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Fund Int'l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Fund nationwide events on 12/17 - Help sex workers stand against violence & demand accountability

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Fund Int'l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Fund Int'l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Fund Int'l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Fund Int'l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Fund Int'l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Fund nationwide events on 12/17 - Help sex workers stand against violence & demand accountability

Fund nationwide events on 12/17 - Help sex workers stand against violence & demand accountability

Fund nationwide events on 12/17 - Help sex workers stand against violence & demand accountability

Fund nationwide events on 12/17 - Help sex workers stand against violence & demand accountability

Sex Workers Outreach Project
Sex Workers Outreach Project
Sex Workers Outreach Project
Sex Workers Outreach Project
2 Campaigns |
San Francisco, United States
$3,070 USD 24 backers
68% of $4,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

People involved in the sex trade are vulnerable to violence. Sex workers, even more than others, are blamed when raped, murdered, assaulted, or harassed. And sex workers face added barriers to reporting, from elevated shaming and victim-blaming to criminal charges for prostitution.

December 17th, International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers,  was created to call attention to crimes committed against sex workers all over the globe, and collectively demand protection, respect, and accountability.

On December 17, sex workers and allies stage protests, memorials, marches and vigils. They gather to raise awareness about systematic, widespread, often ignored violence against sex workers, as well as related systematic violence against women of color, undocumented immigrants, trans-women, indigenous women, homeless and low-income women, and other groups at the margins.

Learn More About 12/17 |  History of 12/17 | Event Locations | Organize an Event

This year, Sex Workers Outreach Project is asking you to help us gather funds to...

  1. Aggregate and publish details of International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers events across the world.
  2. Reach out to North American media about December 17 and how criminalization and discrimination perpetuate violence against our communities.
  3. Cover costs of US-based December 17 events.

We hope you will help us raise awareness about the violence sex workers face and TAKE A STAND.

What We Need & What You Get

This year, Sex Workers Outreach Project wants to ensure chapters can afford space, flyers, and other materials for December 17 events. We also want to have funding available for others trying to organize public events on this day. And we want to have a big media presence. To do this, we need your help.

We are asking you to help us raise $4,500.

$4,500 will fund...

  • Central Coordinator - 70-80 hours of media outreach, web publishing, coordination with and book-keeping for events ($900)
  • Twelve US December 17 Events - Refreshments, promotional materials, space, decor and other supplies for twelve US-Based events that don't have an account and budget($3,600, or appx. $300 per event)

The numbers we give are averages, and different event may cost more, or less
  • A group planning outdoor protest may only need $60 for posters, markers, and a loud-speaker. 
  • A group organizing a vigil may need $600 for a venue, flyers, decor and snacks, or only, if a venue or food is donated, only $200. 
We anticipate our funding goal is just enough to fund December 17 events, as well as support promotion nationally. Should we raise extra funds, they will be be used to support December 17 events we didn't budget to fund, or saved for 2015 December 17 events. 

The Impact

December 17 is an important day for individuals involved in the sex trade, activists and allies. This year, a number of high-profile murders have brought systematic violence against individuals involved in the sex trade to mainstream media, reminding us as a community the extent of violence we face. Additionally, the closure of My Redbook, the passage of PROP 36 in Canada, and a myriad of new laws that hurt sex workers reminded us of how widespread targetting of our community is. This year, it's important to come together as a community, and stand up against violence.

 Funding will:

  • Support a coordinated, nation-wide effort to raise awareness of the harmful impact of discrimination, criminalization, and stigma on sex workers.
  • Ensure impacted populations can hold events.
  • Ensure nation-wide media attention to December 17 and issues most important to sex workers.
As a national advocacy organization, SWOP-USA has been supporting December 17 events for over 10 years. We have national reach and connections to spread the word about funding available and provide support to event organizers.

Other Ways You Can Help

Any amount you give will help make nation-wide events on International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers possible. 

Even if you can't contribute, you can support the goals of December 17th by: 

  • Emailing your friends, family and colleagues, and asking them to give.
  • Donating a Perk for our campaign!
  • Sharing the campaign via social media.
  • Organizing a December 17 event in your city.
  • Reaching out to your local SWOP Chapter and offering space, flyer-design, snacks, free printing, or general man-power to support their event. 
  • Writing a blog, editorial, or article about December 17 and the multiple forms of violence individuals involved in the sex trade face.
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thank You Tweet

$5 USD
We'll "tweet" your praises across the inter-webs for helping us make an impact on 12/17.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
4 out of 100 of claimed

December 17 Stickers

$10 USD
We'll send you a half-dozen custom stickers for December 17.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
3 out of 20 of claimed

E-Haiku Tweet For You!

$12 USD
We will write a custom, unique Haiku & Tweet it to you!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

E-Lymerick Tweet for You!

$17 USD
We'll create a customized Lymerick, on a topic of your choice, and tweet it to you!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Dec 17 Materials

$25 USD
In addition to a thank you note, we'll send you a half-dozen flyers from December 17 events you help fund.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 claimed

Stickers & Flyers

$40 USD
We'll send you a thank you note, flyers from December 17 activities across the country, and custom stickers designed for December 17.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
3 claimed

Tote, Flyers, and Stickers

$50 USD
In addition to items listed in the previous perks, we'll send our adorable, roomy, canvas "Rights Not Rescue" tote.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
2 out of 15 of claimed

Poetry & Dessert

$50 USD
Lead SWOP-Phoenix organizer Jaclyn Dairman will send you a dozen home-made cookies, along with a poem - written just for you!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

Erotic Poetry Reading Session

$50 USD
The lovely Buttons Berry will lead a Skype Erotic Poetry session.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed

Complete SWOP Merchandise Set

$75 USD
You'll receive a custom thank-you note, flyers from 2014 December 17 events you helped fund, and a complete set of SWOP-USA merchandise [bumper stickers, tote bag, magnets and pen!]
0 out of 15 of claimed

Sex Worker Rights Art

$100 USD
For $100, you'll receive one large format art photograph by Gregg Kerr. The photos featuring the amazing SWOP-Phoenix Lead Organizer Jacyln Dairman with a red umbrella -- head to the gallery to check 'em out!
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
3 out of 5 of claimed

5 Hours of Admin Work

$150 USD
In gratitude for your support, our awesome treasurer will do 5 hours of administrative work for you, including transcription, book-keeping, copy-editing, or design.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 out of 4 of claimed

Lunch with a SWOP Leader

$250 USD
As gratitute for your support, a SWOP USA board member or chapter lead-organizer will treat you to lunch. You'll also receive the goodies in previous perks.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed


$1,000 USD
For this amount, we will feature an 80x80px icon with your organization's logo and hyper-link on the December 17 homepage, and list you as a "key benefactor" on our donor page and in newsletters promoting December 17.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 out of 8 of claimed
sold out

20 Minute Kinky Phone Session

$50 USD
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 out of 1 of claimed

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