a giant named Ymir. Ymir’s flesh becomes the earth, his blood the rivers, his brains the clouds, his skull the sky. His blood drowns the inhabitants of the world except for two of his offspring who float away in a sea of gore.
Five years later I did an "exquisite corpse" cowrite with a fellow songwriter; we passed the notebook back and forth writing lyrical passages, and the metaphors that conceived these songs came from this.
The Exquisite Corpse is about things that are started by one generation and taken up by another, it’s about the struggling condition of the earth. The Exquisite Corpse is also the cycle of death and regeneration. It’s a way of looking at the Earth that says one thing ends, another begins, and it is also a call to action, compelling us to bring an end to the paradigm of exploitation so a paradigm of restoration can begin. It is the concept of Nature as a body, and it holds physical and spiritual implications about the current condition of the Earth and what it means to us.
The studio dates are booked, and things are in motion!
won't you join us for these
32 Days of Fundraising
How Can You Help?
Select a perk that delights you and press go! Or venmo a direct donation to @Eleanor-Larsen-1.
If you cannot support monetarily that's okay! You can also:
Share this indiegogo page with your friends and family; help me get the word out there and encourage them to do the same!
Join the mailing list on my website (https://www.eleanorelektra.com) to stay up to date on new music, shows, merch and more!
Follow me on social media (instagram: eleanorelektramusic) | (Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eleanorelektra/)
~Send me good vibes~
The Team
This is the Plan
In just 32 days we hope to raise the funds we need for this album! The band will begin their first day of recording on the 4th of July and we’ll be pulling 12 hour days until July 7th. It’s really gonna be something, recording is fun, exhausting, rewarding and expensive. That’s a major part of what we’re raising money for! Once that baby’s tracked the mixing begins.
Here's a break down of the costs
Our initial goal is $3,000
That will cover four days in the studio, pay these most excellent musicians, and get the record mixed and mastered
Stretch goal I is $5,000
This will pay for all of the above plus manufacturing, a hand printed edition with original artwork, and will also cover copyright, distribution and merch making.
Stretch Goal II is $7,100
This will pay for all of the above plus a good and proper promotion and a music video!!
Stretch Goal III is $11,500
This is the final goal and it will cover all of the above and also allow us to tour the album with the full band!
About the impact of your support...
Funding for this project will help bring a new work of art to fruition. This album is meant to contribute to a cultural force that sanctifies Nature—something that has been alternately feared and exploited by the western world for centuries. This task is indelibly related to sustainability, because it shapes the way we treat our planet. The global community does not have much time to drastically change the way it operates and we need to work quickly; this is the reality that my generation has grown up with and now, as young adults, we are closing in on an ultimatum. As an artist, I've been drawn to expressions of nature again and again over the years by a sense of awe, urgency and justice.
My sound has definitely grown since recording my solo EP Comet on a field recorder in the hills. Arranging these strange songs for an ensemble is not a simple task! But working with these musicians has been such a joy and an incredible learning experience. This record is pushing me to a new level of music and leadership that will bring forth transformative year with your generous support.
Risks & Challenges
This project is slated to take about a year to complete, and what I'm raising here through indiegogo is just part of the total costs! In the next nine months, I plant to save $6,000 from the two day jobs I hold down to help pay for everything. Managing those jobs, preventing surprise expenses from piling up, and making sure the agenda stays organized and rolling, will be a challenge. But things are looking good so far, as I've already squirreled away $3,000 for this project and managed to keep all the moving parts in working order! Releasing my last album The Lumberjack and touring extensively this past year taught me that things don't always go as planned, and stuff happens on the road, but it also taught me how to deal!