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Game Master

Dungeons and Dragons and Feminism.

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Game Master

Game Master

Game Master

Game Master

Game Master

Dungeons and Dragons and Feminism.

Dungeons and Dragons and Feminism.

Dungeons and Dragons and Feminism.

Dungeons and Dragons and Feminism.

Mikaela McParlan
Mikaela McParlan
Mikaela McParlan
Mikaela McParlan
2 Campaigns |
Chicago, United States
$1,354 USD 39 backers
27% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

The Film

We want to make this film as EPIC as possible, and we need your help to do that!

  • We want to go all out on Art Department. From swords and shields, to capes and armor.
  • Good food equals a happy set equals a better film overall! Plus it might take too much time to try and hunt and scavenge ourselves when we're out in the wilderness. 
  • We want to shoot in some fantastical locations to match our story. As fun as it would be to shoot guerrilla style at Medieval Times, it might be easier if we get a space to ourselves.  

The Impact

I've always loved Fantasy, and that lead me into the world of geekdom. I find that girls in the nerd community are often treated like outsiders, and are suspected of 'faking' it all. This is incredibly frustrating, and I wanted to tell a story about it. 

Feminism has an incredibly important place in media today, and what is being a nerd if not being a consumer of media? There needs to be more representation and positive stories about women in geeky things, because that will encourage more women to be unafraid to share their nerdy side, and maybe try things they never thought they were allowed to before. 

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cant contribute to the project that's okay, please share this page so we can get as many people interested as possible. Spread the word!

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Choose your Perk

The Deepest Thanks

$5 USD
From the bottom of our hearts. You will be in our thoughts always. You officially have permission to add "The Generous" after your name.
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Electronic Scroll of Thanks

$15 USD
A personalized and most complimentary email thanking you for your help.
1 claimed

Ye olde name upon Our Film

$25 USD
Your name will be etched in permanent digital ink to the credits of our film, and our hearts.
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Portraits of our Adventures

$50 USD
After the project is completed, we will send you a link to view set photos from the project, taken with those amazing magical picture-taking boxes.
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A Scroll of Gratitude

$100 USD
We will send you a personalized letter, thanking you for your contribution to our adventure. The Journey starts with you.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A portrait of your likeness

$250 USD
We will try our very darnedest to make a portrait of you worthy of your excellent taste, and magnanimity.
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

A poem of your Greatness

$500 USD
Our bards will write you a poem, and sing it at inns and taverns across the wide world to spread the word of your heroism.
0 out of 10 of claimed

A player's peice

$750 USD
Each player in the game has a figurine to represent their characters, and we want to bestow the honor of their keeping on to you (after we're done using them as props, of course.)
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

An Adventure

$1,000 USD
An exclusive game of Dungeons and Dragons with the Director! Go on a journey into the world of RPGs.
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

High Mage

$2,000 USD
Executive Producer Credit, on IMDB and in the high Wizards Counsel.
0 claimed

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