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尋找張子岱續篇 Finding Cheung Chi Doy Sequel

Bringing Mr. Cheung back to Blackpool after more than 50 year

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尋找張子岱續篇 Finding Cheung Chi Doy Sequel

尋找張子岱續篇 Finding Cheung Chi Doy Sequel

尋找張子岱續篇 Finding Cheung Chi Doy Sequel

尋找張子岱續篇 Finding Cheung Chi Doy Sequel

尋找張子岱續篇 Finding Cheung Chi Doy Sequel

Bringing Mr. Cheung back to Blackpool after more than 50 year

Bringing Mr. Cheung back to Blackpool after more than 50 year

Bringing Mr. Cheung back to Blackpool after more than 50 year

Bringing Mr. Cheung back to Blackpool after more than 50 year

Fun Man Chan
Fun Man Chan
Fun Man Chan
Fun Man Chan
1 Campaign |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
$2,275 USD 30 backers
5% of $42,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

主旨/ Logline

About two ‘dreams’, the dream of discovering and the dream of returning.


電影簡介 / Movie Synopsis

本片是一部關於首位在歐洲頂級聯賽效力的香港足球員--張子岱足球 外闖的紀錄片。年青導演親身走訪黑池,嘗試找尋張子岱於 1960-1962 年效力黑池足球會的昔日足跡,並訪問香港球圈人士,紀錄張子岱闖英 傳奇,同時呈現 60 年代的光輝足球歷史。

A documentary searching footprint of Cheung Chi Doy, who was the first and only Hong Kong player to play in the European topflight division. Young director visits Blackpool and Hong Kong, trying to trace and document Mr. Cheung Chi Doy and his time in Blackpool Football Club between 1960 and 1962. At the same time, to recapture the glorious Hong Kong football history back in the 60s.

誰是張子岱? /Who is Cheung Chi Doy?

張子岱是首位參與英格蘭頂級聯賽的香香港球員,他曾於 1960 至 1962 年效力黑池足球會,他亦是亞洲球員在歐洲球壇立足的先驅。在 1967 年,應卜比・笠臣(Bobby Robson)的邀請,與弟弟張子慧登陸北 美足球聯賽,效力溫哥華皇家(Vancouver Royals)。

Cheung Chi Doy (張子岱) is the first ever Hong Kong player to participate

in the English First Division. He played for Blackpool F.C. from 1960 to 1962. He is also one of the first Asian players to play professionally in Europe.
Later in 1967, because of Bobby Robson's invitation, he and his brother Cheung Chi Wai went to the US to play in the North American Soccer League. They joined Vancouver Royals.

續集內容大綱 /Sequel

繼導演親身走訪黑池, 張子岱先生相隔五十年後, 重返舊地黑池。 與昔日隊友重聚,與球迷見面,回歸黑池主場布隆菲爾德路球場 (Bloomfield Room),重溫當年生活的點點滴滴。

After more than 50 years, Mr. Cheung Chi Doy will take his journey to England, to return to his old place, Blackpool where he once fought for his dream. He will meet his former team-mates and Blackpool fans, to recapture his dribs and drabs in Blackpool.

主要創作團隊介紹 /Key Creative Personnel

香港導演,憑電影《點對點》(Dot 2 Dot)提名第 34 屆香港電影金像獎; 在此 之前穿梭於電視電影的幕後工作。

Producer: Amos Wong Ho-yin
Hong Kong director, nominated for Hong Kong Academy Awards - Best New Director with his directional debut <Dot 2 Dot>; before that, he had been working in the TV and film industry.

導演:陳寬敏 香港土生土長,曾留學台灣和英國,在大學修讀媒體製作(Media Production), 走訪英國、香港兩地後完成《尋找張子岱》, 後獲邀到各地區作社區放 映。

Director: Chan Fun Man
Born and bred in Hong Kong, studied in Taiwan, graduated in the UK with a Media Production degree. After travelling between the UK and Hong Kong, and finished <Finding Cheung Chi Doy>, he was invited to do free and community based screenings for the documentary in different places.

媒體報導 /Media Coverage

蘋果日報 (Apple Daily)

八方人物:球王張子岱英國戰績 90 後拍片重現/蘇汝興

蘋果動新聞 (Next Media Animation)

55 年前 港人踢英格蘭頂級聯賽 ?! 九十後追訪港足奇人/蘇汝興


大公報 (Ta Kung Pao)



明報周刊 (Ming Pao Weekly)

尋找張子岱/關震海 %E5%B0%8B%E6%89%BE%E5%BC%B5%E5%AD%90%E5%B2%B1


#81 10.2015 Sports Commentaries: 亞洲第一人:見證香港足壇興衰(尋找張子岱紀錄片) P. 167/王展煒

香港獨立媒體網 (


大球場道 (Road to Stadium)

電台訪問 /Radio Interview 商業一台 (Commercial Radio 1)

26-12-2015 1700-1800《大鐵人》/楊樂笙、熊書頤

新城生活台 (Metro Life Digital)

09-10-2015 1000-1300 《大世界 好香港》 /葉詠詩 


  • More info on $1250 Perk – Host a Screening. This perk grants you a one-time non-commercial screening of the film in a private space. The director would travel to your location to introduce the film and engage in a Q&A and discussion session with you and your guests. His airfare would be borne by you. Additional travel expenses may apply if the venue is located far from an international airport.

  • More info on $2500 Perk – Visit Blackpool. This perk does not include travel and accommodation expenses for you and your travel mate.

  • More info on $10,000 Perk – Be an Executive Producer
    This perk does not include travel expenses for you and your travel mate.

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Choose your Perk


特別嗚謝 Be Credited

$50 USD
On top of all the perks above... You can also receive the film's postcard by mail during our filming in Blackpool. Your name will appear in the film's end credits. And you get to keep a digital copy of the film for posterity!
2 claimed

成為我們的一份子 Be a part of us

$10 USD
Thank you for joining us on our journey! You will be able to receive latest news of our documentary. And we will have you credited as a sponsor on our official website.
2 claimed

網上放映 Online Screening

$25 USD
On top of all the perks above... You'll be the first to stream the film online after its official release (via a private link). And feel fantastic having helped our documentary subjects and funding an independent film!
6 claimed

《尋找張子岱》DVD套裝 <FCCD>DVD Set

$100 USD
On top of all the perks above... You'll be sent a double-DVD set of the film signed by the director - featuring exclusive interviews/director's audio commentary/other bonus materials. A great gift for your family and friends too!
7 claimed

Poster & Cast & Crew T-Shirt

$200 USD
獲得以上所有選項。 您將會獲得一張擁有您的名字在內的海報及限量的《尋找張子岱》製作團隊的T- Shirt。 On top of all the perks above. You'll receive a hard copy of our special edition film poster with your name printed in the credits! and also a limited edition t-shirt of the cast and crew.
2 claimed

首映派對 Premiere Gala Tickets

$500 USD
獲得以上所有選項。 我們將會邀請您及您的一位朋友/家人/對象/伴侶,出席我們的首映會。導演會很期待與您會面及當面感謝您,還有介紹您給觀眾認識。 On top of all the perks above... You and your date are invited to our premieres! Our director is keen to meet you. And he'll personally thank and introduce you to the audience at the screening.
0 out of 10 of claimed

私人放映會 Host a Screening

$1,250 USD
可獲得以上所有選項。 本片導演會親身為您的家人/朋友/社團舉行一個私人放映會。集齊各方好友,私語心得,密會導演。(* 詳情請見常見問題) On top of all the perks above... Our director will travel to a private screening for your friends/family/organisation. Get your mates together for a good cause and enjoy an exclusive session with the director! (* See FAQ for details)
0 out of 10 of claimed

黑池之旅 Visit Blackpool

$2,500 USD
獲得所有$10至$500的選項。 您和您的同伴將會經歷一個畢生難忘的旅程。你們親身到訪黑池,跟隨拍攝團隊兩天,與導演和張子岱先生在黑池,一同尋覓過往足跡。 (不包括機票、住宿等開支) (* 詳情請見常見問題) On top of all the $10-$500-perks.. You and your partner will experience an once-in-a-lifetime journey. Spending 2 days with the director and be ready to discover with Mr. Cheung Chi Doy in this long-awaited re-visit.(Exclude any transports and accommodation fee) (* See FAQ for details)
0 out of 2 of claimed

做我們的聯合製作人 Be a Co-Producer

$5,000 USD
獲得所有$10至$500的選項。 您將會成為本紀錄片的聯合監製,以聯合監製身份出現在紀錄片及海報中。 On top of all the $10-$500-perks... Join the team and be credited as a Co-Producer in the end credits of the film, official poster and IMDB listing!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

做我們的監製 The Executive Producer

$10,000 USD
您將會獲得以上所有得選項,及成為本紀錄片的監製! 導演與您和您的一位朋友將會一同出席首映禮。 You will receive all the perks above and be credited as an Executive Producer! Take a friend and attend our world premiere with the director.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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