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Free Love, Simon screening in Calgary, Alberta

Help fund a free screening of "Love, Simon" the first studio teen film to feature gay protagonist.

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Free Love, Simon screening in Calgary, Alberta

Free Love, Simon screening in Calgary, Alberta

Free Love, Simon screening in Calgary, Alberta

Free Love, Simon screening in Calgary, Alberta

Free Love, Simon screening in Calgary, Alberta

Help fund a free screening of "Love, Simon" the first studio teen film to feature gay protagonist.

Help fund a free screening of "Love, Simon" the first studio teen film to feature gay protagonist.

Help fund a free screening of "Love, Simon" the first studio teen film to feature gay protagonist.

Help fund a free screening of "Love, Simon" the first studio teen film to feature gay protagonist.

Mike Morrison
Mike Morrison
Mike Morrison
Mike Morrison
1 Campaign |
Calgary, Canada
$2,386 USD $2,386 USD by 43 backers
$2,386 USD by 43 backers on Apr 9, 2018
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April 2018
11 out of 100 of claimed
Inspired by all the celebrities buying out screenings of Love, Simon, so as many people can see the movie for free as possible, I wanted to do the same thing. The problem? I'm not a millionaire. So I've booked the theatre for next Sunday, April 8th. Landmark Cinemas Shawnessy (100-16061 MacLeod Trail SE , Calgary, AB, T2Y 3S5) To book a theatre with 200 seats, it will cost $2,000. I'll contribute the first $500. If you can help cover the cost, I would be sweating a lot less.

Short Summary

Love, Simon is the first major studio film to feature a gay character in the lead role.  Yeah, isn't that nuts. 

My plan is raise $2,000 and then announce that we have 200 tickets for people to see the movie for free.  If we raise more money, we will get a bigger theatre. 

  • It's an amazing movie with a solid 91% on Rotten Tomatoes.
  • As a gay person myself, it's incredibly important that as many people see this movie as possible. 
  • Going to the movies is expensive, so I want to make it as affordable as possible. 

What We Need & What You Get

  • I've already rented the movie theatre for Sunday, April 8th at 10am. 
  • Landmark Cinemas has discounted the tickets, but I'd like to buy as many as possible, with the goal of $2,000 (tickets are $9.75 each.) If we raise more than that, we'll buy more seats. 
  • If we don't raise the money, but bank account will be very upset with me. 

The Impact

  • This movie is so incredibly important for the LGTBQ2+ community. It's the first of many stories I hope people will support.  It's hard to describe what it's like to see a character like you on the screen, especially when you've been told your whole life is that you are not right. 

Risks & Challenges

  • I want as many people to see this movie for free as possible, especially LGTBQ2+ youth and their allies.  But as much as I wish I could, I can't buy everyone's ticket. I would like your help. 


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