Hawk Moth is an independent record label based out of our home towns of Melbourne, Australia and Maydelle, Texas. It's been a vehicle to release the works of bands we're involved in and the music we love through the internet. But we've dreamed of holding physical product in our hand and now it's time.
Our first vinyl release will be Mountains by Water Music which you can hear here -
and once we've taken this first leap into physical product, we plan to fund our own way into releasing short run vinyl prints for our other releases too. You can find them all here -
Water Music's 'Mountains' has already received independent radio play in Australia and has garnered great reactions from those who've heard it and reviewed it, but as an internet only release, it just doesn't seem to have the cut through or credibility of a physical product. So we're going to get it out there the best way we know how, through the beloved medium of old school vinyl. Hell yeah!
$2,000 covers the cost of printing 150 copies of Water Music's Mountains onto vinyl. We're aiming to raise more as we'll have to fund shipping, mastering and printing of covers, but if we can't raise that money through Idiegogo, we'll beg, borrow, work to raise the extra cash.
First and foremost is the vinyl printing. That's where your donations come in.
We're deliberately keeping the rewards for donations as simple as we can. We're not trying to bamboozle anyone with signed pairs of underpants and a cutting of a small shrubbery. Our first target is the humble amount of $2,000 and we think through a direct and honest approach, we can reach that goal. And if we exceed it, then every cent will be poured into more vinyl releases, and getting this label off the ground once and for all.
If we don't reach our goal - your donation will be refunded.
All we ask is a little cash, a little time and a little belief. If you can't contribute, please help us spread the word. Share the campaign. Anything is appreciated. We are living this dream and working 24 hours a day to make it happen. Life is short and creativity is the best we can do to help spread inspiration.
We can and will achieve our goal! Beefcake! Beeeefcake!
Please note: A 45 day campaign, plus the time to print the vinyl will mean a few months before you receive your product, but trust us, we'll do it all as fast as we can and the suspense will be killing US!
About Water Music:
For many years a prolific writer, Mathew Barker began putting music to his words in January 2010 under the name Water Music. In an incredibly short time, his lonely, yet optimistic songs of heartbreak, death, passion and The Universe took him across Australia, The United States & Europe performing intimate gigs to inspired crowds and earning him the respect of seasoned musicians the world over.
His style is no style, an honesty that resonates through all that listen, and performances built on baring the soul through darkly personal lyrics over sparse rustic guitar chords. It's a do it yourself philosophy, a hark back to the good ole days, when a man could jump a train with a guitar and find the meaning of his life on a long and lonely road.
Reviews for Water Music
Matty Barker of Water Music has been hunkered down recording a new album of lo-fi folk and the result is some of his finest music to date ("Stalker" and "Run Runner Run" are standouts for me). It's been intriguing watching this album develop - songs were added, songs were cut, commentary was provided..it was great to observe the creative process unfolding. Keep an eye out for Water Music gigs around Melbourne in the coming months, there may be some rather interesting ones.
"There are a lot of good things to say about Mountains. Spend a little time with this release. Beautiful, honest music worth it’s weight.”
“Mathew Barker is a treasure; a true romantic with a touch of sinister. He’s been writing poetry for as long as I have known him, and is about to tour the United States for the first time, performing his music. If you are in any of these cities, please go see this little Aussie… I promise it will make your heart bleed.”
Amber B Dianda - Mumble
“Our old Melbourne town has a fondness for dark country, for stout musical melancholy to be consumed in our grimy parlours. I’ve been attending live music regularly in Melbourne for over four years now and-not to blow my own horn-thought I had a pretty good grasp on who were the best musicians in town. Then along comes Hawk Moth. Mathew Barker had been a writer of sorts for a time before taking to music, and his listing of John Fante and Hank Chinaski as influences on his Facebook may give an indication of the lyrical content on Hawk Moth (other influences: cigarettes, the ocean). These are simple acoustic songs that I grew very fond of, songs that lament loss and celebrate friendship. Barker’s voice has a lovely high reediness, flavoured with nicotine and Coopers Pale Ale. Since discovering this record I’ve had a bit of contact with Matt-seems he’s been out of town but is playing a few local gigs soon. He reckons he’s going to buy me a beer. I’ll be returning the favour.”
BH — Bandcamp Hunter