Great Summary Video
(News Highlights Jimmy Kimmel, TMZ, The Today Show)
TMZ Interview
Right This Minute (Interview)
From The Today Show
The Main video went viral & received over 500,000 YouTube hits in just 24 hours! I hope it brought a big smile to your face and some warmth to your heart!
Fight For The Forgotten
The Vision
Slave Liberation
Rainforest Preservation
Wildlife Conservation
More Than Probable
$50,000 sounds like a lot but it will do more than you could possibly imagine!
What 50k will do:
1,000 Slaves Set FREE (Men, Women, & Children)
300 Acres of Rainforest Protected
School Built
Teacher & Headmaster Paid
Wildlife saved from poaching
Pygmy Culture cultivated
Water Well freshly flowing
Corn and beans started growing
Sustainable way of life begun
The Possible!
What $200,000-$250,000 will do
3,000-5,000 Slaves Liberated (Men, Women & Children)
5 km2 (5 square km’s) of Protected Rainforest!
Mass of wildlife saved from illegal poaching
Pygmy Culture saved from extinction
Water Wells, tanks, & sanitation
Nutritious Crops growing (Super Fruits)
- Tilapia Ponds Stocked (Aquaponics System Started)
Eco-Dome Homes Technology Began (Incredible Upgrade)
Self-Sustaining, Shalom University Research Center (on land with year round development students)
Self-Sufficient, Self-Sustaining Society Started & Thriving!
Quick Story:
He was dead... And he laid lifeless in my hands. No one was surprised to see little Andibo die, except me. In this far away land it is common to try and hurry to forget these casual & common tragedies. My Pygmy family told me Andibo was just one of many innocent infants to die of preventable disease. The one-pill cure was only $1. The casket I buried him in was $48. Even more tragic than this was that his death was caused by being neglected then rejected medical treatment, twice. The first denial happened when Andibo's widowed-slave-mother was told that they were too poor & too dirty to even come inside the hospital. The second rejection was after the slave tribe came back with an abundance to pay for treatment. However, they were told "We won't waste our medicine on that Pygmy ANIMAL." As I dug the one & a half year old's grave I thought about how this story was suppose to go untold... But as fate would have it, Andibo's story is now being told and action is now being taken.
Meet Eféosa
Efeosa means: "The Man Who Loves Us"
Before being given the tribe name Efeosa I was professional Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Justin "The Viking" Wren from the UFC & The Ultimate Fighter reality show.
I was known for fighting against people. Now I am inviting you along a one year journey to fight FOR people! To fight for the world's most forgotten people.
- My last trip to the Pygmies I saw myself being brought in as family and being given my own tribe name. My grandfather & chief named me Efeosa.
My vision is to fight for Mbuti Pygmy slaves of the Congo jungle who can't fight for themselves and then develop them in many ways of self-sustainablitlity so they have more than just a fighting chance.
When This Launches into action
- One Viking
- One Jungle
- One Year
- 1,000 Pygmy Slaves Set FREE!
The Pygmy Project
Liberating men, women, and children slaves. Placing the formerly enslaved on their own land, that they own, for the first time since ancient times. Then see the tribe through until they are trained in a self-sufficient way of life. Develop the community to have clean water flowing, and sustainable crops growing. Provide a desired school for education which will in turn provide an opportunity for citizenship and representation for the first time in their history. These desired changes will be made while preserving their valued and endangered culture; furthering the people group farther than they have had possible in the past 1,000 years.
A Promising Past
- In my last one month jungle journey to The Democratic Republic of Congo in September of 2012 we saw 60 slaves set free on their first ever owned, 30 acres.
- Since then the number has DOUBLED! 120 slaves have been set free on 60 acres. They have also produced their first corn and beans crops and getting preparing for a second harvest!
- This was done on virtually NO support compared to the price tag we are going for now. We have proven the system works and have negotiated land ownership and freedom for the Pygmies from their former slavemasters.
The Partnership
- Shalom University, the oldest University in Eastern Congo (over 50 years old)
- I am partnering with Shalom's School Of Community Development to work with Faculty and Students on this Pygmy Project
- Shalom has been working with the Pygmies since 2007. The Dean of the School is one of the only men to have gone and lived amoung the Pygmies for numerous years.
- The school is passionate about transformation of the communities in Congo and beginning with "the worst" is the best way to show everyone the possibilities.
- Bypassing the "high-up corrupt" and going straight to those in need means all donations are being given directly to what will make the most impact.
Transformation isn't far fetched!
The ultimate goal of my one year jungle journey is to see my family have a RADICAL transformation. At times, I have literally slept on the dirt and then sunk into mud during the rainy season of the rainforest with them. My dream, my desire, & my inspired belief is that together we can transform the lives of this tribe, my family, unlike ever done before! My goal is to be able to step out of the picture and not only have it not crumble, but have it get even better! With the possibility of Shalom University putting a research center on the land it makes that more than a dream. They desire to have a year round research center placed on the Pygmy land where they have 15-25 students getting University credit for their time their. They will get credit for working alongside the Pygmies to develop them into a fully sustainable people. Now THAT is what I'm talking about!
The People:
The most ancient society of nomadic hunter and gatherers and one of the most peaceful tribes known to mankind, The Mbuti Pygmies. The Pygmies reside in the Congo Rainforest which is the second largest rainforest on the globe. For thousands of years they have been known to themselves and others as simply “The Forest People.” The Pygmy tribe is most commonly distinguished by their small stature with the Pygmy adult males standing at an average of 4 foot 7 inches tall. Due to ongoing mistreatment the Pygmies have taken on a new identity where they have refered to themselves as "The Forgotten People."
The Passion:
The vision is to launch a movement to love the unloved, to give a voice to the voiceless, and to Fight For The Forgotten. The hope is to ignite an unquenchable hope for “the hopeless.”
The Purpose:
“The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.” The purpose of this plan is to be the change that we want to see in the world, and in return we will see a part of the world... CHANGED. The purpose of this is to shoot for the moon, to dare for the impossible, to attempt great attempts, and to expect great expectations.
The Kinds of Slavery
Pygmy slavery is a wide range from being held to gunpoint by rebel militia's in the gold, diamond, and coltan mines to being slaves because of no possibility of monetary gain or obtaining land ownership. The Pygmies that we have been seeing released are not being held to gunpoint or in shackles. The kind of slavery we are immediately putting an end to is slavery due to having no other option to survive. The easiest way to end this kind of slavery has been to see them be placed on their own land, and then showing them how to work it for themselves instead of their slavemasters. This year in Congo will give more insight into all the unique kinds of slavery and what action can be taken for the Pygmies of Africa (Meaning a future goal to expand into other countries where the Pygmy people reside). The main reason for Pygmy slavery is due to extreme racism where surrounding tribes believe the Pygmy people are still in the transitional stage from monkey to human. This belief accounts for the hunting, killing, cooking, and cannibalism against the tribe as well as other atrocities against humanity in recent years.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help!
- Share! Just like the video above hit, then, then multiple MMA/UFC websites and then after that TMZ & Jimmy Kimmel picked up the humorous, heartwarming video.
- Cast the vision! If you caught the vision, help me cast it so that others who may be able to promote or contribute can catch the vision as well!
- Be a Buzzmaker! Create buzz in anyway you know how :-)
- Stay connected, share your ideas, know your appreciated!