What is this film about?
After his father left him, Red has been alone with overbearing and emotionally abusive mother Diane. He plans on leaving town knowing his mom won’t accept him for who he is. However, Diane will stop at nothing to make Red the man she wants him to be.
This short is about a man named Red and his relationship with his mother Diane. After trying to leave, Diane sends a glue creature to keep him
This film explores themes of self identity, freedom & family relationships. Our protagonist Red is a shy and timid guy, shaped by growing up with his overbearing and emotionally manipulative mother Diane. He is too scared to be himself around his mom, knowing how she feels about his outside relationships like his boyfriend Mason. He attempts to leave town to pursue a life to be himself, but Diane sends a creature made of glue after him to make sure he is stuck with her forever.
This project features all practical effects to create the glue creature as well as other blood and gore. These will all be done by our SFX artist Casey Wehr, and I cannot be more excited to show you what we came up with for this project!
About the Writer & Director
My name is Cooper Costantino and I am a senior in film making at Montclair State University. I'm entering my final semester of college this spring and I'm looking to use experience to make the best short film I can! I've always been in love with horror films whether it be the classics like Friday the 13th and The Thing or more contemporary horror like Hereditary and X. I cannot be more excited about me finally making a film in my favorite genre.
This project is my senior thesis film, a short horror film that I’ve been working on in some form or another for over a year now. I've fallen in love with the story and I hope to eventually turn it into my feature length debut. This short will serve as a proof of concept for the larger story I want to tell, so if it all works out I'll be able to create the full version!
What We Need & What You Get
So you’re probably wondering, where does all this money go?
Well below is a handy dandy pie chart of how this money will be used. How sick is that?
This is a very special effects driven film, as such the biggest slice of the pie goes to the makeup and practical effects needed to bring this film to life.
The budget then gets divided into different production aspects such as payment for our lovely actors, costumes, props, and cost of locations.
Finally the rest of the money goes into post production and the cost of putting the film in screening festivals.
For donating your hard earned money to this project, you will receive one of the corresponding perks seen above!
Crew :
Here are some of the awesome people working on this project!
Director/Writer: Cooper Costantino
Producer: Maura Garnett
Assistant Director: Derek Grayson
Director of Photography: Mike Groves
Assistant Camera: Boone Briegs
Production Designer: Amber Elefante
Gaffer: Elijah Perez
Grip: Thomas Hiertz
Sound Mixer: Aidan Ping
SFX Artist: Casey Wehr
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t contribute, that is okay! To still support this project make sure to share the link below to this indiegogo, as well as looking for updates on social media!