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Flying Sparks - A Novel of Dragon, Bear, and boy

Trees walk, Stars Sing, and Mountains Dance, naturally the park ranger was annoyed.

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Flying Sparks - A Novel of Dragon, Bear, and boy

Flying Sparks - A Novel of Dragon, Bear, and boy

Flying Sparks - A Novel of Dragon, Bear, and boy

Flying Sparks - A Novel of Dragon, Bear, and boy

Flying Sparks - A Novel of Dragon, Bear, and boy

Trees walk, Stars Sing, and Mountains Dance, naturally the park ranger was annoyed.

Trees walk, Stars Sing, and Mountains Dance, naturally the park ranger was annoyed.

Trees walk, Stars Sing, and Mountains Dance, naturally the park ranger was annoyed.

Trees walk, Stars Sing, and Mountains Dance, naturally the park ranger was annoyed.

Betty Adams
Betty Adams
Betty Adams
Betty Adams
5 Campaigns |
Grand Ronde, United States
$415 USD 6 backers
5% of $7,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects

Look! Out in the forest! Is it a dragon? Is it a bear? Is it an elk? 

It's an Alien! 

The trees walk, the stars sing of war, and a human heart is breaking.

100K words of alien interaction in the "Dying Embers" Universe. If you like found family, alternate history, and disgruntled government employees check out this novel! 



  • About the Creators

Betty Adams lives in a particularly damp and remote corner of the Pacific Northwest and, like a hobbit, enjoys visitors so long as she knows them in advance and knows when they are coming. She was born sometime last century and will likely die sometime this century. She works winters on a small organic research farm when not writing and spends most of her time herding eccentric genius scientists (she is absolutely certain cats would be easier) with the help of her Great Pyrenees mix. Summers she spends nomadically wandering the Pacific Northwest in search of material for her stories and a regular paycheck for a biology major (she is reasonably certain those are on the Endangered Species List). She has several works published in the National Park Internal Database which may or may not be classified documents.

Music provided with permission by 

Imari Tones

Willamina Studios

  • Goals

"If for nothing else, for spite."

Some old dead human probably. 

Joy  that lifts the heart, pain that burns pure, laughter without malice; those are my goals. 

Many moons ago I was handed a copy of a certain book by a certain author with the assurance it was very 'mature', something I had wanted in a book for some time. It had everything I loved, a horse on the cover, the promise of dragons, dire wolves in a dark northern forest, and magic that whispered through the trees. I couldn't put it down, and I hated  it with a loathing all the more intense that I knew nothing held me to read the next page but my own lack of self control. Every good thing in that book was twisted with something dark, vulgar, repulsive. Mature only meant  reveling in all that was ugly to this author. 

Nearly 100 years ago Canadian Author L.M. Montgomery wrote, 

"Don't be—led away—by those howls about realism. Remember—pine woods are just as real as—pigsties—and a darn sight pleasanter to be in. You'll get there—sometime—you have the root—of the matter—in you. And don't—tell the world—everything. That's what's the—matter—with our—literature. Lost the charm of mystery—and reserve."

So other authors than me had seen the the uglyness and reacted to it. 

There had to be something better.

Something with dragon wings that would uplift the spirit.

Something with giant wolves that made a reader's heart soar. 

Something with magic that didn't leave the reader's mind feeling dirty. 

I prowled the library looking for something both mature and wholesome. Something that would satisfy an adult and not offend a child. Finally, in frustration I gathered dragons, aliens, spaceships, found family, and sibling squabbles and I wrote my own. 

To this day I credit that one vulgar author with inspiring me, inspiring me with the frustration and spite necessary to overcome my inertia and get started on this journey. 


  • Your contribution will bring that goal to fruition. I will publish a paperback version; 6x9, perfect bound in addition to the electronic version. My goal is to write full time and if we meet the stretch goals I will be able to do that. 
  • Imagine a cozy cabin in the woods. Just the author, a big old dog, a cup of tea sending a tendril of steam into the air, and the steady tic-tic-tacing of the keyboard as I explore this world of dragons, aliens, and things that go boomp in the night even further. You cannot find me. You cannot trace me. But you will get the fruit of my labors!

You will laugh, you will cry, you will curse my name for making you feel things. 


What We Need & What You Get

  • We need to pay the editor that's $3000
  • We need to pay the printers. That is going to cost around $2000
  • We need to pay shipping and fulfillment which will cost another $1000
  • The author would also like to eat occasionally thus the final $1000.
  • You get laughter! Tears! Joy! Despair! That special feeling you get when you find that package you have been waiting for sitting on your front step! The first perk is the E-book.  The second perk is a paperback. If we get to the stretch goals we will look at things like audiobook, a paperback graphic novel style stats book for each sapient species from the HAW universe, all with the fantastic original art commissioned just for this project, but the big stretch goal is. 
  • $10,000 A fully sound engineered by professionals audiobook version. 
  • $25,000 I give up my day job and write full time. This means a novel telling the story of Azure Seventh Flap (HAW universe) and how humans and their doggo friends saved the day on the deadliest world ever explored by the Space Rangers! 
  • Goals aside, the books will be printed at Maverick Publishing as long as we hit $4000

The Impact

Right now I am that author working a day job and squeezing in writing between gigs. Funding this will enable me to achieve my goal of a little cabin out in the woods with a full time career making people laugh through my written words. Funding this will enable me to turn tea into joy as well as putting food on the table of several printers, editors, artists, and ….what do you call fulfillment service types? 

For as long as humanity has had records we have recorded two things. Humans desperately need to both tell and hear stories, and humans need to eat. I offer up this plate of wholesome mature storytelling, hopping to make your day a little more interesting. This is my bison sketched on the wall of my cave, my etchings on the Rosetta Stone. 

This is a prequel to my novel "Dying Embers" BE WARNED. That is a very different book From my HAW universe if you are curious about it. There is laughter in it, but it is entwined with a broken heart. 

Risks & Challenges

There will always be risks and challenges when publishing a book. We might not get funded. A storm might flood the distribution center literally or figuratively. This I can promise you: I will do everything within my power to make sure that this book lands on your doorstep as soon as possible. 

For example as of the time typing this I have still not come through with the audio book for the last campaign (two campaigns ago) ...I am working on it. 

I have done it before and I will do it again. 

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:

Get the word out and make some noise about the campaign. Share the campaign on social media. Tell your Aunt Gertrude about it. Do an interpretive dance about the wrong broom in school! (or don't depending on school tolerance for nonsense). 

Use the Indiegogo share tools to make your life easier (in relation to this book, Indiegogo makes no promises about the rest of your life)!

Now go buy that book! 

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Choose your Perk

Flying Sparks Vol 1 Paperback

Flying Sparks Vol 1 Paperback

$35 USD $75 USD (53% off)
One signed paperpack copy of "Flying Sparks" with a frankly amature sketch of your choice HAW or FS alien by the author. The books are printed just over the river and through the woods at Maverick Printers. You also get the e-book. Sadly, overseas shipping rates to apply if you aren't in the US.
Included Items
  • Flying Sparks Volume 1 E-Book
  • Flying Sparks Vol 1 Paperback
Estimated Shipping
November 2023
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Dying Embers E-Book

Dying Embers E-Book

$15 USD $25 USD (40% off)
Exactly what it says on the tin. You will get the E-Book version of "Dying Embers" You will get four copies. .mobi Epub PDF .azw4 I used to offer them as "options" but quite frankly it is much less work for myself to send you all four and let you delete what you don't want.
Included Items
  • Dying Embers E-Book
Estimated Shipping
August 2023
0 claimed
Flying Sparks Volume 1 Ebook

Flying Sparks Volume 1 Ebook

$20 USD $35 USD (42% off)
Exactly what it says on the tin. You will get the e-book version of "Flying Sparks" Volume 1 You will get four copies. .mobi Epub PDF .azw4 I used to offer them as "options" but quite frankly it is much less work for myself to send you all four and let you delete what you don't want.
Included Items
  • Flying Sparks Volume 1 E-Book
Estimated Shipping
November 2023
0 claimed
Dying Embers 1st Edition

Dying Embers 1st Edition

$150 USD $250 USD (40% off)
A signed first edition print of "Dying Embers" Dragons, aliens, and things that go boomp in the night. Paperback 6x9 ~80K words Set in the Flying Sparks Universe following the later adventures of Drake McCarty. NOT SET IN THE HAW VERSE! This is a tragedy. Very sad. Not Comedy. also an E-Book
Included Items
  • DE 1st Edition Paperback
  • Dying Embers E-Book
Estimated Shipping
August 2023
0 out of 5 of claimed

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