My name is Patrícia, I'm a visual artist, living and working in Lisbon (Portugal);
I studied painting at the Fine Arts University in Lisbon but soon had to start working in a more conventional and steady job and I chose a very demanding one: for many years I worked in marketing and managing areas in large international companies - it was quite rewarding and I really loved my job… but, to tell you the truth, I never stopped drawing ad painting and always felt I had to follow my passion; so in 2014 I went back to school - at night - finished my art studies and in 2018 finally I had the courage to quit and dedicate myself 100% to do what I love the most.
I've been showing my art since, both in group and solo exhibitions, in Portugal and abroad. You're welcome to visit my website at http://patriciamagalhaes.com and know a bit more about me and my latest art and exhibitions.
Why am I in Indiegogo?
Strait forward: because I need your help to frame my drawings to an exhibition.
Your contribution will allow me to present my drawings with the dignity the public deserves and also the hanging frames will protect my drawings (sticking them to the wall will damage them).
Lisbon is recovering from the pandemic outbreak and all the lockdowns. Finally, art galleries are hosting public exhibitions again and it's really great to have people coming to see our work... even if we still have to wear masks!
In the last 18 months the only gigs were online art exhibitions, and I had a few... but no sales. That didn't stop me from working every single day, I kept doing my research and my drawings, building a body of work to be presented in an upcoming solo exhibition, I didn't know when it was due... well, now's the time!
This exhibition will be held in a gallery owned by the municipality of Lisbon, located very close to one of the most iconic gardens in the city (Principe Real); the opening will be at 5 pm on January 5th and and I’ll be showing 50 drawings and 2 installations - all the art pieces are about the "passage of time" based on some philosophical concepts, a really fascinanting subject, I'll talk about it later, in one of the updates ;)
My goal
The budget I have from the framer for the 50 drawings totals 2,210€, and I've split it in 3 parcels that match 3 groups of drawings:
- 425€ is what I need to frame the 13 drawings from the "Augustine of Hippo" and "Henri Bergson" series;
- a 1.072€ funding will allow me to unlock the above plus framing the 4 large scale drawings of the "David Hume" series;
- 2.210€ is the total amount of the budget and I will be able to frame all of the above plus the final set of 33 drawings called "NOT a self portrait"
(the 2 installations that will show in the exhibition do not require any framing);
What is my deadline?
I only have 30 days because I need to deliver my art work to the framer by November 25th as it takes 1 month to frame all 50 pieces that will show in the exhibition...
5€ contribution will get you a huge and sincere THANK YOU! + your name in the acknowledgments posts on my Instagram and Facebook pages related to the exibition (unless you prefer to remain anonymous)
10€ contribution will get you the above + a signed postcard invitation with a personalized message sent to you (in English); worldwide free mail delivery.
25€ contribution will get you all of the above + an art print in A4 format with one of the works in the exhibition; worldwide free mail delivery.
50€ contribution will get you all of the above + a signed catalog of the exhibition with 25 pages on A5 satin paper, bilingual edition in Portuguese and English (worldwide free mail delivery).
Risks & Challenges
All the funds I succeed to get will be spent on framing my drawings and I will share the framer's invoice in my last update.
If I'm not successful at gathering the amount of the first parcel, the funds raised will be used for framing other drawings of mine to be ready for another exhibition.
If I don't succeed in gathering the necessary funds for parcels number 2 or 3, I will not be able to frame the corresponding set of drawings and they will be presented unframed at the exhibition.
If by any reason the exhibition gets cancelled, I will deliver all the perks but the postcard invitation and the catalog will refer to my next exhibition (on March 15th, a joint exhibition with a fellow artist, to be held in a beautiful and very central Lisbon gallery near Chiado).
Other Ways You Can Help
PLEASE SHARE MY CAMPAIGN - use Indiegogo share tools and every other means you can think of!
FOLLOW ME - my Instagram page is https://www.instagram.com/patricia_reis_de_magalhaes/ and you may also subscribe to my mailing list at my website to get invitations and news about my activity: http://patriciamagalhaes.com .
SHOW UP, YOU'RE INVITED - if it happens you’re in Lisbon on January the 5th and you like my art I would love to meet you so you’re invited to the opening, from 5 pm to 8 pm at Espaço Cultural Mercês: address is Rua Cecílio de Sousa, 94 / phone: +351 961 391 916 / email: ec.merces@jf-misericordia.pt / follow https://www.instagram.com/ecmerces/