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Giant Lite-Brite!

Building a giant Lite-Brite for The Sled Island Music Festival. Sharing with community and bringing people together with a new twist on this nostalgic toy!

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Giant Lite-Brite!

Giant Lite-Brite!

Giant Lite-Brite!

Giant Lite-Brite!

Giant Lite-Brite!

Building a giant Lite-Brite for The Sled Island Music Festival. Sharing with community and bringing people together with a new twist on this nostalgic toy!

Building a giant Lite-Brite for The Sled Island Music Festival. Sharing with community and bringing people together with a new twist on this nostalgic toy!

Building a giant Lite-Brite for The Sled Island Music Festival. Sharing with community and bringing people together with a new twist on this nostalgic toy!

Building a giant Lite-Brite for The Sled Island Music Festival. Sharing with community and bringing people together with a new twist on this nostalgic toy!

Laura Saik
Laura Saik
Laura Saik
Laura Saik
2 Campaigns |
Calgary, Canada
$587 USD $587 USD 11 backers
55% of $1,055 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


      My name is Laura Saik and I am an artist. Recently I made the move to the BIG CITY of Calgary Alberta to complete my BFA degree at the Alberta College of Art and Design.

     Arriving here has opened my world to so many opportunities involving my artistic practice. From showing in the school galleries, to downtown galleries, participating in community wide art events and instances like this one, working with an amazing local music festival to bring fun, culture and community to the forefront of summer events! 

     The Sled Island Music Festival takes place June 19th - 22nd 2013 and includes over 200 musical acts, multiple art installations and openings and many local vendors. 

     The Giant-Lite-Brite was proposed in response to Sled Islands open call for submissions for interactive and engaging art work. I thought about the spirit of the festival and what I could bring to the stage to amp up the crowd and get people working together, laughing together and creating together. Et Voila! Bringing something back from the past that we all shared and connected with as creative free-minded unhibited children, the Lite-Brite. 

     In donating your funds to this project, you will be providing people with joy. You will be bringing strangers together in a place of creativity and community. You will be making my dreams come true of manifesting this idea into reality. YOU yourself can come play with the Giant-Lite-Brite along side thousands of other curious, fun and interesting people! 

Material Break Down and Why I NEED YOU! 

   Here is the low down so you folks can see what I am up against in terms of aquiring the neccessary materials. 

   It will take 748 "G50 Spherical Christmas Bulbs" to make this thing shine bright. Each bulb is $1.00/unit so you can see why it is too much for me and my waitress wage to take on alone. 

   Then there is the cords for the lights. They come in strands of 100 outlets, so i'll be needing eight in total. Each cord is $60 so the total for that eqautes to $480 just to be able to plug it in! 

   Additionally there is paint and plywood, screws and tools, labour and transportation of the Giant-Lite-Brite to and from the venue. 

   According to my calculations the cost for the materials alone comes to around $1500.00 exactly.

   The Sled Island Art Team gives each artist $100 for being chosen out of the hundreds of applicants and that is reward and compensation enough for me. I want you all to know that I am not in this to make money for myself, I am here asking you for help so I can share this wonderful idea with my community, my family, my friends and YOU! 

Other Ways You Can Help..

Well the festival is just around the corner, and if i get the funds needed then the building begins! Construction will be taking place in my back yard in Calgary, so if you're in the neighbourhood and want to help cut, measure, screw, nail and paint you can get ahold of me through e-mail, facebook or my cell anytime. 

Many hands make light work! 


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