Our Story
Pamela is an awesome, compassionate, and a giving person. She takes care of her son who has cerebral palsy and two brothers who have severe disabilities. She puts everyone's needs before her own needs. She was medically diagnosed with advanced dry macular degeneration a few of years ago. Central geographic atrophy, the “dry†form of advanced macular degeneration, results from atrophy to the retinal pigment epithelial layer below the retina, which causes vision loss through loss of photoreceptors (rods and cones) in the central part of the eye. Her eyesight has gotten considerably weaker in both eyes. There is no known medical or surgical treatment for dry macular degeneration other than alternative medicines, supplements, vitamins, antioxidants, and a dietary plan that can slow the progression of this disease. Alternative treatments can get very costly.
The Impact
She has spread so much light in others lives but now she is losing light in her own eyes. We love her and need her. This campaign can help pay for alternative therapies/treatments that are available to help slow down the progression of this disease. She has accrued $45,000 in debt overtime. She may not be able to work at her clerical job at a school much longer so payment of this debt may be impossible. This campaign can also partly help to pay down her debt from previous medical expenses and expenses from taking care of others.
What We Need & What You Get
I have set a goal for $10,000. Any amount raised will be used for alternative treatments for macular degeneration and paying down the debt from bills. We will organize church events to raise funds to help her in this difficult time. Any help counts. We will be very thankful for your help and bless your lives.
We have several different perks that you can choose from in return for your kind and thoughtful giving/donation.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please pray for Pamela so she can receive healing. Please spread this plea for help through the word of mouth. You can also get the word out by posting this link in your accounts on facebook, twitter, linkedln, myspace, personal websites, or other forums. Information is also available on my facebook link http://www.facebook.com/events/403784922970032/... and twitter link https://twitter.com/#!/pankulsh
Lord bless you for your help.