Green - Film
Green - Film
Green - Film
Green - Film
Green - Film
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
This campaign is closed
Green - Film
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
Buds in business.
Meet Sal. He lives with his two best friends, Natalie and James. He's an all around upstanding citizen, whose biggest crime is an overdue library book. Sal lives a generally simple life, until an unexpected opportunity lands in his lap. He is forced to make the tough decision of determining what's right and what's wrong. But when a powerful figure steps out of the shadows, what began as a seemingly rewarding business venture soon ends in a tough final decision- sell or die.
The Particulars
Green is the first film from director/writer Jamel Booth. Filming will take place around the greater Atlanta area, and feature some of Atlanta's finest young actors. This campaign will help us develop the proper foundation for our production company; whose main goal is to produce exciting, unique, quality films out of the Southeast, as well as fund our current project: Green.
It is important to us to get more people to see films that make them think, that cause them to question their manner of thinking and to see from another person's point of view. Each contribution gets us one step closer to changing the world!
To help us bring Green to life and look the way that we dream it will, we need your help to raise $15,000
Reaching our goal won't just help us film this project, but it will also allow us to help others get their dream art projects off the ground. This is a long lasting contribution that you will see over the course of many years, not just this one project. With your contribution, you're making it possible for us to continue making art for your enjoyment.
Even if we don't reach our ultimate goal everyone will still receive the Perks that correspond with their donation. We want our fans to feel special and we feel that we've picked perks that will show that.
No Money?? That's Okay!!
Even if you can't donate you can still help us out big time. Just spread the word! Share this page on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even Twitch! Any and all word will help let people know about Green.