September 2015 update: Since we did not raise all of the funds we needed to raise last year to complete the film in 2015. We have started a new Healing ALS campaign to raise the remainder of the funds so we can complete the Healing ALS film and book in 2016. Please help support the new campaign so that people diagnosed with ALS (PALS) and their families will not have to wait another year for this life-saving information. The link to the new campaign:
*******Thank you all of our supporters and thank you Indiegogo! We have a great start on our film! Please see the latest film updates at *******
People diagnosed with ALS today have a right to know that there are
treatments available now that can successfully slow, stop or reverse ALS!
"I think about how my life would have been different if this information had been available when I was diagnosed. Knowing that people are healing would have been a source of inspiration and hope, but knowing what they were doing would have been life changing." --Dawn McCrea diagnosed ALS 2002
The people in the film were deteriorating after their ALS diagnoses. Now they are getting better.
Some were in wheelchairs or couldn't speak. They continued to research,
tried various therapies, made changes, and worked through the many ups
and downs of this devastating diagnosis.
There are effective treatments for ALS today, the proof is here. Please contribute so all can know about it.
They were given 2 to 5 years to live. They were told there is nothing you can do, go home, get your affairs in order and enjoy the time you have left.
With time, effort, ingenuity and persistence, and with the help of resourceful doctors and other practitioners, these determined people found different ways to heal.
They defied the doctors, and are healing. They believe others can do the same
. They are getting better, not worse and some have completely healed. They are sharing what they did to heal so that others may benefit.
If they can do it, how many others diagnosed with ALS can do the same? How many more lives, families and futures can be saved?
Our documentary is dedicated to telling these stories to publicize this life-saving innovative approach to treat a diagnosis of ALS so all can benefit. Please contribute.
Featured In The Documentary
They are ALS Survivors. They have proven ALS can be reversed. Let's bring modern medicine up-to-date and show the world what can be done today for those diagnosed with ALS.
They were diagnosed with ALS yet they will not die of ALS. They will likely die of old age!
Many were diagnosed by top neurologists at major medical centers. They were not "misdiagnosed". Their neurologists gave some only six months to live, others several years. Why didn't they die? How did they reverse their symptoms? Our film will detail what they did to reverse their symptoms and survive ALS and the science behind it.
Who We Are
"We believe this documentary film can give hope and answers to
those diagnosed with ALS and their families. The technology exists today
that can slow, stop or reverse ALS progression. Please help us get the
word out."
Also featured: Doctors and other experts
These ALS survivors were told, like many others, that there is no cure for ALS.
yet they have shown with the use of natural and holistic treatments
that ALS can be reversed. Below are some of the practitioners who
supported them.
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is complex. It is defined as a
progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells, in
particular the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, usually
resulting in death. There are different causes, different types,
different factors involved. ALS can progress frighteningly quickly or
relatively slowly. It is also known in much of the rest of the world as MND, or Motor Neuron Disease.
Where your money is going
Some people ask us, "Why do you need so much money to make a documentary film?" Here are some of our expenses:
- Travel and shooting costs. The people we need to interview--those
who have reversed ALS and their doctors are from around the US, as well
as Canada and Mexico. We have a list of about thirty more people to
interview including those diagnosed with ALS, key people involved in
their healing, doctors, and scientists. Sometimes interviews take place
over more than one day.
- Transcripts. We will have probably close to 200 hours of footage when we are finished and that all needs to be transcribed.
- Editing costs.
- Computer upgrades and hard drives to store all of our video for the documentary.
- Equipment rental for any equipment we don't have.
- Narrator.
- Script consultant.
- Graphics.
- Music and sound.
- Post-production including color correction and digital mastering.
All of the funding we receive from the campaign will go to expenses directly related to the film, and providing the perks.
If we are not completely funded then we will do as much production as
possible and then do another campaign. If we get more funding than we
need then we will be able to make the film even better and be able to
put money into promoting it at film festivals and in other ways.
The Impact: Success that is Paving the Way for Others with ALS to do the Same
People diagnosed with ALS are told that when they lose a motor neuron it will never grow back. Steven Shackel was unable to walk and had severe muscle wasting. Today he can walk, work in the garden and do chores.
Kim Cherry could no longer play golf because of his severe bulbar ALS symptoms. He was having trouble breathing and walking. Even getting from one room to another was exhausting. This picture was taken after Kim recovered functionality. Today Kim can again walk 18 holes of golf.
Butch Machlan kept a chart of his progress as his health was improving. His progress is especially significant because his mother died of ALS and he was deteriorating until he began his protocol. Please click on "Gallery" to see Butch's chart and is proof that ALS symptoms can be reversed.
-----------------Craig Oster had severe muscle wasting and loss of body fat. Both his muscle mass and his body fat have improved over the last five years.
Please help us get the word out:
- Please share this link with your email lists.
- Please tell friends, families and colleagues about our campaign and send them a link
- Please write a blog on it if you can
- Please share via Twitter and Facebook
Thank you!
Tags: healed from als, als healing approaches, als natural healing, how to heal from als, als survivors, survived als, als healing accounts, healed from mnd, mnd healing approaches, mnd natural healing, how to heal from mnd, mnd survivors, survived mnd, mnd healing accounts, healed from lou gehrig's, lou gehrig's natural healing, lou gehrig's survivors, cure for ALS, ALS cure, survived lou gehrig's, lou gehrig's healing accounts