Hello, my name is Tim Haag; environmentally conscious individual and
retired Fire Marshall after 34 years of service. A few years ago, I met a
brilliant inventor, Dennis Cortese, at a live burn demonstration in the state
of Colorado. Through this chance meeting, I discovered Fire-Stop6, a product
designed to protect homes from the ravages of wildfires. This is an
eco-friendly, reasonably priced system that can be self-installed or installed
with the help of a contractor.
Imagine that a raging wildfire is spreading out of control, beyond management of firefighters, creeping closer to a rural neighborhood. Residents have been instructed to leave and only have time to collect their families, their selves, and a few precious items before fleeing to safety. Neighbors, family, and friends are forced to become onlookers as flames spread through their yards and begin to creep up the walls of their houses. Homes are devoured by flames, leaving behind charred skeletons of the structures they once were, irreplaceable belongings are reduced to ash. Lives are forever devistated and a solution is so clearly needed. What if there was a way to avoid all of this loss and heartache?
Dennis Cortese, an entrepreneuer from Fort Collins, Colorado, has created such a system to prevent the devistation associated with wildfires: FireStop. This inivative system will protect families and individuals from losing all they have when these threats approach mountain and rural areas.
FireStop is an automated fire suppresant system that protects homes from incoming wildfires. A holding tank of FireStop's heat resistant and flame retardent foam is installed anywhere on the building. Its sensors, fixated to the exterior of a home, indicate the threat of an approaching fire automatically. The system responds by releasing the foam through a series of nozzles; the home is encased with a layer of the foam that leaves wildfire flames with no opportunity to penetrate the structure. A wildfire can pass the protected home and leave it undamaged. The house and everything inside is safe while the fire moves on. This foam is patented and tested to be eco-friendly and successful in protecting homes through burning demonstrations.
Dennis Cortese's patented invention is expontentially cheaper than similar fire suppresant systems on the market today. This eco-friendly product is also easy to install either by yourself or with the help of a contractor. We are currently raising funds to bring this product into complete fruition by bringing it to markets everywhere that are afflicted by wildfires. Right now we have a couple of prototypes, set to head to production.