Short Summary
Grand gestures is a short absurdest comedy about mad dashes, communists
& proving that rom-coms don't work in the real world.
a broken down man after a heartbreaking split, Jackson tries to reach
the airport with his roommates (he can't drive) to get the love of his
life back before the plane leaves.
What We Need!
We have our location sorted out but we need your help to make it as pretty as possible. With your help we need to set dress the location with posters & furniture that scream hey I'm a broke student please help me!
The Impact
We want the audience to be able to watch and relate to the characters way of thinking. Throughout our youth we all get these grand ideas of love and think that it will end up like in the movies, but it doesn't.
Risks & Challenges
People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.
- Share what qualifies you to overcome these hurdles.
- Describe your plan for solving these challenges.
Other Ways You Can Help
We would love it if you could share the word around about this realistic project.
And that's all there is to it.
From the entire team of Grand Gestures