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Happy as Kings: Restoring the Art of Education

Your gift will help send a student to Gregory the Great Academy.

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Happy as Kings: Restoring the Art of Education

Happy as Kings: Restoring the Art of Education

Happy as Kings: Restoring the Art of Education

Happy as Kings: Restoring the Art of Education

Happy as Kings: Restoring the Art of Education

Your gift will help send a student to Gregory the Great Academy.

Your gift will help send a student to Gregory the Great Academy.

Your gift will help send a student to Gregory the Great Academy.

Your gift will help send a student to Gregory the Great Academy.

Daniel Schiller
Daniel Schiller
Daniel Schiller
Daniel Schiller
2 Campaigns |
Canadensis, United States
$30,805 USD 169 backers
128% of $24,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Gregory the Great Academy needs you...

Please join the drive to restore the art of Catholic education, and play a part in changing the lives of today’s young men who will be tomorrow’s leaders.

                       --Most Rev. James D. Conley, D.D., S.T.L.  
                                 Bishop of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska    


Who are we? 

Gregory the Great Academy is a boarding school for boys grades 9 - 12 offering a Liberal Arts education in the Catholic tradition where a young man can cultivate virtue, deepen his faith, and sharpen his intellect.     Our community rejoices not only in the best that has been thought and said, but also in cultural activities that bring life to the souls of our students. The boys of St. Gregory's find happiness through a healthy balance of study, prayer, song, rugby... and juggling. (Click here to sign up for our free newsletter). 

A Letter from the Headmaster

 I am very happy and heartened to see the      growing  success of this campaign. I thank each      and every  one of you who have given, shared, and  prayed  towards our ever-nearing goal. It will be a    great asset to have these funds in reserve to  allocate to worthy students who need a little  financial assistance in order to join us for the  adventure of education. Providing such aid is one  of the hardest challenges of my position, and I am  grateful for your rally and unflagging loyalty which is keeping the songs running strong in our little corner of the Lord's vineyard.

What is more, I am deeply appreciative for the show of community support and unity that this campaign has demonstrated and even fostered. Gregory the Great Academy would simply not exist if not for the generosity and faith of our extended family. This endeavor has brought many old friends, and new ones too, out of the woodwork and into the front-lines of a joyful charge for the restoration of Christian culture. There is no reason to lower our gaze from this lofty end; for, as a devoted Catholic community, this and nothing less is our mission - to bring happiness through Christ and to live out what it means when we pray, "on earth as it is in heaven."

Sean Fitzpatrick                                                                                                                 Headmaster,                                                                                                                                         Gregory the Great Academy

What is this campaign for? 

We have two goals for the "Happy as Kings" campaign:

1. To provide tuition discounts for students in need.  

  • We accept worthy students even if their families can't pay full tuition. 
  • 50% of our students receive tuition discounts.
  • The average tuition discount is $6,000 per student per year.
  • $24,000 will grant tuition discounts to four worthy students.
  • Let's not stop at four students! The more we raise, the more students we can help.

2. To raise awareness about Gregory the Great Academy.

  • By spreading our "Happy as Kings" video to as many people as possible, we will reach parents of potential students, new supporters, and new friends.
  • With growth, our mission to restore Catholic education gains strength.  

Why should you participate? 

  • 30% of our budget comes from gifts like yours. 
  • You will give the gift of a joyful education to four (or more) worthy students. 
  • Youth today needs the joy found in Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. 
  • All gifts are tax deductible.

How can you participate?

  •  Contribute to our crowdfund.
  •  Share our “Happy as Kings” campaign    via social media and email.
  •  Pray for Gregory the Great Academy.

What others are saying

"If St. Benedict, Robert Louis Stevenson, and G.K. Chesterton sat down over a meal to hash out the vision of a Catholic Boys' School, it would be Gregory the Great Academy.  Nothing of this school's like can be found throughout the land. Halls filled with laughter and song, a playing field measured in courage, a classroom dedicated to wisdom and friendship, and a chapel echoing with the restrained manly praise of God--and then there is the juggling! Having sailed through the jaws of trial and testing, with years of study and rich classroom experience informing their vision, the young men and dedicated teachers of GGA are a daring grace for our Church and our country.  We should all desire to join in their adventure."
                                                       -- William Edmund Fahey, Ph.D
                                                            Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
                                                            New Hampshire and Rome

"Thank God for Gregory the Great Academy. It is a true school—a place where a boy can become a man with fire in his heart for the truth and the joy to be a witness to that truth. Gregory the Great Academy is an answer to so many prayers, including mine. This school deserves and needs your support to continue its fine work of forming young men, by converting our sons to our Father. Please help this school to survive and prosper.  Gregory the Great Academy has my support. Won’t you offer yours today?"
                                                        -- Scott Hahn, Ph.D. 
                                                            Professor of Theology 
                                                            Franciscan University 
                                                            Steubenville, Ohio

"The world is on fire. As in the time of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, we are engaged in a struggle to save Western Christian culture from the barbarians—only this time they have cell phones. I would like to introduce you to a high school that is fighting against this new barbarism. Gregory the Great Academy is both a ‘classic’ sort of boarding school for boys and a bold experiment in education. Its unique way of inspiring the practice of Catholic piety, while cultivating manly virtues in the students, makes it stand out from other institutions in America and Europe. My numerous contacts with the faculty and students of Gregory the Great Academy have led to an appreciation of what has already been accomplished by the teachers and young men and prompts me to look with bright hope to what is surely still to come of this cultural chevauchee."

                                                        -- Br. Philip Anderson, O.S.B.

                                                            Abbot                                                                                                                                                          Our Lady of the Annunciation Abbey                                                                                               Clear Creek, Oklahoma

Testimonials by parents and alumni

"I often find myself at a loss for words to “explain” St. Gregory’s to people, because as a mother, it involves so many very personal experiences and meditations to attempt to express all that St. Gregory’s is, or strives to be. At a certain point, some years ago, I realized that more than anything, St. Gregory’s is a true act of love. I say this with the conviction of one who has long known personally, everyone (faculty and staff) involved with St. Gregory’s. Were it not for the fraternal love which they manifest to the students and each other, and zeal for the mission of this school, St. Gregory’s would not exist."

                                                      -- Carol Long  
                                                          Scranton, PA

"I have been closely associated with St. Greg’s for more than 10 years and believe I know the school extremely well. To send a child nearly 3,000 miles across the country to attend high school is a daunting decision. But I have not regretted doing this. I have seen first hand the excellent results of the St. Gregory’s experience. My boys are well grounded in faith and reason – what Pope John Paul II calls the two wings of the truth." 

                                                       -- Cort Freeman  
                                                           Butte, MT

"St. Gregory’s has been there for our sons after graduation as well. When our oldest son was in the hospital last spring with a nearly fatal acute asthmatic attack, the school Mass was offered for him as well as many prayers. The school acted as an extension of our family. My husband has been a high school teacher for thirty-two years, yet St. Gregory’s is always our first choice."

                                                       -- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Klassen  
                                                           Fort Scott, KS

"Saint Gregory's taught me that life is an adventure. Like all good adventures, life has an end and consists of joys, sufferings, victories, and defeats. Through pure friendships and classical education, I was exposed to beautiful truths and a sense of wonder that I had never encountered. Through expeditions, battles, poems, and songs, I realized that happiness and greatness are both real and attainable. Through constant exposure to scripture, liturgy, daily prayer, and examples of self-sacrifice, my faith became who I am instead of a series of external acts that I was required to do. I believe that man’s end is union with God and that the adventure lies in making it there with joy and integrity. Over ten years ago I was dropped off at Saint Gregory’s, and my life has been an adventure ever since."

                                                      -- Jeremy M. Gay 
                                                          Class of 2007 
                                                          First Lieutenant United States Marine Corps   

"As a Dominican friar, I have been able to share with my brothers the love of sacred and traditional folk music that was fostered by my years at St. Gregory's. I am profoundly grateful for the gifts I have received from St. Gregory's, and I hope that many more young men will be able to experience the same introduction to Christian culture at Gregory the Great Academy."

                                                      -- Br. Innocent Smith, O.P. 
                                                          Class of 2004 
                                                          Dominican Friar  

"I gratefully acknowledge the singular influence of Gregory the Great Academy upon my religious formation, intellectual development, and imaginative growth. Young men naturally and deeply yearn for joyful yet formal liturgy, academics that are poetic while rigorous, wonders immanent and noble—and uniquely, all of this is woven into the fabric of life at Gregory the Great Academy."

                                                       -- Dr. Benedict Whalen 
                                                           Class of 2004 
                                                           English Professor, Hillsdale College 

"My years at St. Gregory’s were the most beneficial and formative in my life. My eyes were opened to the wonders and depth of Western Civilization; my soul was truly forged into a soldier of Christ… In short, St. Gregory’s is a happy and holy place, perfect for young men."

                                                        -- Thomas Ranieri 
                                                            Class of 2002 
                                                            Law Student, Duquesne University

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Choose your Perk

Every Bit Helps

$10 USD
No amount is too small! Thank you very much for making a difference in the lives of our students. ( All gifts are tax deductible.)
6 out of 2400 of claimed

Pay for a Day

$25 USD
$25 makes up for the tuition discount for one day at school for one student. Your gift will help cover the cost of a student's meals, housing, classes, and athletics for a day. (On average, tuition discounts provide families in need a reduction of $25 per day per student. All gifts are tax deductible.)
20 out of 1000 of claimed

Band of Brothers

$50 USD
By giving $50, you will help two brothers attend school for a day. Gregory the Great Academy is blessed with many families who send more than one son to our school at a time. Your gift of $50 will help cover the cost for two brothers to share the unique experience of attending the Academy together for a day. (On average, tuition discounts provide families in need a reduction of $25 per day per student. All gifts are tax deductible.)
12 out of 480 of claimed

Hands-On Education

$100 USD
By giving $100, you will cover the cost of shop materials for one student for an entire year. Your gift will give a student the joy of learning leather-working, wood-working, and bushcraft. (All gifts are tax deductible.)
20 out of 240 of claimed

A Goodly Week

$175 USD
By giving $175, you will help one student pay for seven days of school. Your gift will give him nourishment of mind, body, and soul for a week at Gregory the Great Academy. (On average, tuition discounts provide families in need a reduction of $175 per week per student. All gifts are tax deductible.)
7 out of 137 of claimed

A Merry Month

$700 USD
By giving $700, you will help one student pay for a month of school. Your gift will enable a student to spend a month discovering the truth, playing rugby, growing in his faith, learning new skills, and making lasting friendships. (On average, tuition discounts provide families in need a reduction of about $700 per month per student. All gifts are tax deductible.)
0 out of 35 of claimed

Semester Support

$3,000 USD
By giving $3,000, you will help a student pay for an entire semester of school. Your gift will provide a complete component of our academic program and foster a love of learning for its own sake. (On average, tuition discounts provide families in need a reduction of $3,000 per semester per student. All gifts are tax deductible.)
0 out of 8 of claimed

Happy as a King

$6,000 USD
By giving $6,000, you will make a student as happy as a king by completely covering the remainder of his tuition for an entire year. Your generous gift will give joy to a young man who will carry that joy with him throughout his life. (On average, tuition discounts provide families in need a reduction of $6,000 per year per student. All gifts are tax deductible.)
0 out of 4 of claimed

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