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The project team has begun turning their prototype into the final product. Their ability to ship the products may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Tent / Hammock lets you sleep high or low; designed with built-in insulated air mattress, detachable sleeping bag & you can connect them together.
Outdoor adventures should not be complicated or limited by your surrounding environment. Most outdoor gear is built for a single purpose, which causes problems if you can’t find a flat piece of land to pitch your tent or two trees to hang your hammock between.
The Crua Hybrid offers the perfect solution and you'll never need to worry again about where to sleep. You can be confident your Crua companion will capably handle every situation you may face on your adventures.
A highly hydrophobic Rip-stop Nylon coats the tent protecting the user from the penetration of water.
The interior of the tent is also protected by a bug proof mesh to keep out unwanted intruders.
Lightweight and durable aircraft grade aluminium arch poles, equipped with a shock chord system.
Ability to link up with other Hybrid tents universally, so you can start your own little tent city if you needed to.
Everything you need for a comfortable nights sleep while out on your adventure is already built-in to the Crua Hybrid, including an insulated air mattress and a tailored sleeping bag.
In hammock form the tent can hold a total weight of 285lbs
The Crua Hybrid comes equipped with two ventilation outlets which are strategically positioned to tackle the problem of condensation forming within the tent.
Total weight is approx. 7lbs - including tent/hammock, insulated air mattress, and sleeping bag.
The talk
The Crua Hybrid is constructed from highly water repellent Rip-stop Nylon with a hydrostatic head of 5000mm. This is sufficient to survive even the heaviest of rainfalls.
Durable & Waterproof
It's not just another tent/hammock. The Crua Hybrid also includes a built-in sleeping bag and an insulated mattress for a comfortable nights sleep under the stars.
Here at Crua Outdoors we strive to produce high-quality products for our backers.
The backers of last year's successful campaign have received their rewards and are now contacting us to share their reviews. It's thrilling that they are all so positive!
Note: Packing
The tent hammock weighs 4.3lbs The sleeping bag weight 1.4lbs or 2.2lbs (there is a choice of bag, +1C or -7C Comfort Rating) The insulated air mattress weights 1.3lbs Total weight approx 7lbs
It all packs into 2 x attachable bags.
Bag 1 for the Tent/Hammock and mattress is approx 20 inch x 9 inch diameter Bag 2 for sleeping bag is approx 12 inches x 6 inch diameter These can be carried individually or clipped together Longest pole is 14 inches (approx 40 cm)
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