The Crazy Truth About College Admissions
Did you know that
12,300,000 students in America apply every year to one or more of over 4,000
colleges in the United States? Being smart pays, but during the last five
years, the number of students accepted has dropped by 18%. Professional tutoring services that specialize in SAT and ACT test prep can often cost $5,000-$10,000 or more. Shouldn't there be another option? We think so--that's where the concept of GATE was born.
Some Students We've Already Helped
How GATE Works
1. GATE prepares students! Teens GET a comprehensive college counseling/test prep program in a series of fun,
innovative videos and step-by-step guidance on their cell phones. See details in our FAQ section at the bottom of this page.
2. GATE encourages fairness! When students enroll in our curriculum, they automatically GIVE a shot to other another deserving student.
GATE was created by
educators who care. We just happen to be the top Ivy League professionals in
our industry, but don't let the fancy pedigrees fool you. We're regular folks
who are sick and tired of seeing how unfair things have become. With your help,
we can bring advantage to the disadvantaged while also helping your student
compete. By partnering with national non-profit organizations we are able to match a deserving teen with each student
paying their way through GATE.
How GATE Looks
Students will track their college applications and monitor recent test
score gains through the GATE dashboard. When they engage with
the four sections of our curriculum, each has its own map of videos and
Here's our student portal, ready to be coded:
These are the concept designs for G, A, T, and E. Each triangle represents a video training and each number represents a portion of the interactive digital curriculum matching that instruction.
How GATE Connects through Animation
Who says hummingbirds
can't get into college? Meet Rufus and GATE's creator Pamela Donnelly in our fun commercial below:
Results: Summa Cum Awesome
Students in Los
Angeles utilizing GATE's strategies have attained an average of nine acceptance letters
for every eleven applications submitted, with $30,000-40,000 in merit aid. We've been getting students into the best colleges in the USA for a combined 136 years among our seventeen active team members. Look
at our perks. Pick one. Go!
Oh Man! Best Test Prep App Ever ($25 Perk)
Today’s teens track
information digitally and the way they receive college admissions support needs
to reflect that. Case in point: our groovy new mobile app. It's completed and ready for your point-gaining pleasure.
How quickly can your
teen get to a right answer like Lily? (We can help!)
How GATE Cares
Once GATE launches, our
#EqualizeAccess initiative will include a standard buy-one-give-one
package in order to guarantee equal access with each enrollment - not
just during the IndieGogo Campaign. When you select our GATE Starter Kit or full GATE System, you’ll receive a short bio containing the first name, family background, geographic location, and college
aspirations of the teen you've graciously supported. Some may opt to also share a photo, but this is not
required for them to receive our support. All qualified recipients will
have a minimum 3.0 GPA, counselor recommendation, and demonstrated
financial hardship.
When you give even as little as a $5 donation, you make a statement about wanting fairness for students everywhere trying to succeed. We'll keep regular videos, photos,
testimonials and updates here, so remember to click the "heart icon" to follow our campaign. Root for us! It's guaranteed to make you feel just a little bit
better about the future we are all creating for our youth. Call us corny, but we think we may even have a part to play in helping restore the American Dream.
1. Are you really able to help students get into
We’ve been providing expert-level college
counseling and test prep services in one-on-one sessions for many years in Los
Angeles. Every teen who’s gone through the trainings/strategies you see in the
GATE System has shown significant gains in their overall GPA and standardized
test scores.
2. Who decides which students get GATE for free?
The GATE Board of Directors has selected several
charities as preliminary beneficiaries -- Make a Wish Foundation,
Bresee Youth Center in Los Angeles, and Agora Enterprises. We look forward to expanding the list of our recipients of free
access as students enroll in our online platform. Let us know which charities
you’d nominate for our support.
3. Is GATE, itself, a charity?
No. GATE is one of many "conscious
businesses" gaining momentum today. We are not a 501(c)(3), but by
partnering with such non-profits, we are able to potentially help many
thousands of students through our Equalize Access Initiative — our Enroll-One/Give-One
model. Think of us as the Tom’s Shoes of higher education.
4. Who is that woman leading your initiative?
GATE’s Founder and CEO Pamela Donnelly is a top
media expert in college admissions and #1 bestselling author. 600,000 people read
her blog column monthly on She is a college admissions
advisor for Time Magazine, and her
most recent book 4 Keys to College Admissions Success was
endorsed by Larry King. You can learn more about her on her website at
She is also CEO of Valley Prep Tutoring Services in Los Angeles.