The campaign is over. We have managed to get the funds needed. Big thanks to all our backers!
In case you found out about Factorio after the campaign ended you can still preorder Factorio with alpha access at our webpage
Said about Factorio
... I have been unable to stop playing. 30+ hours so far - bill, Factorio Forums
Dang it, now I'm hooked on this game.- Sacheverell, Content Manager for the official Minecraft Forum
Great game, can't believe this is an alpha. Excited for the full release. - rymn, FacePunch Forums
This looks pretty cool. Factorio, indie game where you make factories on other worlds. Hope it succeeds :) - Nathan Adams, Minecraft Developer
I loved your game as I did not love any game ever. (As a gamer with 15 years of experience) - Mindreader, Factorio Forums
We are geeks and we like to build stuff. We have spent a significant portion of our childhood and youth messing with lego, programming and playing games like Transport Tycoon, Civilization or Simcity. Games which didn't have impressive graphics, but still were a lot of fun to play. They were all about designing, building and creating things. About figuiring out how to solve little puzzles (Hmm how do I extend this train station?) and about managing what you created (Arrgh i need to upgrade all these roads into railroads!). We loved these games and we spent many nights staying up and playing them.
Then there came the idea for a game where you build your factory. You wouldn't have slaves or drones to give orders to. You would have to setup everything yourself. Automate a lot and make sure that things will scale up well. What if you found yourselve on a deserted place or maybe an alien planet alone with no equipment. Would you be able to survive? Would you be able to start from the scratch and build your tools and machines from the ground up?
Factorio is a 2D game about building factories on an alien planet. You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure and fighting alien enemies. Use your imagination to design your factory, apply management skills to keep it working and finally show your close combat skills in encounters with planet inhabitants who don't really like you.
A public demo is already available. No signup, no fee, just download it from and play it now:) The demo contains a short 3-level introductory campaign. There is a very limited set of concepts and game elements in the demo compared to what will be in the full game and what is currently in the alpha. Main purpose of the demo is to give general feeling for the game and allow players to test whether the game works well with their specific system.
The game will be released in its current state as an alpha in mid March 2013. The alpha will be available to all backers. The alpha is already playable and contains following things (however not graphically finished or polished):
- 2 extra campaign levels in three difficulty settings
- singleplayer freeplay (couple of hours playing on a procedurally generated map)
- researching technologies for unlocking recipes or improving existing structures
- programmable signals to get fine grain control over your factory
- logistic robots to ease transportation in big factories
- more game content
- assembling machines to automatically craft things
- transport belts to ground to allow belts crossing
- filtering inserters
- laboratories to perform research
- steel processing
- entities variations (chests, inserters, etc.)
- ...
- more weapons (flamethrower, rocket launcher, landmines)
- map editor
- lua scenarios scripting
- moderate modding support (all game element properties are defined as data)
If we get the funding, the expected release date will be May 2013. The release will feature (on top of the alpha):
- longer main campaign
- overall tuning and polishing (singleplayer freeplay, map editor, etc.)
- finished graphics (including better GUI :))
- richer technology tree (e.g. way more modifiers - speed, energy efficiency, health)
- more game content
- accumulators to store energy
- rocket towers
- larger iron furnace
- transport belt recombinators
- ...
- better combat mechanics
- batteries to enable special attack effects (slow enemies, ...)
- splash damage attacks
- armor varieties
- little robots flying around the character and protecting him
- variety of enemy creatures
- technical stuff (automatic downloader / updater, speed improvements)
The game is written in C++ and will be available for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux (atm just Ubuntu). Distribution will be digital only. You pay once and that is it. All future updates are included. No P2W, no DRM, no surprises.
Up to now we have financed the game development ourselves. We hired freelancers to work on 2d, 3d and concept graphics as well as on sound design. This allowed us to release a demo and get the game into early alpha state. However to finish the level game we need extra funds. Namely for:
Improving game graphics It is painfully obvious that a large part of the graphical content in the game is still conceptual (mining drills, turrets, boilers, vehicle etc.). Getting the funds will allow us to create reasonable graphical looks for all the elements currently in the game as well as for the elements we plan for the near future.
Continuing full time development Without the funding we won't be able to focus solely on the game and continue at the fast pace we have progressed in the past months.
The funding we have chosen is Fixed Funding. That means if we don't reach our goal we get nothing and all the backers will get their money back. This is because we believe that amount we are targetting is the minimum that is necessary for us to finish the game.
In case we don't get the funding we stop the full time development and go back to programming jobs. One of the following will happen to the game:
- finished in our spare time (will take significantly longer)
- released in the current state as an open source
- abandoned:(
Stretch goals
We have a lot of ideas for further development. We have composed a list of couple of stretch goals in the order we thing makes the most sense. However, as mentioned earlier, we think players should have a say in what will go in or not. Therefore the final ordering in the list below will be decided in player polls on the website.
Multiplayer We are mainly aiming for a cooperative multiplayer, where players build the factory together. They can divide tasks, speed up the factory bootstrap, attack from more directions, etc. We believe this will bring the game to a completely new level.
Railroads Will allow you to transport large chunks of resources / produced goods around in your factory or from one factory into another. Together with transport belts and logistic robots this will allow you to create more efficient logistic setups. This is necessary and currently lacking in later stages of the game.
Blueprints Blueprints are mechanism to avoid repetitive building of the same structures again and again. They will allow the player to "copy" existing set of structures (part of the factory) and use it as a blueprint somewhere else.
Alternative energy Build solar plants and get cheap energy during the day. Setup wind mills in windy areas to diversify your energy production. Experiment with fusion reactors.
Modifiers You will get a choice of the player with a different skillset in the beginning. This will result in bonuses for fight, mining, effectivity of machines, energy production, etc. There will also be in game achievements that will unlock bonuses like this (for example processing this and this much of iron in this time will increase mining effectivity). We believe this concept will add a lot of depth to the game.
Hidden ores At the moment all the mining is done from sources on the surface of the planet. However the true treasures are hidden deep in the ground. First you will have to locate them by scanning and only after that use elaborate mining machines to get them.
We are two programmers from Prague, Czech Republic (that is a small country in the middle of Europe). We have experiences across multiple fields of software engineering. Factorio was born from a hobby project and resulted in two of us working on the project full time for close to a year. We have spent a lot of time playing computer games and we want Factorio to be the game which we will enjoy playing. Actually we have played Factorio a LOT so far and still enjoy doing so.
Game access Every backer will get a digital key for game download. This includes all the updates in the future as long as the development continues. On top of that every backer will get access to the alpha release (March 2013).
Development polls We would like the players to have a say in where the game is heading. We decided to implement this with a concept we call dev polls. There will be regular polls on the web page about further development directions and game improvements. Every backer gets a number of votes depending on how much he contributed.
Digital wallpapers Our artist made a set of three digital wallpapers specifically for the crowdfunding campaign. Apart from being really pretty they tell a story of the game as well: landing - setting up industrialization - fighting the enemies
Scenario packs Besides freeplay which is one long game, the reward tiers will contain additional challenging scenarios which will test different player abilities. Some examples of scenarios in the pack are:
- Mining challenge: In fixed time mine as much as possible.
- Effectivity king: Produce predefines set of items with least resources in shortest time.
- Tower defense: Protect your base for a given time from hoards of attacking aliens.
Name in the Game Many entities in the game will have a name of the model that will be generated from names list. For instance when seeing an info for particular inserter you will see that this is "John Smith" model.
Name in the Credits There will be a section with the credits to people who contributed larger amount. We would like something better and more innovative than a simple list of names. However we don't know yet what it will be.
Chat with the developer(s) Are you curious about some particular details regarding the project ? Would you like to ask for strategy tips and tricks guys who wrote the game? Or maybe you would like to do something completely different - like play a game of Go. Whichever you like for 1 - 2 hours. Can be done over a glass of good beer in Prague or over the Internet.