At Oscar Propulsion, we've embarked on a journey to redefine paddle blades, dedicating ourselves to perfecting a patented cut technology that revolutionises the way you experience the water. Now, we're inviting you to be among the very first to join us in this exciting adventure. SELECT YOUR OPTION NOW
Our Story
For the past 5 years Oscar Propulsion has been developing a patented technology of putting cuts through the face of paddle and oar blades. The objective being to reduce stress and strain on the body and to provide a more stable action without the loss of power or efficiency. This has now been achieved and recognised when we received approval from the International Canoe Federation and World Rowing.
We would like to offer the first cut SUP paddles for sale. This will create awareness and demand while we talk to paddle manufacturers about how they can licence our patented technology to apply to their product range in the future.
The sale of these first cut paddles will provide the funds to allow us to conduct conversations on a global scale, introducing this game changing technology to every paddler.
David Haze AKA The Nomadic Paddler, 8 SUP Guiness World Records and SUP Man of the Year uses our paddle.
Revolutionary Results
By meticulously placing angled cuts or slits through the face of the blade, we have been able to transform paddle blades that:
The paddler will experience lighter loading on the body for the same power and efficiency, delivering maximum enjoyment and potential.
This is a revolutionary advance for paddle sports and will offer greater comfort and enjoyment at all levels.
How The Technology Works And Why
When you pull on a paddle during a stroke, high pressure water is created on the front of the blade and low pressure at the back. This is the force that propels your board across the surface.
But, that high pressure water wants to flow around the blade to fill the low pressure area at the back and it is this action that causes the blade to flutter and be less stable.
The cuts allow some high-pressure water to squeeze through the cuts and in so doing lose energy and become low pressure so compensating for some of the backflow.
By maintaining the High/Low difference and allowing some water through the face of the blade the cuts facilitate a more progressive power curve making the start of the stroke softer and spreading the power more evenly through the stroke.
Paddle Specifications
Full Carbon 2 piece paddle
Weight approx. 650g / 23oz
Round, non-twist adjustable shaft – 180cm to 205cm / 71in to 81in
85sq/in cut blade
Single dihedral with progressive concave blade surface
Oscar Propulsion patented cut technology
What We Need & What You Get
We would like to sell a total of 1000 of our own branded paddles. The profit will enable us to launch the commercial phase of our business.
Should we not receive orders for all our target 1000 paddles by the end of the Campaign, we will complete and ship all orders we have received.
This includes a big marketing push through PR and paid advertising, introducing global paddle manufacturers, distributers and retailers to our patented innovation.
And we would like you to be part of that journey showing your friends and the wider paddling community that you are one of only 1000 people in the world with this game changing paddle!
We manufactured the first 20 paddles in May this year and sent them out to be tested by paddlers in the US and UK with universally great feedback.
Our plan is each time we receive orders and payment for 100 paddles, we will place the order with the manufacturer. Each batch of 100 will take approximately 7 weeks to be shipped to the individual purchasers. A paddle bag and shipping are included in the price.
Social Media Channels
Checkout our YouTube channel for video feedback and Instagram & Facebook to see our technology in action.
Places You Can Try Our Cut Paddles
Why not book a paddle with these amazing operators and ask to try the cut paddles while you’re there?
USA - Jupiter, Florida -
UK - Kew, London -
UK - Kingsbridge, Devon -
Risks & Challenges
It is always possible that there could be delays in manufacturing and shipping that are out of our control. Should this occur we will communicate how we intend to resolve the issue and provide regular updates as to when orders will be completed and shipped.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you like what we are doing but are unable to participate in this offer and would like to help us get the word out, please use the Indiegogo share tools and tell your friends and paddling community.
Thank you.