Short Summary
We A.Masow Architects created the design of the house which we believe will change the future! The peculiarity of it is that it is not dependent on the urban communications, does not require any connection, it is independent. it is able to itself provide electricity, heat, water.
Two years ago we created it, but in the meantime we have received many offers to make a documentary film.
Media about it:
Over 250 media representatives: newspapers, magazines, web portals and TV channels including National Geographic, Discovery and Animal Planet contacted us to learn more about it and shared the idea of an environment friendly house.
And then we understood that we need to bring this eco-house project to life, because it is the future, which doesn't require anything for living there.
What We Need & What You Get
We need you to help create a project that will change the future of all the buildings.
The Impact
We want everyone to be able to visit this house, drink coffee, read the book, to have dinner there etc. we want to make everyone understand that we shouldn't destroy the half of hectare of forest to build a small house for one family. We want to show that 35 sq meters of land are sufficient for one family, without any harm to the nature
Risks & Challenges
The government has allowed us to carry out this project next to the spa at the foot of the mountains.
Our team solved all the problems that may arise during the construction and after.
Other Ways You Can Help
You will help to us if you will visit this house!