Hello ! . I am a struggling youtuber ( 18 years old ) . I have been creating youtube content on ethical hacking , forensics , python , etc. I have recorded screen recordings of more then 30+ hours of course on android N application development which will be completely free on my youtube channel -
Whats the problem ?
I am not able finish my project because of microphone . Currently i am using 20$ microphone and my microphone broke . I want to purchase new microphone but i am out of funds. I was wondering if i can raise 500$ for a condenser microphone or if someone could send me a microphone. If you are ready to send the microphone then please email me at kustom.hackers(at) gmail(dot)com .
The Impact
After getting the microphone i will start completing the tutorial. I am on vacations right now and my college will reopen in 2 months . So i have enough time to complete my project. Before donating please check my channel and my github page so that you know i am working hard to make the tutorials .
Android N tutorials include :
- Android studio basics
- Java From Basics
- Whatsapp Clone Application
- Flappy bird clone applicaiton
- Instagram clone application
- Maps , location and weather integration applciations .
The course is complete practical and i will make the source codes available for free so that people get complete practical knowledge .
Questions answers :
You seem to have a mac in the profile and you cant afford a microphone ?
Ans : The mac is not mine and i got it for forensics investigation from local police station . I had to recover stuff from harddisk and send the mac back.
You are still uploading videos even without microphone ?
Ans : I wont stop . As i told i have a 20 $ cheap microphone right now and i think people should get better content so i am raising funds for my self.
How can we believe you ?
Ans : Just visit and check all the repo that i have . I am working more then 12 hours a day to create tutorials .
Social Media