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Grow, Grow Gratefulness!

THANK YOU! We are overflowing and have spilled over into joyous thanks-giving @!

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Grow, Grow Gratefulness!

Grow, Grow Gratefulness!

Grow, Grow Gratefulness!

Grow, Grow Gratefulness!

Grow, Grow Gratefulness!

THANK YOU! We are overflowing and have spilled over into joyous thanks-giving @!

THANK YOU! We are overflowing and have spilled over into joyous thanks-giving @!

THANK YOU! We are overflowing and have spilled over into joyous thanks-giving @!

THANK YOU! We are overflowing and have spilled over into joyous thanks-giving @!

Kristi Nelson
Kristi Nelson
Kristi Nelson
Kristi Nelson
1 Campaign |
Ithaca, United States
$104,010 USD 2,317 backers
105% of $99,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

                                                      THANK YOU!!!!

                                                  TOGETHER, WE DID IT!

* 2,318 Donations, ranging $1 - $1,000 (avg $45), representing
* Over 2,200 Individuals, Couples, Families & Businesses, and
* Hundreds of Champions Sharing with their Communities, from
* 42 Countries and Territories around the globe, generated....

       (One Hundred and Four Thousand, One Hundred Ten US Dollars!)

to help us be able to bring the most accessible, engaging, interactive, educational, and inspiring grateful living programs and practices to an ever-more diverse, changing, and "wanting" world.

On behalf of all of us: Thank YOU from the bottom of our hearts.

This campaign has been rooted deeply in community, commitment, and hope. And it has fostered these in turn. It has been an exercise in faith and tenacity, and we thank you for staying connected with us to the very end. We received more gifts the day AFTER reaching our goal than the day that we met it. See for yourself the generosity that defines our community!

After receiving her thank you note yesterday, Elena wrote:

"May your work  be blessed and  may gratefulness become the source of living a meaningful life for more and more people around the world. I´m from Slovakia, but ready to join efforts whenever I would be able to. Everyday The Word For the Day is like a glass of fresh water, reminding me of the most important things in life. So, thank YOU!"

We will use every penny of support from this campaign to serve you, and millions of others around the world, with an upgraded for inspirational readings, Word for the Day, candles and E-cards that you can rely on. But we are also really excited about the new features and programs we are introducing that will allow you to interact with people around the world every day, keep track of daily reflections in a journal, share stories and profiles, take courses and read blogs from leaders from all walks of life, and have a personal space for daily practice that will truly offer you nourishment.

Please look for special invitations that will come to your Email Inbox from in the months ahead, to participate in pilot programs and gatherings especially for this community. Also, please do stay in touch. You have moved us to the core with your care, and we offer our care in return. On behalf of the Board and staff of A Network for Grateful Living, with great, full and grateful hearts, we are humbly yours -

A Network for Grateful Living is a global non-profit (EIN# 23-7022057) offering online and off-line programs and practices to inspire grateful living as a means of personal and societal transformation. is our website which was started by Brother David Steindl-Rast and friends over a decade ago. 

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Choose your Perk


$3 USD
Thank you! You're IN! We'll nestle your name in a vast, alphabetical DONOR LIST on the "Grow Grow Gratefulness" page on our website-no gift amounts listed. Everyone belongs and matters! This is a group to be proud of. Also, join us at the EARLY LAUNCH of the NEW website! We'll host a GoToMeeting conference session with Briteweb staff 48 hours before the "official" public launch this Spring, so you get a first-hand tour of the site with “the pros.” Look for your invite in March!
25 claimed


$11 USD
Aligning your money with your values is a force for healing. And philanthropy is like a deep massage for your soul. Make a gift today, and may you feel the healing power of gratefulness in all your cells! In addition to a healing feeling, you'll get a download of the VIDEO "A GOOD DAY." This beloved video - with Br. David's spoken word, music by Gary Malkin, and edited by Alejandro Torres - has been seen nearly 1,000,000 times! Watch it every day to practice! You also receive the $3 perks!
195 claimed


$33 USD
Being generous flows naturally from gratefulness. Your donation at this level is the amount per person that will help us reach our $99K goal when 3,000 people give. Give, and be part of the groundswell! In addition to the joy of generosity, your donation entitles you to an MP3 OF THE SONG, "GRATEFUL" by John Bucchino - a special recording by Margaret Wakeley, sure to warm your heart and remind you of what really matters whenever you listen. You also receive all the $11 perks!
146 claimed


$55 USD
Joy is a natural by-product of gratefulness. When we feel the fullness and gifts of Life, we have all that we need to be happy. And joy longs to spill over into generosity. Let your joy show. Besides joy, your donation also entitles you to a NEVER-SEEN-BEFORE INTERVIEW of Br. David, conducted by Katie Teague for the Money & Life documentary. This segment offers powerful, joyful instruction on grateful living practice from one of the world's great teachers. You also receive all $33 per
78 claimed


$77 USD
When we invest in something in which we believe, it offers a deep sense of connectedness, Giving, receiving, asking and gratefulness ALL reinforce this interconnection. So let generosity connect you more deeply to your life! Besides interconnection, your gift gets you the "POETRY OF GRATEFULNESS" CURRICULUM from the course with poet, teacher, coach and our Board member, Dale Biron. Poetry is one of the best ways to stir our souls into gratefulness. You also receive all the $55 perks!
19 claimed


$99 USD
We all know that money does not buy peace. But grateful living offers an unparalleled peace in our hearts, with others, and in the world. Express your commitment to gratefulness through your generosity. 1K x $99 = Our Goal Your gift affords you a first-ever look at a moving FILMED CONVERSATION between long-time peace activists BR. DAVID and THICH NHAT HANH. Filmmaker Nicholas Weidner and producer Cynthia A. Phillips beautifully capture the friendship of these two monks. ALL perks are yours!
66 claimed

Give Whatever is in Your Heart

$100 USD
This campaign is about gifts in the $3-$99 range in order to be as inclusive as possible, and in order to encourage many people to give. If you want to give more than this, we are delighted, and invite you to consider giving multiple times, and/or get others to join in! It is so inspiring! And if you really long to be generous with us in an even bigger way...THANK YOU! We'd love to hear from you. Write to us at and we'll gratefully help. Gifts $100+ receive all perks!
97 claimed

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