Gimme five for high five
Gimme five for high five
Gimme five for high five
Gimme five for high five
Gimme five for high five
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
This campaign is closed
Gimme five for high five
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
slap us some skin!
The City of Dallas is building a five-stack highway over Lucille’s childhood home… and her brother Percy is involved!
Our play is part of the New York International Fringe Festival. We had a few mishaps and began much later than we should have.
We are at the end of this process – and need to raise money to put this play on the stage.
The cast and director have worked tremendously hard on this project and it would be pretty disappointing not to be able to continue with their honorariums.
We have definitely learned many lessons from working on this project. There is no backing out – our only option is to forge ahead.
Everyone working on this project has practically donated their time – it is amazing, but we cannot allow the actor and director’s time to be donated.
high five synopsis:
When all of her neighbors sell their homes to wealthy land developers, Lucille Lee Baxter proves to the be the last woman standing, refusing to leave her neighborhood even when a five- level stack highway interchange has taken the place of it. Her protest causes turmoil with her brother, who works for the City of Dallas, and who is also trying to remove Lucille from their childhood home. Flashback 38 years to when the young siblings first move into the neighborhood. As both sister and brother try to adjust to their new environment, they are haunted by several racially- charged violent events from their immediate past.