What is GitPals
GitPals is a platform for developers who wants to take part in developing someone's project in a team or maybe find telented developers which are available. It's open source, simple, designed according to modern standards.
How it works
GitPals is very simple for use. Github account is supposed. You publish your project and give a short description - what is this project, what technologies it use etc. Your project will be visible to everyone, so anyone can apply for it. Everybody who has applied is displayed on project page, so it is very easy to find the best from the all applied participants.
If you don't have your own project, just find that matchs your requirements and apply for it, so then you should expect when author contacts you through GitPals.
Signing in to GitPals using Github account
Editing your profile
Creating project
Applying to project
Sending messages
Project goal
GitPals is aimed to make people find each other through the platform and work in a team by developing software. Working in a team is very appreciated by IT companies, so start expanding your portfolio and growing your github account!
Use of funds
GitPals is written on Java so first thing I need is hosting that supports this programming language. Second step is .com domain. Last funds will be spent for optimization (because there are some problems I can't solve) and advertising platform in different developers communities.
Other ways you can help
Besides funding you can also make a contribution to GitPals repository on Github! You can discover this project and create issues, solve issues or just add something new!
Thank you!
I will be publishing news about the project here on Indiegogo, so be in touch!