Short Summary
Greetings everyone, my name is Zane Morrow, and I'm the Writer & Director of Family Deception. I'm supported by my incredible classmates at Relativity School, where I'm studying Film & Digital Content.
The plot of Family Deception follows an 18-year-old girl being tested by her family to prove her commitment to the family crime business and if she's worthy of taking over for her father who died. Can she prove her loyalty to the family on all levels, even putting her relationship to the test?
By investing in Family Deception, you will be contributing to an incredible and amazing experience. Plus, depending on how much you contribute, you could also receive various items from a "Thank You Letter," "A Signed Manuscript," "Behind the Scenes Sneak Peaks," or even a "Poster" of the film. You can even receive a credit in the credits and on IMDb.
We can't wait to advance the process of "Family Deception" and with your help, it'll go places beyond what any of us could imagine.
What We Need
What can we say, making a film is expensive! We need $2,600. Our budget with go directly towards paying for the Location & the Permits, Production Design, Art Department, Special Effects, Stunts, Catering to feed the cast and crew, the costs in Post-Production, and Marketing & Distribution (Film Festivals).
- Most of our budget is focusing on the getting the locations we need and dressing them up to add an artistic quality to the film in order for our audiences to feel like they are there in the moment.
- Our equipment is already provided by Relativity School so it's not a huge matter to focus on within our budget.
- Part of the budget will go towards getting the right amount of resources to make this short feel as real as possible.
- Investing will also help us to spread Family Deception nationwide and internationally at film festivals, alike. You will be just as big of a part in the making of this film as our cast and crew, and we will make sure you feel included.
If we manage to raise more than our goal, the extra money in production will go towards more real set decorations and making sure that the Special Effects look even more real. In Post-Production it will go towards making sure everything continues to look great. Also, the more money raised will go towards submitting Family Deception into more film Festivals.
If you can't contribute but still want to help out. Please share this campaign around to your friends and family and spread the word.
Risks & Challenges
Making a movie is already a change by itself, but is prickly with your help that we can accomplish our goals for this movie. Some other challenges include:
- Obtaining the funds necessary to make this film what it could be, artistically.
- Being granted the permits to film in certain locations.
- The special conditions that come with filming.
Pre-Production will be from September 7th-October 6th.
We'll be shooting from October 7th-9th.
Post Production will last from October 10th-December 13th.
Festival Submission and Distribution will begin December 15th.
Our Team
Zane Morrow - Director/Writer/Producer
Zane Morrow is a film director/producer currently residing in Los Angeles after growing up in Portland, Oregon. He wishes to continue telling stories in both an artistic way and to inspire others.
Mary Strause - Assistant Director/Producer
Mary Strause is an aspiring writer/director currently residing in Downtown Los Angeles. After growing up in the small town of Rio, Wisconsin. She wants to continue telling stories as a visual art form through music, dance, and narratively.
Eli DiFiore - Director of Photography
Eli DiFiore is a director of photography from Massachusetts. He currently resides in Los Angeles where he studies film production at Relativity School.
Tyler Osika - Assistant Camera
Tyler Osika is a designer and animator from Illinois. He is currently pursuing a career in film in Los Angeles where he attends Relativity School.
Miguel Fernando Del Moral - Storyboard/Production Design
Fernando is an actor and a filmmaker from California. He is been exploring storytelling through the medium of literature. He currently lives in Los Angeles studying film and digital content at Relativity School.
Alyssa Goldpenny - Special Effects Supervisor
Alyssa Goldpenny is an actor and Special Effects Artist from New York. She specializes in practical effects and art direction. She is a wizard that makes one of the illusions of movies come to real life.
AJ Fleuirdas - Sound
AJ Fleuirdas is a filmmaker from Las Vegas. He is currently studying film and digital content at Relativity School.