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Halo- The World's Safest & Smartest Smoke Alarm

Halo is a smart home-integrated smoke detector that includes tornado and other hazard warnings.

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Halo- The World's Safest & Smartest Smoke Alarm

Halo- The World's Safest & Smartest Smoke Alarm

Halo- The World's Safest & Smartest Smoke Alarm

Halo- The World's Safest & Smartest Smoke Alarm

Halo- The World's Safest & Smartest Smoke Alarm

Halo is a smart home-integrated smoke detector that includes tornado and other hazard warnings.

Halo is a smart home-integrated smoke detector that includes tornado and other hazard warnings.

Halo is a smart home-integrated smoke detector that includes tornado and other hazard warnings.

Halo is a smart home-integrated smoke detector that includes tornado and other hazard warnings.

Ben Stagg
Ben Stagg
Ben Stagg
Ben Stagg
1 Campaign |
Charlotte, United States
$75,794 USD 400 backers
151% of $50,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal


Hello, Everyone!

We launched our Indiegogo campaign almost a year ago and estimated our delivery date to be November 2015. At that point in time, with the information we had, we 100% believed we would be ready. For each of the subsequent delays and revised forecasts for our launch dates, we believed the same. We have never intentionally provided a launch date that we didn’t believe we could hit.
There are a lot of very good reasons why we haven’t yet launched. Some mistakes and missteps we’ve made have contributed to our delays, and for that we genuinely apologize. We’ve learned it’s the nature of start-up life that not everything will go smoothly, or to our preferred timetable. But we’ve also learned none of this matters one bit, that what really matters is this: when you are going to get the devices you paid for last year. The answer to that question is: September, not June, as we had forecast in our last update.
Despite this additional delay, it’s important for us to stress that you should have no doubts that Halo will launch. To help reassure you that we have made significant progress, we will be sending out a link to a short YouTube video in a few weeks, in which we will show you just how close Halo is to being in your hands and on the market. In the meanwhile, here’s a sneak peek of our latest packaging design.


We don’t just understand your frustration, we share it. We set out to build the safest, smartest smoke alarm in the world. Knowing that we are very close to that goal, and closer to the goal of helping keep families safe in their homes, it’s difficult to accept any delay, but we will get there. When we do, it will be thanks to the support, encouragement, and persistence of people like you, who believed in us from the beginning. 
Thank you.

Ben Stagg
CEO & Co-founder

Introducing the Halo and Halo+ Smoke Detectors

Halo is an industry-first combination of sensor technology for flash fires, smoldering fires and carbon monoxide in a single device. No other smoke alarm at any price offers you this same level of protection, period. The new home-alert system connects the device to the Internet and home-automation systems, plus users can receive alerts and adjust settings with an iOS and Android app. It will also send alerts to mobile devices so users are aware of danger even if they are thousands of miles away.


Thanks to everyone who has supported our Indiegogo campaign so far! Because of all your questions and comments (and the successful close of our $900K investment round), we have actually made huge strides to bring you the battery powered Halo device as well! Thanks to your support, our team went back to the labs and are ready to release and sell the new Halo Battery Operated Smoke Detector right now!

How does the battery operated Halo work?

The battery operated Halo runs on 4 AA batteries that are easy to replace without the need for tools! Our engineers focused on power conservation from the very beginning of our design, and the the battery powered Halo is able to provide the same level of sensor monitoring and intelligent processing as our hard-wired version for customers who are in need of a “battery only” option.

How long do they last?

Under typical conditions, the batteries should last 2 years.

What features does this Halo still have?

The battery operated Halo has all of the same great features aside from the Night Light feature and the Weather Alerts feature.

If you're like 90% of Americans, you're only safe from one type of fire.

Most people think that when they have a smoke detector, they're protected from all fires. This simply isn't true. 90% of US homes have an ionization-only smoke detector. If you're one of these people, it means that your smoke detector may not detect a smoldering fire for 15-50 minutes.

Think about this. In the average home, firefighters agree that many people have as little as two minutes to escape. If your smoke detector is going to take 15-50 minutes to detect a fire, then you're already too late. This is why a dual sensor smoke alarm is so vital to your safety. Both the ionization and photoelectric sensors are vital to your safety from both smoldering and flash fires.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends a dual sensor approach, because you never know what type of fire will strike.

Halo is the only smoke detector that can protect your family from everything: Flash fires, smoldering fires, carbon monoxide, and dangerous weather.

Carbon Monoxide

Protect Your Family from "The Silent Killer"

Carbon monoxide gases are invisible, odorless, and deadly. Have peace of mind with Halo.

How Will Halo Warn me of Carbon Monoxide?

When Halo notices elevated levels of gas, you'll receive an auditory and visual alert.

  • First, a voice will alert you, "Elevated CO in the living room, move to fresh air!"

  • Then, a pulsing orange light from the device will warn you visually of the danger.

  • The pulse of the light will speed up as the CO gas increases, and slow down as it decreases.

  • If it's unsafe for you to be in the room where the gas has been detected, the orange pulse will turn to an orange and white flashing light, along with an auditory alert: "Danger, CO in the living room, move to fresh air."

Weather Alerts with the Halo+

Protect Your Home and Family from Severe Weather

Are you in a location that's at risk for tornadoes? The Halo+ can alert you to location specific National Weather Service issued warnings to help you get to safety within plenty of time.

Halo+ comes preset out of the box to receive tornado warnings only. You can choose to add additional weather alerts from the list below:

Protect Your Family & Save Money on Insurance with Halo

Did you know most insurance companies will give you a discount if you have a connected smoke detector and/or smoke alarm? With Halo or Halo+ installed in your home, you're eligible for up to a 10% discount on your home insurance policy.

Why do I get this discount?

Simply put, connected home smoke alarms are safer. It saves the insurance company money if you're making safer choices for your home. With a connected home smoke alarm, you get to receive alerts via your cell phone which offers a greater degree of protection, and a more intelligent alert system. You're safer, your home is safer, and the insurance company can worry less. This means they'll give you a discount.

Are you a homeowner, landlord or property manager? If you have Halo, your deduction for owning a safer smoke alarm will pay for your Halo smoke alarm within an average of 2 years! After that, it's money in your pocket.

Halo's Smart Logic

Is your smoke alarm risking your life?

71% of structure fires deaths are caused because a smoke detector that has a missing or discharged battery. This means that the victims weren’t able to make it to safety in time. Something that was meant to save lives ends up being rendered useless because the batteries were useless.

We've all been there: You're fixing your morning breakfast when you accidentally burn the bacon, or the toast. A shrill, ear-splitting beep echoes through your house and everyone runs into the kitchen to see if there's cause for alarm. Or there's that annoying chirp, chirp, chirp in the middle of the night. You get out of bed and, in an effort to silence the chirp, you remove the battery or (even worse) take down your smoke alarm. Now you've taken a marginally effective early warning device and disabled it, making it completely ineffective.

This is where the problem starts. Pulling the batteries out of your smoke detector puts you at a huge risk of being caught in a home fire without enough time to escape.

Your smoke detector is so annoying that it is literally risking your life. 

How Halo Stops This Deadly Cycle
No Chirps!

Halo is equipped with the industry’s first, long lasting, lithium-ion rechargeable battery, which virtually removes that annoying nighttime chirp forever from our hardwired model. As for the battery operated version, Halo will notify you with a reminder to your cell phone, using words  rather than annoying beeps to inform you that your batteries are running low and need to be replaced.  Thank you Halo!

Smart Logic's 5 Sensors

False alarms are dangerous. They numb us to potentially dangerous situations and, up until now, the homeowner had to take the smoke alarm’s word for whether or not there was danger. Sadly and loudly, that alert came in the form of an annoying 85db beep.

Every Halo smoke alarm is equipped with 5 different sensors: photoelectric, ionization, CO, heat, and humidity. The constant intelligent monitoring of these 5 sensors helps Halo learn from its environment and helps to reduce false alarms while confirming actual dangerous concerns.

How Does It Work?

1.The Shower Episode

If you’re taking a shower, the steam has the ability to block out the ion and photoelectric sensors and trigger a false alarm. Since Halo is equipped with CO, heat, and humidity sensors, it can tell if there is a spike in the humidity with no increase of carbon monoxide and only a minor increase in heat. Because of those sensors, Halo recognizes that there is no fire, and even if the smoke detecting sensors are triggered, Halo will know not to sound a false alarm.

2. Burnt Toast

Every false alarm has a signature. If your halo smoke alarm goes into warning status and you are not at home, Halo will give you real-time updates and provide you with an interpretation of the data at hand. With our smart sensor logic, we will know if there is only a burned toast incident in your home, or a dangerous fire taking place.

Halo: The Only Smoke Detector Manufactured in the USA

Halo is determined to give you the best quality detector on the market; this means that each Halo device is crafted right here in the USA. From the start, Halo Smart Labs has been committed to creating jobs here in the USA. The performance of each detector is rigorously tested, and submitted to the strictest quality control standards before being shipped. You can rest assured that when you have a question or need help with your Halo device, you can speak to someone in the US who knows the product inside and out and can address your concerns.

A Trusted Device

Halo is being tested to comply with all of the following smoke and carbon monoxide alarm standards:

·  UL 2034 - “Single and Multi Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms”

·  UL 217 - “Single and Multi Station Smoke Alarms”

·  NFPA-72 - “National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Want to see for yourself if Halo really works? Watch it in a real burning house!

On Saturday, May 16, 2015. Halo Smart Labs teamed up with the St. Stephens Fire Department on a control burn in Catawba County, North Carolina. Several other fire departments joined in as the department set several Class I fires in an abandoned house.

It was the culmination of a partnership we had been working on with the department for several weeks. Fire departments often do controlled burns to teach the newer members of their teams how real fires work, as well as work on how to respond in live simulations. At Halo, we wanted to put our device in a real, controlled fire where we could monitor the data. The St. Stephens Fire Department was enthusiastic about joining forces, as the data Halo collected could be of use to the department as well.

Our engineers installed Halo and a camera to monitor it in the hallway of the house. Then the department began to light fires, and set up outside, where they could safely stream and monitor data from the Halo alarm.

The fire department began by starting a Class I fire with no accelerators (gasoline, etc).  Then they went in and put it out before starting another one. The controlled burn began around 9 AM and lasted until after 2 in the afternoon.

Halo only sent data back to our engineers during the first fire. Temperatures in the house reached 220 degrees Fahrenheit before Halo quit sending date when its enclosure liquefied and the hardware inside fell on the floor.

When the firefighters went in, the smoke from the fire went from two feet from the ground all the way up to the ceiling, and firefighters told Josh Cox, one of the engineers on the project, that it was so thick he were literally unable to see his hand in front of his face. When they broke open a window to let the smoke out, the firefighters noticed Halo flashing on the floor and brought what was left of the device out. Even though the enclosure melted, Halo was still functioning as an alarm and, when it cooled, resumed transmitting data to the engineers.

We could not be happier with the results from the controlled burn and look forward to sharing them with you! Determining how actual fires work helps us to continue improving Halo, particularly in how its monitoring system eliminates false alarm—because you only want your smoke alarm to go off when there’s truly a need for it.

Halo Connectivity

Do you have a smart home? Want a smart home? Halo has the ability to connect with any smart system; including Apple, iControl, Lowes, and OpenHome. You can also receive updates via any Apple or Android device. Halo is equipped with WiFi connectivity and Zigbee connectivity to make sure you're smart home ready, and fully functional.

Built-in Energy Efficient Night Light

Children who know the family Halo will protect them from storms and fire can have the added comfort of Halo's built-in night light.

More than just your ordinary night light!

You can choose the color, duration, and lighting style you prefer right from your smartphone! Simply open up the Halo app, select the room you want lighted, and choose your preferences. Halo will gently light the room with a soft night light that fades out over your chosen period of time.

Consumers have raved about this feature: "I love it! I can control it from the couch while my kids feel safe from the dark.” says Melissa,and fire safety professionals agree, that any positive interaction between a child and their smoke alarm is always a good thing.

How Halo Will Alert You During a Fire

With auditory and visual warnings you're guaranteed to be aware of any danger in your home.

What happens if Smoke is detected?

With Halo's Smart Logic algorithms, you’ll worry less about the shrill beeping sound of a false alarm. If Halo senses a potential issue, it will start off by issuing a gentle verbal and visual warning. For example, "Elevated smoke in the kitchen" will be announced through all of your Halo smoke alarms, accompanied by a slowly pulsing red light at the device in the kitchen. As the smoke increases, the speed of the pulse increases, and as smoke dissipates, the pulse will slow. You can also silence your Halo by pushing the center button on the device, or by using the Halo app.  If the smoke exceeds the safe zone after you've silenced it, it will alert you by flashing red and white and saying, "Danger smoke in the kitchen!” If muted again, Halo will be silent for 15 minutes, giving you time to rectify the situation or get out.

What happens if smoke is detected and I’m away from home?

As soon as your Halo notices a potential threat, it will alert you via your cell phone.

In the News . . . Halo visits the White House

On July 29th, Halo Smart Labs was honored to participate in the White House Innovation for Disaster Response and Recovery Demo Day in Washington, D.C.  The day included several breakout sessions geared toward bringing together new ideas from various industry leaders, as well as demonstrations and talks from 20 companies and several local and Federal agencies.  It was an excellent opportunity for us to network with those who are using technology to improve disaster response, learn about their advances and hear first-hand about the challenges they face in the event of a catastrophe.

Our two biggest takeaway challenges from this event were:

1) There is a clear need for advanced warning systems capable of reaching targeted populations sooner and more accurately.

2) We need to develop a better way to communicate instructions and relief efforts to the public after a disaster occurs.

Read the entire blog and watch the video on the White House Innovation Demo Day from the Office of Science and Technology Policy for the White House here.

Why Indiegogo?

After a natural disaster, you often seen people rallying together as a community. We want to harness this power of the crowd and give a larger meaning to this generosity and sense of togetherness. By joining our campaign you can provide much needed support not just in your own community, but across the nation and the world.


How many Halo Smoke Alarms do I need?  

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends installing smoke alarms in each bedroom, outside of each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. Your state or local recommendations may increase the recommended number of smoke alarms, but this is considered a minimum.

How many Halo WX should I have in my home?    

In order to receive the best chance of receiving a timely warning in a dangerous event, we recommend at least one Halo WX on each level of your home.

It says "AC Hard Wired." What does that mean?   

There are two types of power supplying smoke detectors: "Hard Wired," which are powered by your home's electrical wiring (typically with a battery back-up) and "Battery Powered," which are NOT connected to your home's wiring and run solely on battery power. 

How do I know if my home is wired for AC smoke alarms?  

Since 1989, "hard wired" (non-battery powered) smoke alarms with battery back-up have been required in the construction of a new home. If your home was built after 1989 or has had the electrical wiring upgraded to current NEC standards since then, you probably have hard-wired smoke alarms. You can also check this by removing your smoke alarm from its base plate the next time you perform your monthly test. If there are wires coming out of the back of the smoke alarm, it is likely hard-wired. If not, it is more likely to be a battery-powered only unit.

Where are Halo Smart Labs devices going to be manufactured?  

We are very proud to say that Halo Smart Labs products will be manufactured in the USA. Some of the components required to build our units must be sourced from overseas, but every other aspect of designing, developing, electronic manufacturing, injection molding, assembling, packaging and warehousing will take place here in the United States.

Will these be difficult to install or setup?

We have designed the Halo products to be as easy to setup and install as possible, but some people may prefer not to be on a ladder or feel uncomfortable working with the wiring in their home. In these cases, we recommend finding a reputable contractor or handyman in your area who might be able to assist. 

What connected home platforms can/will Halo products work with?   

Halo and Halo WX both use Wi-Fi and Zigbee wireless protocols, ensuring our system works with almost every connected home platform on the market. Halo Smart Labs is a proud partner of the OpenHome Labs program and is currently working to certify Halo and Halo WX to work with the iControl platform, which provides connectivity to many of the existing connected home platforms available. We have also been designated a Certified Apple Product Developer and iOS Developer to make sure the Halo products work with HomeKit later this year, and have been working with teams from various other "retail branded" connected home systems to become certified as quickly as possible. We have known from the beginning that hazards don't discriminate, so safety and connectivity shouldn't either. 

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Choose your Perk


Halo WX

$100 USD
Get one Halo WX to protect your home and loved ones from all weather hazards at $29 below the retail price. Halo WX is AC Hard Wired with Battery Backup only. Please add $8 to your total pledge for domestic shipping. Halo WX is only available in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
15 claimed

Help us make a difference!

$5 USD
Thanks for being a part of Halo Smart Labs and our journey to bring the safest, smartest safety device to life! With this perk you will receive our most heartfelt gratitude and the knowledge that you helped make a difference in the lives of those affected by fire and natural disasters.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
1 claimed

Be our lab rat!

$20 USD
Thanks for your interest in Halo Smart Labs! You will be the first to receive news and updates, and receive first access to any future discounts or product launches. You will also get opportunities to participate in panel discussions and help shape the future of Halo in the home. You could even be beta tester for future Halo Smart Labs products. Thanks for joining the journey with us!
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
15 claimed

Early Bird Halo

$60 USD
Be the first to get one Halo smoke alarm to protect your home and loved ones at $39 below the retail price. Halo is AC Hard Wired with Battery Backup only. Please add $8 to your total pledge for domestic shipping, and $39 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
41 out of 50 of claimed

One Hard-Wired Halo

$80 USD
You missed the Early Bird, but you can still be one of the first to get one Halo smoke alarm to protect your home and loved ones well below the retail price. This Halo is AC Hard Wired with Battery Backup only. Please add $8 to your total pledge for domestic shipping, and $39 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

One Battery-Powered Halo

$80 USD
You missed the Early Bird, but you can still be one of the first to get one battery-operated Halo smoke alarm to protect your home and loved ones! This Halo is all battery-powered with no hardwiring. Please add $8 to your total pledge for domestic shipping, and $39 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
6 out of 100 of claimed

Backer's Choice Condo Pkg

$200 USD
3 Halo Smoke Alarms, your choice of either type of Halo (Hard-Wired or Battery Powered) or Halo WX (Hard-Wired Only). You may have missed out on the Early Bird packages, but you can still outfit your home with the most advanced smoke alarm for far less than retail price! We have simplified the packages based on feedback from our backers and reduced international shipping based on new rates from our vendors. FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING, please add $19 for international shipping addresses.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
14 out of 100 of claimed

Backer's Choice Homestead Pkg

$400 USD
7 Halo Smoke Alarms, your choice of either type of Halo (Hard-Wired or Battery Powered) or Halo WX (Hard-Wired Only). You may have missed out on the Early Bird packages, but you can still outfit your home with the most advanced smoke alarm for far less than retail price! We have simplified the packages based on feedback from our backers and reduced international shipping based on new rates from our vendors. FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING, please add $19 for international shipping addresses.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
4 out of 100 of claimed

Early Bird - Landlord Pkg

$2,500 USD
40 Halo Smoke Alarms + 16 Halo WX Smoke Alarms Protect your tenants and your insurance rates. Perfect for upgrading your property with the most comprehensive alert products available. FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING! Halo and Halo WX are AC Hard Wired with Battery Backup only. Imminent Danger feature is only available in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
2 out of 10 of claimed

Early Bird - Landlord Pkg Plus

$5,000 USD
80 Halo Smoke Alarms + 20 Halo WX Smoke Alarms Protect your tenants and your insurance rates. Perfect for upgrading your property with the most comprehensive alert products available. FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING! Halo and Halo WX are AC Hard Wired with Battery Backup only. Imminent Danger feature is only available in the United States and Puerto Rico.
2 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Early Bird Halo WX

$80 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
Only -4 left
sold out

Early Bird - Condo Pkg

$160 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
Only -2 left
sold out

Early Bird - Homestead Pkg

$350 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
Only -3 left

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