Florida Bible Camp
Florida Bible Camp
Florida Bible Camp
Florida Bible Camp
Florida Bible Camp
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
This campaign is closed
Florida Bible Camp
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
Over 65 years of changing lives
200 pristine acres on the edge of Oleno State Park has been the backdrop of life-changing experiences for 66 years. Florida Bible Camp (FBC) has served as the impetus for life-long friendships, spiritual renewal, countless numbers of young people converted to Christ.
As a counselor and Bible teacher at Florida Bible Camp I can't begin to tell you how many unbelievers were first introduced to Jesus through a friend, or fellow camper. I watched as teenagers rededicated their lives to Christ, or surrendered to the gospel message for the first time.
Now we are seeking to reach a new generation of young people. Florida Bible Camp allows us to take them away from the distractions of the world, the flood of social media, and the allure of their smartphones and tablets long enough to introduce them to God and his marvelous creation.
Florida Bible Camp needs a facelift. We need work to be done on the bath houses, repairs to the cabins, new canoes, new equipment, and new appliances in our kitchen. This is just the beginning.
Over the next few years we are launching a capital campaign, but in the next 60 days we need you to step up and help us begin. The campaign goal of $15,000 will allow us to make a major impact as we take the first steps in a complete restoration of the camp.
It is amazing what a few dollars can do.
In addition to helping with a financial gift, please post our information to you Facebook and Twitter feeds. Share this information with your friends through email. There is a generation of young people who need to experience God through the wonders of His creation.
You can also contact us for a campaign brochure that outlines our vision for the next generation at Florida Bible Camp.