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Free Water Project

Free drinking water for everyone

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Free Water Project

Free Water Project

Free Water Project

Free Water Project

Free Water Project

Free drinking water for everyone

Free drinking water for everyone

Free drinking water for everyone

Free drinking water for everyone

Freewa - Free Water Project
Freewa - Free Water Project
Freewa - Free Water Project
Freewa - Free Water Project
1 Campaign |
Zagreb, Croatia
$31,524 USD 259 backers
90% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Clean water is a human right. Where ever you go, you should have the access to free drinking water. Freewa maps the locations of free drinking water around the world, enabling you to quench your thirst when ever you need.  Freewa App points you to the closest drinking water location.  Freewa eco bottle helps you reduce plastic bottle pollution in simple and effective way. Support Freewa - make free drinking water accessible to everyone and help reduce plastic pollution.

*molimo listajte niž​e za  informacije na hrvatskom jeziku*


According to the UN's research, one billion people on Earth doesn't have access to medically safe drinking water. Only 2,5% of water is drinkable.

Almost 10% of all the world's diseases would not even exist if the water supply, sanitary conditions and hygiene were improved and if water resource management was on a higher level. That would, in return, also lower child mortality rates, improve human health and food status in a sustainable way.


Plastic is a material that the Earth cannot degrade, which represents a large environmental problem. Huge plastic islands that systematically destroy all wildlife are formed in the oceans, affecting human health as well.

We can recycle plastics the proper way, but we can also simply switch to using glass - the most natural material for water preservation that is also 100% recyclable.


Get Freewa glass bottle with an eco felt bag. Both are 100% recyclable.

Download the Freewa App, start mapping free drinking water sources and refilling your Freewa bottle each time you spot one.

If we work together, the dream of everyone in every corner of the Earth having access to free drinking water will very soon turn into reality.


...and next time when you are thirsty, just check the map for the nearest water source and fill up your Freewa bottle. 

Download Freewa App for your iPhone or Android: 


Choose some of the perk options - whether you are a city type, an adventurer, a businessman or an urban art lover, we have perks to thank you for supporting Freewa.


We are the Freewa team: Goran Ladisic, Vedrana Vrabec, Mihaela Ivanec and Marko Rasic.

Marko and Vedrana are Designers and Art Directors with 13 years of experience in interdisciplinary projects and multimedia, and internationally awarded cultural programs. Goran spent years on management positions in large companies. Mihaela is a lawyer with background in tourism and real estate.

What connects us all? Love for the nature, a firm believe that we need to protect this beautiful planet and preserve it for our children, and an idea that every human being has the right to receive the gifts that nature had given us. Like clean water. This is what brought us together and how Freewa project came to life.



  What does Free Water Project mean?

  What will you use funds for?

Donated funds will be used for producing the very first batch of Freewa glass bottles and eco felt bags, for the development of the App into eco network and monitoring of the quality of the drinking water.

  Why should I support Freewa?

Because it will be your contribution to the Earth, to every generation yet to come!

  Who created Freewa? 

We are Goran, Marko, Mihalea and Vedrana – team from Croatia who want to make a change of world's perspective of free drinking water.

  Where can I buy Freewa bottle?

Freewa bottle is not for sale at the moment, but you can get it in exchange for an Indiegogo donation (take a look at the perks which include Freewa bottle).

  What is the Freewa bottle made of?

Freewa bottle is made of glass, bottle cap is made of BPA and EA free material and it is 100% recyclable, the eco felt bag is made of recycled PET bottles which can be recycled again. 

  Why does Freewa bottle say Thank you?

The most beautiful word you can hear and say to a human being, to nature and to water is thank you and that's why we wrote it in 12 different languages on the first Freewa bottle edition.

  Where are Freewa bottles produced?

Freewa bottle, cap and the bag are all made in Croatia. By manufacturing in Croatia (EU), we are stimulating the local economy and creating jobs. 

  What is the difference between Freewa App and Freewa website water mapping?

There is no much difference – you can see, search or add a water spring with both. Use the one which suits you better in certain situation.

  How does Freewa App work?

With Freewa app you can search for free water sources all over the world. Any water source - drinking fountain or a spring you see, you can add to Freewa app – just enter its location and add a photo of it.

  Is Freewa App free?

Yes, just as the drinking water should be!

  Do I need to have an account to add a new spring to Freewa map?

You don't need to have an account to search for free water locations in the App, but if you would like to add a spring you will need to register.

  How can I download Freewa App?

Freewa App is available for download at Google Play Store for Android and AppStore for iOS users.

  When does Freewa perks' shipping begin?

We will start shipping Freewa perks at the end of November/beginning of December 2017. If production permits, some perks will be sent out even sooner.

  How much is the shipping?

It depends on which country are you from and which perk did you choose. Upon choosing the perk and entering the country you want to send it to, you will be able to see how much would the delivery cost.

  What if my town/city/country doesn't have free drinking water?

Freewa map will show you the nearest free drinking water sources! Even though you don't have the access to free drinking water at the location you live, where ever you travel pay attention to free drinking water sources and add it to the Freewa map. 

  I have a suggestion, offer or a question for Freewa.

Contact us at



Mi iz Freewa tima vjerujemo da su sva ljudska bića rođena slobodna. Slobodna da hodaju zemljom, udišu čisti zrak i piju besplatnu, čistu vodu, što također spada u osnovna ljudska prava. Isto tako vjerujemo da je na nama i odgovornost očuvati ta ista prava za generacije koje tek dolaze. To će biti naš doprinos Zemlji. 

Podrži Freewa-u, hrvatski projekt za očuvanje slobodnih izvora pitke vode. Freewa je hrvatski proizvod – web platforma i mobilna aplikacija za mapiranje lokacija s besplatnom pitkom vodom u cijelome svijetu te eko boca za vodu i torbica. 


Prema UN-ovim istraživanjima, čak milijarda ljudi na Zemlji nema stalan pristup zdravstveno ispravnoj vodi za piće. Svega 2,5% svih voda zauzima pitka voda. Gotovo 10% svih bolesti na svijetu ne bi niti postojale poboljšanjem opskrbe vodom, sanitarnih uvjeta, higijene i boljim upravljanjem vodnim resursima. To bi i smanjilo smrtnost djece te poboljšalo zdravlje i prehrambeni status na održivi način.


Plastika je materijal koji Zemlja ne može razgraditi i predstavlja velik problem za okoliš. U oceanima se stvaraju ogromni plastični otoci koji sustavno uništavaju biljni i životinjski svijet, a time nedvojbeno utječu i na zdravlje ljudi. Možemo reciklirati plastiku na ispravan način, ali možemo je i zamijeniti staklom, koje je najprirodniji materijal za čuvanje vode i 100% reciklirajuće.


Freewa staklena boca s torbicom od eko filca. Oboje se mogu 100% reciklirati.

Skini Freewa Aplikaciju, počni označavati slobodne izvore pitke vode i puniti svoju Freewa bocu na njima.

Ako udružimo snage, san o tome da svaki čovjek u svakom kutu planeta ima pristup besplatnoj pitkoj vodi, vrlo brzo može postati stvarnost.


Skini Freewa aplikaciju ili otvori mapu na webu, označi lokacije slobodne pitke vode, uploadiraj ih u aplikaciju i učini dostupnima svima.


Freewa tim čine Goran Ladišić, Vedrana Vrabec, Mihaela Ivanec and Marko Rašić.

Marko i Vedrana su dizajneri s 13 godina iskustva na interdisciplinarnim i multimedijskim projektima, te međunarodno priznatim kulturnim programima. Goran iz sebe ima godine na menadžerskim pozicijama u velikim hrvatskim kompanijama. Mihaela je pravnik s iskustvom u turizmu i sektoru nekretnina.

što nas spaja? Ljubav prema prirodi, čvrsto uvjerenje da moramo zaštiti ovaj prekrasan planet i sačuvati ga za našu djecu te ideja da svako ljudsko biće ima pravo na darove koje nam je priroda ostavila – poput čiste vode. To su ideje koje su nas spojile i iz kojih se rodio Freewa projekt.



Za što će se koristiti novčani doprinosi? 

Sredstva koja skupimo kroz kampanju služit će nam za prvu proizvodnju Freewa boca, čepova i torbica, razvoj aplikacije u eko drustvenu mrezu te monitoring ispravnosti pitke vode.

Zašto bih trebao podržati Freewu?

Zato što će tvoja donacija biti doprinos Zemlji i svim generacijama koje dolaze!

Tko je stvorio Freewu?

Mi smo Goran, Marko, Mihaela i Vedrana – ekipa iz Hrvatske koja želi promijeniti percepciju o besplatnoj pitkoj vodi u svijetu!

Gdje mogu kupiti Freewa bocu?

Freewa boca trenutno nije na prodaju, ali je možeš dobiti u zamjenu za određeni iznos donacije (pregledaj naše perkove koji uključuju Freewa bocu).

Od čega je napravljena Freewa boca? 

Freewa boca je staklena, čep ne sadrži BPA i EA tvari te je napravljen od 100% recikliranog materijala, a torbica od recikliranih PET boca i može se opet reciklirati. 

Zašto  na Freewa boci piše Hvala? 

Na prvo izdanje Freewa boce napisali smo hvala na 12 jezika jer to je najljepša riječ koju vodi, prirodi i ljudskom biću možemo reći, ali i čuti

Gdje se proizvode Freewa boce?

Freewa boca, čep i torbica proizvodit će se u Hrvatskoj. Proizvodnjom u Hrvatskoj (EU) potičemo lokalnu ekonomiju i otvaranje novih radnih mjesta.

Koja je razlika između Freewa aplikacije i Freewa internetske stranice za mapiranje izvora? 

Nema puno razlike, funkcije su iste – možeš pregledati, pretražiti ili dodati novi izvor. Koristi onu koja ti više odgovora u određenim situacijama.

Kako funkcionira Freewa aplikacija?

Freewa aplikacija omogućuje ti pregled izvora pitke vode na cijelom svijetu. Bilo koji izvor, pumpu ili česmu koju vidiš – i ti možeš unijeti u Freewa aplikaciju, treba nam samo njena fotografija i lokacija.

Je li Freewa aplikacija besplatna?

Da, baš kao i što pitka voda treba biti!

Moram li imati svoj korisnički račun kako bi mogao dodati novi izvor u Freewa mapu? 

Za pretraživanje Freewa izvora ti ne treba korisnički račun, ali za unos novog izvora potrebna je kratka registracija.

Kako mogu skinuti Freewa aplikaciju?

Freewa aplikaciju možeš skinuti u Google Play trgovini aplikacija ako si Android korisnik ili App trgovini aplikacija ako si iOS korisnik.

Kad počinje dostava Freewa perkova?

Freewa će perkove početi slati krajem studenog odnosno početkom prosinca 2017. Ukoliko bude moguce, neki perkovi će biti distribuirani i ranije.

Kolika je cijena dostave?

Cijena dostave ovisi o željenom perku i destinaciji dostave. Nakon što odabereš perk i zemlju dostave, vidjet ćeš informaciju o cijeni dostave.

Što ako u mom gradu/državi nema besplatne pitke vode?

Freewa će ti pokazati gdje je najbliži izvor pitke vode! Možda trenutno nemaš mogućnost dodati svoj izvor, ali gdje god putovao možeš obratiti pažnju na izvore pitke vode te ih dodati u Freewa aplikaciju.

Imam prijedlog, ponudu ili pitanje za Freewu.

Pišite nam na



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Choose your Perk

Freewa Manifesto

$5 USD
Your personalized certificate with the Free Water declaration. | Diploma/certifikat s deklaracijom o besplatnoj pitkoj vodi na osobno ime.
Included Items
  • Printable electronic diploma
9 out of 10000 of claimed


$17 USD
Blue T-shirt with Freewa inspired illustration. | Majica na temu Freewa-e, plava.
Included Items
  • Freewa T-shirt
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
8 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Free B&B

$25 USD
Standard Freewa bottle with an eco felt bag. | Freewa boca i torbica od eko filca.
Included Items
  • Freewa bottle
  • Freewa bag
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
57 out of 10000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

FreeYou B&B

$35 USD
Bottle + bag with a name written on it, e.g. Thank you Helen. | Boca s torbicom na kojoj piše ime osobe npr. Hvala Helena
Included Items
  • Freewa bottle
  • Freewa bag with your name
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
23 out of 1000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Love B&B

$55 USD
2 personalized bottles&bags: give Love, to yourself and to your loved one - and write it on your bag (e.g. I LOVE MARKO) | Dvije personalizirane boce i torbice: podijeli ljubav, pruži je i sebi onome koga voliš te napiši ime na torbicu (npr. Volim Marka)
Included Items
  • Freewa bottle (2)
  • Personalized bag (2)
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
34 out of 1000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Freewater Sport Duo

$100 USD
For the adventure lovers! Get to know Crotia and the beautiful river Zrmanja. | Samo za spremne na avanturu! Upoznajte prekrasnu Hrvatsku i rijeku Zrmanju.
Included Items
  • Freewa bottle (2)
  • Freewa bag (2)
  • Rafting on Zrmanja
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
Only 1 left
Ships worldwide.

FreeBiz B&B

$300 USD
10 Freewa bottles + customized bags with your logo on it. | 10 Freewa boca te torbica s vašim logom.
Included Items
  • Freewa bottle&bag with logo (10)
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
15 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Grafreetti Art B&B

$350 USD
A special edition: bottle + unique bag illustrated by artists. By chosing this perk you are financing an arty makeover of public drinking fountains in Zagreb. The bag will be illustrated accordingly. | Posebna edicija boca + torbica oslikana od umjetnika. Kupnjom ovog perka financiraš obnovu jedne pumpe u Zagrebu i na torbici dobivaš taj motiv.
Included Items
  • Freewa bottle
  • PimpMyPump Freewa bag
  • PimpMyPump illustrated pump
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
3 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

B2B Freexmas Gifts

$2,000 USD
Arriving shortly before Xmas, Freewa bottles&bags make great business gifts. | S obzirom da stižu taman pred Božić, idealan su poslovni poklon.
Included Items
  • 100 Freewa Bottles
  • 100 Freewa bags with your logo
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
8 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Appsclusive Freewa Expert

$25,000 USD
Your logo placed on visible spot inside the Freewa mobile App (powered by). | Logo tvrtke na istaknutom mjestu u mobilnoj aplikaciji po principu “powered by”.
Included Items
  • Sponsor of Freewa App for 1 yr
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

FreeBird B&B

$20 USD
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
50 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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