The FireTracks System
FireTracks is a First Responder tracking and locating system. FireTracks will seamlessly track and locate all on-site personnel in
real-time. Firefighters are equipped with beacons that constantly transmit a unique signal that identifies each individual firefighter with their location inside the building. The beacon signals are relayed to the Antenna Array outside, where they are then converted into an X,Y, Z coordinate. After conversion the signal is sent to the 3D Building software and displayed on a laptop.
Our goal is to improve upon Fire Fighter safety everywhere.
How it Works
At the scene of a fire or disaster:
1. Firefighters attach the IP3 Beacon to their Turn-Out gear before heading out onto the fireground.
2. Immediately, the IP3 Beacon begins transmitting a unique signal. The signal is picked up by the Multi-Channel Antenna Array and is then converted into an X,Y, Z coordinate.
3.The coordinates are then sent to Command for display on a laptop with our 3D Indoor Building wire-frame software.
4. Command can then view on screen the exact location and position of firefighters, and track their whereabouts.
Current Firefighter Accountability Systems
There are basically two or three types of FF Accountability.
Fire Chief
Fred WindischFire Chief, Ponderosa Fire Dept, Houston, Texas
The current accountability systems for firefighters really depend on the individual fire department, the size of the department and also their budget:
Velcro Name Patches - Passport System: below is an image a "Passport Collector". Firefighters place their name (Passport) on a board (Collector) on their way into a fire. Officers know with a glance who is still inside and unaccounted for.
Fire Tags: The firefighter name is engraved into a metal fire tag. The tag is hung up on a rack while the firefighter is unaccounted for.
Electronic Beacon: the firefighter attaches the beacon to their Turn-out gear. If a firefighter stops moving the beacon will emit an ear-piercing siren to attract the attention of nearby firefighters. Included is a powerful strobe-light to help other firefighters locate the individual. A panic button is generally included.
None of these system can locate a firefighter.
Features of the FireTracks System
- Both the IP3 Beacon and the S&R Finding Unit are made of
fire-resistant and waterproof material that enables them to be reliable
in any situation.
- They are equipped with a rechargeable Li-ion battery with a fully-charged battery life of 6-hours.
- Both devices are light weight and durable.
The IP3 Beacon
- The IP3 Beacon is equipped with an Emergency Siren and LED lights to ensure that the firefighters are found.
- The IP3 includes an emergency button that firefighters can press if they need help.
The S&R Unit
- The S&R Unit can accurately guide the Search &
Rescue team directly to the position of the trapped or injured
- The S&R Finding Unit lets the Rescue team know what floor they are on, it guides them to the firefighter, and how shows how close they are to the firefighter.
FireTracks in Action
If a firefighter stops moving or activates their emergency button:
1. Command is immediately notified (their icon turns red). Search & Rescue Teams are dispatched to the firefighters location. Our goal is to locate the individual with a less than 3-meter accuracy.
2. Search and Rescue Teams will use the S&R Finding Unit to accurately navigate through the building to reach the injured or trapped firefighter.
Where Will the Money Go?
There are several "big ticket" items that need to be done. They include Industrial Design, miniaturization of the components, UL Approval, Bill of Materials, raw materials purchase, a limited manufacturing run, assembly, testing, software programming... and then live, real-world testing!
Finalize Latest Designs / create Bill of Materials = $5,000
Industrial Design = $45,000
Product Testing = $50,000 (UL Approval & 500-degree burn test)
Limited Manufacturing run = $50,000
Risks & Challenges
Even though we are experimenting with our third-generation prototype, there is never 100% guarantee of success. We need to bring all of the components together and manufacture a complete system for real-world testing.
Research and Development is expensive. Conquering new frontiers is expensive. Money is obviously one of our challenges. We've been self-funded for the past 6 years. It's time to find an investor (or community) that will help us bring this life-saving device to market.
- Our lead Technical Specialist has spent decades designing and testing frequencies, antennas, and electronics.
- A break-through moment for us was receiving a signal through 7' of solid concrete.
First Generation Prototypes
Timeline for FireTracks
The Future of FireTracks
In addition to firefighters, this
same technology could be adapted to help track and locate Police, SWAT, Soldiers, Alzheimer's Patients and maybe Coal Miners. If successful with our campaign we hope to pursue other applications and features.
The FireTracks System can not only keep track of all on-scene personnel,
we are also working on a system that will monitor the
firefighters vital-signs and conditions along with their location back to
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that not everyone is
able to donate! If you are unable to donate,
but believe in the campaign, there are other ways for you to make a big difference!
Please share this campaign page on your social media sites such as; Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus.
Never underestimate the power of words! When you're at the office, church, or a recreational event, talk about the campaign and encourage others to support and donate to the project.
Email. Email the FireTracks Indiegogo link to your friends, co-workers, and family members, and ask for their help and support!
What if my questions weren't answered here?
We look forward to answering any questions that you may have about the FireTracks System, our Indiegogo campaign, or our company.
Please email us at