- Hello! I am Medora Levy and I am a SCAD Student. Welcome to my senior thesis campaign!
- This campaign is vital in helping fund my short film about grief.
- Without your help, my graduation would not be possible. This film is the last step in getting my degree.
- Greener Pastures is a drama about Stevie, who hates her dead mother and wants the relationship her sister Julia had with mom when they must set up a memorial for their mother’s one-year-anniversary but Stevie, must overcome her envy for their relationship in order to heal as sisters or they will never speak to each other again.
- In order to make this film, we need $6,500. I know that sounds like a lot! Funds go toward: transportation, food, housing, and props (i.e.: a car, costume, set staging, and equipment rentals).
- There are drastically too few female directors in the industry. If you donate to this film, you not only help a women graduate with a film degree, you can also receive a custom one-of-a-kind t-shirt; sticker set; and even credit in the film itself!
- "Greener Pastures" is about grief and the complicated dynamics that come with family loss. I came up with this concept when my mother got Covid and almost died.
- I have produced many films while at SCAD, including another senior thesis, "Severance" as well as many other productions such as "First Date", "Behind The Scenes", "Puppet Master." and many more.
- "Greener Pastures" is based on an event that almost happened to me but is highly relatable because family is universally complicated.
- Filmmaking is, as we say in the industry, "a crapshoot" but that's what makes filmmaking so exciting. The challenges push creativity and problem-solving.
- I plan to overcome the challenges that will arise by using everything that I've learned over my years at SCAD.
- If you are unable to contribute, please get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
- Share with at least two people and ask them to share! it really helps and it's super appreciated.
Medora Levy is from San Antonio, Texas. She is in her last year at SCAD and is excited to finally get to make her thesis. "Greener Pastures" is very personal to her as it is based on what could have been.
Halle Losordo is a junior at SCAD majoring in film and television with a minor in producing. You can also see her working in the production office as well as producing student films.
AJ is from India and is currently a junior at SCAD majoring in film and tv with a minor in producing. You can also her working in the production office as well as producing student films.
Dakota Callicott is a junior at SCAD with a major in film and television. His focus is cinematography and he loves everything that goes into visual storytelling.
Emma Starbird is a Junior Performing Arts major at SCAD. She's very excited to be a part of the Greener Pastures team! Emma recently worked on SCAD APO's production of The Revolutionists as a Producer and The Collective Face Theater Ensemble's production of Slyvia as a Stage Manager. She's thrilled to be making her way in front of the camera, and she can't wait to bring this film to life!
Jocelyn Shelfo is a sophomore at SCAD with a major in performing arts and minor in business. She loves acting and is excited to be a part of the Greener Pastures Cast.