FP2: BEATS OF RAGE is here. The impossible sequel many thought would never happen. Now let's get an FP3 moving and confuse the world even more!
Many of you missed out on the initial pre-order due to politics and shiz and we sold out of our first run of Blu-Rays and now they are REGION FREE! Get 'em shipped to you anywhere in the world!
YOU asked for it, NOW here it is! Your second chance to pick up a physical copy of FP2: BEATS OF RAGE (and some other shiz)
All proceeds from this campaign will go to the immediate production of FP3. I'm finishing up the script over the next couple weeks and we need some start up duckets to get all the crazy props/sets/costumes etc. into production ASAP (because that shiz takes time)
We need cash money to print the Blu-rays, Soundtracks, T-Shirts that y'all missed out on in the pre-order.
Then any profits left over from all that shiz dumps straight into FP3!
Share the F out of FP2: BEATS OF RAGE. It's on Amazon Prime and Vimeo On Demand. Spread the word. Watch the movie all the way to the end on Amazon then give us some chill reviews. Every time you watch the movie on Amazon Prime, we get a little splash o' duckets in the duck bank.
Want to buy a digital copy and make sure all the Duckets go to FP3? Buy the De-LOOXE Edition on Vimeo.
You can also Like JTRO's Facebook page and join in on the madness.
Let's do this! Thanks Dawgs!