The Amazing MX-LOCare™ GPS Watch allows you to keep watch of your loved ones. We understand that safety is critical, whether we are at home or out in the community, alone or with loved ones.
Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease is a challenge. We hope that this watch will help you cope with some of these challenges and provide a solution to increase the security and freedom of the person with Alzheimer’s in your home.
Everything you need to monitor their safety is available in this small wearable device that they keep on their wrist. The device provides two-way communication using high sensitivity GPS and cellular tower location as well as latest WiFi technology when GPS is not available. It’s also a Quad-band GSM Phone for voice and data communication.
MX-LOCare™ is a wrist wearable safety device with advanced GPS and cellular technology for both outdoor and indoor location.
The MX-LOCare™ (BR-2) GPS Watch is the most advanced and cost effective wearable, waterproof mobile personal emergency response solution (mPERs) available today.
It can easily connect to any smartphone and our easy to use scan App download feature automatically allows up to 16 caregivers to integrate and monitor the wearer.
It is extremely secure! The watch is also very comfortable and features a hypoallergenic band. It has an Optional Locking Mechanism with integrated detach alert, which means it can be locked onto wearer and features an Integrated Light Beam detach alert to notify if device has been taken off or separated from the wearer,
We have taken the complexity out of the setup and administration of MX-LOCare™ GPS Watch so it as easy as charge and play and know that you get 100% support along the way! Our team of highly skilled professionals are available to assist you.
Contribute today and you can help to keep someone with Alzheimer's safe!