Skinzrus MVP (minimal valued product) app was launched on the app store and Play store during covid shut down in 2019 and it has been a journey. For several months I had the great pleasure to be mentored and groomed by a hedge fund in NYC to prepare me for my series A round of funding with VC's and Angel Investors. At the end they advised me to change my business model because there is no revenue data or rounds of funding data on my competitors.
Well, I took their advice and changed the business model to a golf social media membership platform app with a new name GOLF PXL. Golfers can post pictures, videos, like and comment while earning points to win prizes, golf trips, and discounts at selected retail partners with NO ADS or SPYWARE!
- Age 12-70
- Average household income $125K a year
- 60 Million golfers worldwide
- 90 Billion dollar industry that impacts 2 Million jobs
- 441 Million rounds of golf played in 2020
You love playing golf and you currently have Instagram on your mobile phone to post pictures, video, like and comment to share with your friends and family.
Regarding advertising, there are many issues confronting viewers, including the quality, quantity, frequency, duration and relevance of the ads. People don’t want to wade through a thicket of ads to view the content they want. Further, they don’t like to be tracked and retargeted, which seems like an invasion of privacy. Finally, they don’t want to be treated like fools by having ads served to them that are irrelevant, boring or repeatedly shown.
GOLF PXL business model centers on providing golfers a New-Gen social media platform with NO ads NO spyware. Post pictures, video, Comment, like, invite friends and earn points to WIN prizes and golf trips. Promoting user retention and WOM marketing.
- NO repetitive ads
- No unauthorized use of my data
- No Spyware
- No political agendas, No ads, No social movements or hate speech
- No soft porn
- We will not sell your information!
- Rewards for using the app
- Safer experience
- A secured experience
- A return on my usage and monthly fee
- Mental well being
- Swag box mailed bi-annually to members with high earning points
- Free emojis
- Win A Free Round of Golf
- WIN tickets to football, basketball, baseball, hockey games and more.
- Discount travel and stay
Our primary competitors are large social media platforms. The differentiating factors is that GOLF PXL’s goal is to be a “specialized space”, not looking to provide the same service as these general social media apps, but to appeal to the golfers that want a specific environment to establish their hobby and passion on a secure no ads platform.
Facebook users are jumping ship and
companies are banning TikTok on employee devices
- Spyware
- Misinformation
- Hate Speech
- Soft Porn
- Repetitive Ads
- Tracked
- Security
- Instagram engagement has also declined