Gypsy Java
I am Vanessa and I have been an art teacher for 17 years. I was born and raised in the Portage Lakes, a
town south of Akron, Ohio and when I was 24, I moved to Tampa, Florida. In the summer of 2015, my grandfather, who
was an entrepreneur and successful Akron businessman, passed away and my
daughter and I flew to Akron to attend the funeral. We stayed for most of the summer, to be with
family and to grieve my grandfather. That summer redirected my passion for the arts
and made me a woman on a mission.
In July, my daughter and I flew back to
Tampa, and it was the first time since I had left the Portage Lakes in 1999,
that my heart ached for my hometown.
That summer, I had reconnected with the artists, writers, and musicians
that had been scarce when I was living there.
The Portage Lakes are full of people who work hard, survive hard
winters, and are the salt of the earth. As
I discovered this summer, they are also the sculptors, poets, and guitarists
that keep the soul of the Lakes alive.
And we need a space—to create,
collaborate, and present our work. We
need an environment that draws the artists, writers, and musicians to come and
share ideas over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. We need excellent WiFi, good coffee, and
great conversation about art.
If you contribute to Gypsy Java, you
will be helping a town get in touch with its local arts community. You will be helping foster the arts in a
community that is slowly losing its art outlets. You would be at the beginning of building a
strong and vibrant arts community in the Portage Lakes.
Funding Gypsy Java
I am attempting to raise $75,000 dollars
to cover the costs of opening a new business.
The building, the renovations, the licensing, the machinery, the
inventory, the entertainment—all of these things are the fundamentals of why I
am trying to raise money. The more
visceral reason that I want to try and fund all this money through this
campaign is so that I can devote all my energy and focus towards hiring
excellent people, creating a unique and inviting space, and making this a
worthwhile venture for the people of the Portage Lakes to enjoy and celebrate
their local artists, writers, and musicians, without the pressure of a bank
loan due date. Those due dates have a
way of taking attention off what is truly important and it can warp the vision.
With each contribution, there are
different levels of perks. Shout outs,
t-shirts, coffee mugs are just small ways that I can say thank you for being
part of building something wonderful.
If we don’t reach our goal of $75,000,
the money we do raise will go first towards the purchasing of equipment, like
espresso machines and sound systems, and for renovations and construction.
The Impact of Gypsy Java
This creative endeavor is to promote the
business of art in the Portage Lakes community.
I mean to facilitate the creation of a space that fosters the creative
culture, whatever form that it takes, in my hometown. The Portage Lakes has a rich, colorful
history, with lore and stories available at every pub. I would like those stories to include its
artists, writers, and musicians.
I am an art teacher. I value the education and enlightenment of
others, above all things. It is my
sincere hope to involve all level of artists in the Portage Lakes community in
Gypsy Java. From the school-aged artists
to the professionals, I want them included in the culture at Gypsy Java. For 17
years, I have collaborated and conversed with thousands of young people on
different parts of their art journey, be it beginner or advanced. I can manage a classroom with minimal effort
and I can inspire the most skeptical pre-teen to create great works. My ability to organize, problem-solve, and
overcome adversity are legendary, in my classroom and beyond. I am driven to succeed because I believe that
this endeavor is a worthy one.
Risks & Challenges
Financial: I am using my retirement and personal funds
to get this project off the ground.
Personal: I am leaving my family,
home, and career in Tampa, FL for over a year to create Gypsy Java.
Emotional: It is scary to step out
of what is normal in your life and take a risk.
I tell everyone that I am terrified, but in a good way.
Financial: Starting and running a successful business
requires money and the ability to manage money.
Changing fields: I was trained as
an educator, not a business person. I
will have to learn an entirely new career and perspective in order to become a
successful business owner.
Leaving my family in Florida: I
will leave my daughter and husband in Florida to open and run Gypsy Java for
over a year. Trying to parent from a
distance is going to require amazing amounts of communication and patience.
Skills to overcome obstacles:
Creative-problem solving: My
students call me a “recovery artist” because I can recover from any kind of
perceived disaster—like a spilled paint tray on a final work or a broken sandal
strap during first period. Problems are
just an opportunity for me to put my creativity to work.
Hard work: Most people consider “work”
a dirty word, but work builds self-esteem and confidence. I enjoy putting in the work because it yields
growth, be it physical, spiritual, or emotional. I will work until I fall down from exhaustion
and I attribute that trait to being raised in the Portage Lakes. It is one of the qualities I value most about
Organization: There is no chaos or
mess that I cannot put to order.
Communication: I work with over
220 children a day and my communication skills have to be top-notch to keep
everything running smoothly. Clear
communication helps to eliminate undue stress for children, their parents,
other teachers, and administrators. I leave
nothing unsaid and my students appreciate that honesty. “Do you want me to be nice or be honest?” is
what I ask them when they come to me for advice on their work. 100% of the time they say “Be honest.”
Other Ways You Can Help Gypsy Java
Get the word out! Post this
campaign on your social media and talk about Gypsy Java when you are out and
about in the community.
If you know artists, musicians, and writers in the Portage Lakes, lead
them to me. I want to show their work
and have them perform.
When we open, come have a cup of coffee and chat with me.